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The recent observations of the massive pulsars PSR J1614-2230 and of PSR J0348+0432 with about two solar masses implies strong constraints on the properties of dense matter in the core of compact stars. Effective models of QCD aiming to describe neut ron star matter can thereby be considerably constrained. In this context, a chiral quark-meson model based on a SU(3) linear $sigma$-model with a vacuum pressure and vector meson exchange is discussed in this work. The impact of its various terms and parameters on the equation of state and the maximum mass of compact stars are delineated to check whether pure quark stars with two solar masses are feasible within this approach. Large vector meson coupling constant and a small vacuum pressure allow for maximum masses of two or more solar masses. However, pure quark stars made of absolutely stable strange quark matter, so called strange stars, turn out to be restricted to a quite small parameter range.
The quark-meson model is investigated for the two- and three-flavor case extended by contributions of vector mesons under conditions encountered in core-collapse supernova matter. Typical temperature ranges, densities and electron fractions, as found in core-collapse supernova simulations, are studied by implementing charge neutrality and local beta-equilibrium with respect to weak interactions. Within this framework, we analyze the resulting phase diagram and equation of state (EoS) and investigate the impact of undetermined parameters of the model. The EoS turns out to be relatively independent on the entropy per baryon but there are significant changes when going from the two-flavor to the three-flavor case due to the nontrivial contribution from the strange quarks which stay massive even at high densities. While an increasing vector meson coupling constant leads to a substantial stiffening of the EoS, we find that the impact of changing the scalar meson mass is equally strong and results in a softening of the EoS for increasing values.
We investigate the phase structure of strongly interacting matter at non-vanishing isospin before the onset of pion condensation in the framework of the unquenched Polyakov-Quark-Meson model with 2+1 quark flavors. We show results for the order param eters and all relevant thermodynamic quantities. In particular, we obtain a moderate change of the pressure with isospin at vanishing baryon chemical potential, whereas the chiral condensate decreases more appreciably. We compare the effective model to recent lattice data for the decrease of the pseudo-critical temperature with the isospin chemical potential. We also demonstrate the major role played by the value of the pion mass in the curvature of the transition line, and the need for lattice results with a physical pion mass. Limitations of the model at nonzero chemical potential are also discussed.
We obtain the in-medium effective potential of the three-flavor Polyakov-Quark-Meson model as a real function of real variables in the Polyakov loop variable, to allow for the study of all possible minima of the model. At finite quark chemical potent ial, the real and imaginary parts of the effective potential, in terms of the Polyakov loop variables, are made apparent, showing explicitly the fermion sign problem of the theory. The phase diagram and other equilibrium observables, obtained from the real part of the effective potential, are calculated in the mean-field approximation. The obtained results are compared to those found with the so-called saddle-point approach. Our procedure also allows the calculation of the surface tension between the chirally broken and confined phase, and the chirally restored and deconfined phase. The values of surface tension we find for low temperatures are very close to the ones recently found for two-flavor chiral models. Some consequences of our results for the early Universe, for heavy-ion collisions, and for proto-neutron stars are briefly discussed.
The properties of compact stars made of massive bosons with a repulsive selfinteraction mediated by vector mesons are studied within the mean-field approximation and general relativity. We demonstrate that there exists a scaling property for the mass -radius curve for arbitrary boson masses and interaction strengths which results in an universal mass-radius relation. The radius remains nearly constant for a wide range of compact star masses. The maximum stable mass and radius of boson stars are determined by the interaction strength and scale with the Landau mass and radius. Both, the maximum mass and the corresponding radius increase linearly with the interaction strength so that they can be radically different compared to the other families of boson stars where interactions are ignored.

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