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Recently, a variety of deformed $T^{1,1}$ manifolds, with which 2D non-linear sigma models (NLSMs) are classically integrable, have been presented by Arutyunov, Bassi and Lacroix (ABL) [arXiv:2010.05573]. We refer to the NLSMs with the integrable def ormed $T^{1,1}$ as the ABL model for brevity. Motivated by this progress, we consider deriving the ABL model from a 4D Chern-Simons (CS) theory with a meromorphic one-form with four double poles and six simple zeros. We specify boundary conditions in the CS theory that give rise to the ABL model and derive the sigma-model background with target-space metric and anti-symmetric two-form. Finally, we present two simple examples 1) an anisotropic $T^{1,1}$ model and 2) a $G/H$ $lambda$-model. The latter one can be seen as a one-parameter deformation of the Guadagnini-Martellini-Mintchev model.
We derive the Faddeev-Reshetikhin (FR) model from a four-dimensional Chern- Simons theory with two order surface defects by following the work by Costello and Yamazaki [arXiv:1908.02289]. Then we present a trigonometric deformation of the FR model by employing a boundary condition with an R-operator of Drinfeld-Jimbo type. This is a generalization of the work by Delduc, Lacroix, Magro and Vicedo [arXiv:1909.13824] from the disorder surface defect case to the order one.
We present homogeneous Yang-Baxter deformations of the AdS$_5times$S$^5$ supercoset sigma model as boundary conditions of a 4D Chern-Simons theory. We first generalize the procedure for the 2D principal chiral model developed by Delduc et al [arXiv:1 909.13824] so as to reproduce the 2D symmetric coset sigma model, and specify boundary conditions governing homogeneous Yang-Baxter deformations. Then the conditions are applicable for the AdS$_5times$S$^5$ supercoset sigma model case as well. In addition, homogeneous bi-Yang-Baxter deformation is also discussed.
We study $eta$-deformations of principal chiral model (PCM) from the viewpoint of a 4D Chern-Simons (CS) theory. The $eta$-deformed PCM has originally been derived from the 4D CS theory by Delduc, Lacroix, Magro and Vicedo [arXiv:1909.13824]. The der ivation is based on a twist function in the rational description. On the other hand, we start with a twist function in the trigonometric description and discuss possible boundary conditions. We show that a certain boundary condition reproduces the usual $eta$-deformed PCM and another one leads to a new kind of Yang-Baxter deformation.
We consider gravitational perturbations of 2D dilaton gravity systems and show that these can be recast into $Tbar{T}$-deformations (at least) under certain conditions, where $T$ means the energy-momentum tensor of the matter field coupled to a dilat on gravity. In particular, the class of theories under this condition includes a Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) theory with a negative cosmological constant including conformal matter fields. This is a generalization of the preceding work on the flat-space JT gravity by S. Dubovsky, V. Gorbenko and M. Mirbabayi [arXiv:1706.06604].
We proceed to study Yang-Baxter deformations of 4D Minkowski spacetime based on a conformal embedding. We first revisit a Melvin background and argue a Lax pair by adopting a simple replacement law invented in 1509.00173. This argument enables us to deduce a general expression of Lax pair. Then the anticipated Lax pair is shown to work for arbitrary classical $r$-matrices with Poincae generators. As other examples, we present Lax pairs for pp-wave backgrounds, the Hashimoto-Sethi background, the Spradlin-Takayanagi-Volovich background.
We explicitly derive Lax pairs for string theories on Yang-Baxter deformed backgrounds, 1) gravity duals for noncommutative gauge theories, 2) $gamma$-deformations of S$^5$, 3) Schrodinger spacetimes and 4) abelian twists of the global AdS$_5$,. Then we can find out a concise derivation of Lax pairs based on simple replacement rules. Furthermore, each of the above deformations can be reinterpreted as a twisted periodic boundary conditions with the undeformed background by using the rules. As another derivation, the Lax pair for gravity duals for noncommutative gauge theories is reproduced from the one for a $q$-deformed AdS$_5times$S$^5$ by taking a scaling limit.

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