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A recent observation of thermal Hall effect of magnetic origin in underdoped cuprates calls for critical re-examination of low-energy magnetic dynamics in undoped antiferromagnetic compound on square lattice, where traditional, renormalized spin-wave theory was believed to work well. Using Holstein-Primakoff boson formalism, we find that magnon-based theories can lead to finite Berry curvature in the magnon band once the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spin interaction is taken into account explicitly, but fail to produce non-zero thermal Hall conductivity. Assuming accidental doping by impurities and magnon scattering off of such impurity sites fails to predict skew scattering at the level of Born approximation. Local formation of skyrmion defects is also found incapable of generating magnon thermal Hall effect. Turning to spinon-based scenario, we write down a simple model by adding spin-dependent diagonal hopping to the well-known {pi}-flux model of spinons. The resulting two-band model has Chern number in the band structure, and generates thermal Hall conductivity whose magnetic field and temperature dependences mimic closely the observed thermal Hall signals. In disclaimer, there is no firm microscopic basis of this model and we do not claim to have found an explanation of the data, but given the unexpected nature of the experimental observation, it is hoped this work could serve as a first step towards reaching some level of understanding.
We propose a simple procedure by which the interaction parameters of the classical spin Hamiltonian can be determined from the knowledge of four-point correlation functions and specific heat. The proposal is demonstrated by using the correlation and specific heat data generated by Monte Carlo method on one- and two-dimensional Ising-like models, and on the two-dimensional Heisenberg model with Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction. A recipe for applying our scheme to experimental images of magnetization such as those made by magnetic force microscopy is outlined.
Principles of machine learning are applied to models that support skyrmion phases in two dimensions. Successful feature predictions on various phases of the skyrmion model were possible with several layers of convolutional neural network inserted tog ether with several neural network layers. A new training scheme based on features of the input configuration such as magnetization and spin chirality is introduced. It proved possible to further train external parameters such as the magnetic field and temperature and make reliable predictions on them. Algorithms trained on only the z-component or the xy-components of the spin gave equally reliable predictions. The predictive capacity of the algorithm extended to configurations not generated by the original model, but related ones. A procedure for integrating the machine learning algorithm into the interpretation of experimental data is given.
The conjugate gradient (CG) method, a standard and vital way of minimizing the energy of a variational state, is applied to solve several problems in Skyrmion physics. The single-Skyrmion profile optimizing the energy of a two-dimensional chiral magn et is found without relying on specific boundary conditions. The two-dimensional Skyrmion lattice and three-dimensional hedgehog crystal state is recovered with efficiency using the modified CG (p-GD) method. The p-GD method is proposed as a complement to the traditional Monte Carlo annealing method, which still gives better results for the ground state but at the far greater cost in computation time.
The trimer resonating valence bond (tRVB) state consisting of an equal-weight superposition of trimer coverings on a square lattice is proposed. A model Hamiltonian of the Rokhsar-Kivelson type for which the tRVB becomes the exact ground state is wri tten. The state is shown to have $9^g$ topological degeneracy on genus g surface and support $Z_3$ vortex excitations. Correlation functions show exponential behavior with a very short correlation length consistent with the gapped spectrum. The classical problem of the degeneracy of trimer configurations is investigated by the transfer matrix method.
The properties of ground state of spin-$frac{1}{2}$ kagome antiferromagnetic Heisenberg (KAFH) model have attracted considerable interest in the past few decades, and recent numerical simulations reported a spin liquid phase. The nature of the spin l iquid phase remains unclear. For instance, the interplay between symmetries and $Z_2$ topological order leads to different types of $Z_2$ spin liquid phases. In this paper, we develop a numerical simulation method based on symmetric projected entangled-pair states (PEPS), which is generally applicable to strongly correlated model systems in two spatial dimensions. We then apply this method to study the nature of the ground state of the KAFH model. Our results are consistent with that the ground state is a $U(1)$ Dirac spin liquid rather than a $Z_2$ spin liquid.
Periodically driven systems provide tunable platforms to realize interesting Floquet topological phases and phase transitions. In electronic systems with Weyl dispersions, the band crossings are topologically protected even in the presence of time-pe riodic perturbations. This robustness permits various routes to shift and tilt the Weyl spectra in the momentum and energy space using circularly polarized light of sufficient intensity. We show that type-II Weyl fermions, in which the Weyl dispersions are tilted with the appearance of pocket-like Fermi surfaces, can be induced in driven Dirac semimetals and line node semimetals. Under a circularly polarized drive, both semimemtal systems immediately generate Weyl node pairs whose types can be further controlled by the driving amplitude and direction. The resultant phase diagrams demonstrate experimental feasibilities.
Topologically protected swirl of the magnetic texture known as the Skyrmion has become ubiqui- tous in both metallic and insulating chiral magnets. Meanwhile the existence of its three-dimensional analogue, known as the magnetic monopole, has been su ggested by various indirect experimental sig- natures in MnGe compound. Theoretically, Ginzburg-Landau arguments in favor of the formation of a three-dimensional crystal of monopoles and anti-monopoles have been put forward, however no microscopic model Hamiltonian was shown to support such a phase. Here we present strong numerical evidence from Monte Carlo simulations for the formation of a rock-salt crystal structure of monopoles and anti-monopoles in short-period chiral magnets. Real-time simulation of the spin dynamics suggests there is only one collective mode in the monopole crystal state in the frequency range of several GHz for the material parameters of MnGe.
Recent discovery of Skyrmion crystal phase in insulating multiferroic compound Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ calls for new ways and ideas to manipulate the Skyrmions in the absence of spin transfer torque from the conduction electrons. It is shown here that the pos ition-dependent electric field, pointed along the direction of the average induced dipole moment of the Skyrmion, can induce the Hall motion of Skyrmion with its velocity orthogonal to the field gradient. Finite Gilbert damping produces longitudinal motion. We find a rich variety of resonance modes excited by a.c. electric field.
Skyrmions, once a hypothesized field-theoretical object believed to describe the nature of elementary particles, became common sightings in recent years among several non-centrosymmetric metallic ferromagnets. For more practical applications of Skyrm ionic matter as carriers of information, thus realizing the prospect of Skyrmionics, it is necessary to have the means to create and manipulate Skyrmions individually. We show through extensive simulation of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation that a circulating current imparted to the metallic chiral ferromagnetic system can create isolated Skyrmionic spin texture without the aid of external magnetic field.

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