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Indium Arsenide (InAs) near surface quantum wells (QWs) are ideal for the fabrication of semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures given that they allow for a strong hybridization between the two-dimensional states in the quantum well and the one s in the superconductor. In this work we present results for InAs QWs in the quantum Hall regime placed in proximity of superconducting NbTiN. We observe a negative downstream resistance with a corresponding reduction of Hall (upstream) resistance. We analyze the experimental data using the Landauer-B{u}ttiker formalism, generalized to allow for Andreev reflection processes. Our analysis is consistent with a lower-bound for the averaged Andreev conversion of about 15%. We attribute the high efficiency of Andreev conversion in our devices to the large transparency of the InAs/NbTiN interface and the consequent strong hybridization of the QH edge modes with the states in the superconductor.
Josephson junctions hosting Majorana fermions have been predicted to exhibit a 4$pi$ periodic current phase relation. The experimental consequence of this periodicity is the disappearance of odd steps in Shapiro steps experiments. Experimentally, mis sing odd Shapiro steps have been observed in a number of materials systems with strong spin-orbit coupling and have been interpreted in the context of topological superconductivity. Here, we report on missing odd steps in topologically trivial Josephson junctions fabricated on InAs quantum wells. We ascribe our observations to the high transparency of our junctions allowing Landau-Zener transitions. The probability of these processes is found to be independent of the drive frequency. We analyze our results using a bi-modal transparency distribution which demonstrates that only few modes carrying 4$pi$ periodic current are sufficient to describe the disappearance of odd steps. Our findings highlight the elaborate circumstances that have to be considered in the investigation of the 4$pi$ Josephson junctions in relationship to topological superconductivity.

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