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Communication technologies like voice over IP operate under constrained real-time conditions, with voice packets being subject to delays and losses from the network. In such cases, the packet loss concealment (PLC) algorithm reconstructs missing fram es until a new real packet is received. Recently, autoregressive deep neural networks have been shown to surpass the quality of signal processing methods for PLC, specially for long-term predictions beyond 60 ms. In this work, we propose a non-autoregressive adversarial auto-encoder, named PLAAE, to perform real-time PLC in the waveform domain. PLAAE has a causal convolutional structure, and it learns in an auto-encoder fashion to reconstruct signals with gaps, with the help of an adversarial loss. During inference, it is able to predict smooth and coherent continuations of such gaps in a single feed-forward step, as opposed to autoregressive models. Our evaluation highlights the superiority of PLAAE over two classic PLCs and two deep autoregressive models in terms of spectral and intonation reconstruction, perceptual quality, and intelligibility.
Score-based generative models provide state-of-the-art quality for image and audio synthesis. Sampling from these models is performed iteratively, typically employing a discretized series of noise levels and a predefined scheme. In this note, we firs t overview three common sampling schemes for models trained with denoising score matching. Next, we focus on one of them, consistent annealed sampling, and study its hyper-parameter boundaries. We then highlight a possible formulation of such hyper-parameter that explicitly considers those boundaries and facilitates tuning when using few or a variable number of steps. Finally, we highlight some connections of the formulation with other sampling schemes.
A number of recent advances in neural audio synthesis rely on upsampling layers, which can introduce undesired artifacts. In computer vision, upsampling artifacts have been studied and are known as checkerboard artifacts (due to their characteristic visual pattern). However, their effect has been overlooked so far in audio processing. Here, we address this gap by studying this problem from the audio signal processing perspective. We first show that the main sources of upsampling artifacts are: (i) the tonal and filtering artifacts introduced by problematic upsampling operators, and (ii) the spectral replicas that emerge while upsampling. We then compare different upsampling layers, showing that nearest neighbor upsamplers can be an alternative to the problematic (but state-of-the-art) transposed and subpixel convolutions which are prone to introduce tonal artifacts.
Applications of deep learning to automatic multitrack mixing are largely unexplored. This is partly due to the limited available data, coupled with the fact that such data is relatively unstructured and variable. To address these challenges, we propo se a domain-inspired model with a strong inductive bias for the mixing task. We achieve this with the application of pre-trained sub-networks and weight sharing, as well as with a sum/difference stereo loss function. The proposed model can be trained with a limited number of examples, is permutation invariant with respect to the input ordering, and places no limit on the number of input sources. Furthermore, it produces human-readable mixing parameters, allowing users to manually adjust or refine the generated mix. Results from a perceptual evaluation involving audio engineers indicate that our approach generates mixes that outperform baseline approaches. To the best of our knowledge, this work demonstrates the first approach in learning multitrack mixing conventions from real-world data at the waveform level, without knowledge of the underlying mixing parameters.
Automatic speech quality assessment is an important, transversal task whose progress is hampered by the scarcity of human annotations, poor generalization to unseen recording conditions, and a lack of flexibility of existing approaches. In this work, we tackle these problems with a semi-supervised learning approach, combining available annotations with programmatically generated data, and using 3 different optimization criteria together with 5 complementary auxiliary tasks. Our results show that such a semi-supervised approach can cut the error of existing methods by more than 36%, while providing additional benefits in terms of reusable features or auxiliary outputs. Improvement is further corroborated with an out-of-sample test showing promising generalization capabilities.

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