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Item response theory (IRT) has become one of the most popular statistical models for psychometrics, a field of study concerned with the theory and techniques of psychological measurement. The IRT models are latent factor models tailored to the analys is, interpretation, and prediction of individuals behaviors in answering a set of measurement items that typically involve categorical response data. Many important questions of measurement are directly or indirectly answered through the use of IRT models, including scoring individuals test performances, validating a test scale, linking two tests, among others. This paper provides a review of item response theory, including its statistical framework and psychometric applications. We establish connections between item response theory and related topics in statistics, including empirical Bayes, nonparametric methods, matrix completion, regularized estimation, and sequential analysis. Possible future directions of IRT are discussed from the perspective of statistical learning.
In this paper, we develop asymptotic theories for a class of latent variable models for large-scale multi-relational networks. In particular, we establish consistency results and asymptotic error bounds for the (penalized) maximum likelihood estimato rs when the size of the network tends to infinity. The basic technique is to develop a non-asymptotic error bound for the maximum likelihood estimators through large deviations analysis of random fields. We also show that these estimators are nearly optimal in terms of minimax risk.
Response process data collected from human-computer interactive items contain rich information about respondents behavioral patterns and cognitive processes. Their irregular formats as well as their large sizes make standard statistical tools difficu lt to apply. This paper develops a computationally efficient method for exploratory analysis of such process data. The new approach segments a lengthy individual process into a sequence of short subprocesses to achieve complexity reduction, easy clustering and meaningful interpretation. Each subprocess is considered a subtask. The segmentation is based on sequential action predictability using a parsimonious predictive model combined with the Shannon entropy. Simulation studies are conducted to assess performance of the new methods. We use the process data from PIAAC 2012 to demonstrate how exploratory analysis of process data can be done with the new approach.
Computer simulations have become a popular tool of assessing complex skills such as problem-solving skills. Log files of computer-based items record the entire human-computer interactive processes for each respondent. The response processes are very diverse, noisy, and of nonstandard formats. Few generic methods have been developed for exploiting the information contained in process data. In this article, we propose a method to extract latent variables from process data. The method utilizes a sequence-to-sequence autoencoder to compress response processes into standard numerical vectors. It does not require prior knowledge of the specific items and human-computers interaction patterns. The proposed method is applied to both simulated and real process data to demonstrate that the resulting latent variables extract useful information from the response processes.
A framework is presented to model instances and degrees of local item dependence within the context of diagnostic classification models (DCMs). The study considers an undirected graphical model to describe dependent structure of test items and draws inference based on pseudo-likelihood. The new modeling framework explicitly addresses item interactions beyond those explained by latent classes and thus is more flexible and robust against the violation of local independence. It also facilitates concise interpretation of item relations by regulating complexity of a network underlying the test items. The viability and effectiveness are demonstrated via simulation and a real data example. Results from the simulation study suggest that the proposed methods adequately recover the model parameters in the presence of locally dependent items and lead to a substantial improvement in estimation accuracy compared to the standard DCM approach. The analysis of real data demonstrates that the graphical DCM provides a useful summary of item interactions in regards to the existence and extent of local dependence.
78 - Guanhua Fang , Jingchen Liu , 2017
This paper establishes fundamental results for statistical inference of diagnostic classification models (DCM). The results are developed at a high level of generality, applicable to essentially all diagnostic classification models. In particular, we establish identifiability results of various modeling parameters, notably item response probabilities, attribute distribution, and Q-matrix-induced partial information structure. Consistent estimators are constructed. Simulation results show that these estimators perform well under various modeling settings. We also use a real example to illustrate the new method. The results are stated under the setting of general latent class models. For DCM with a specific parameterization, the conditions may be adapted accordingly.
We consider modeling, inference, and computation for analyzing multivariate binary data. We propose a new model that consists of a low dimensional latent variable component and a sparse graphical component. Our study is motivated by analysis of item response data in cognitive assessment and has applications to many disciplines where item response data are collected. Standard approaches to item response data in cognitive assessment adopt the multidimensional item response theory (IRT) models. However, human cognition is typically a complicated process and thus may not be adequately described by just a few factors. Consequently, a low-dimensional latent factor model, such as the multidimensional IRT models, is often insufficient to capture the structure of the data. The proposed model adds a sparse graphical component that captures the remaining ad hoc dependence. It reduces to a multidimensional IRT model when the graphical component becomes degenerate. Model selection and parameter estimation are carried out simultaneously through construction of a pseudo-likelihood function and properly chosen penalty terms. The convexity of the pseudo-likelihood function allows us to develop an efficient algorithm, while the penalty terms generate a low-dimensional latent component and a sparse graphical structure. Desirable theoretical properties are established under suitable regularity conditions. The method is applied to the revised Eysencks personality questionnaire, revealing its usefulness in item analysis. Simulation results are reported that show the new method works well in practical situations.
44 - Xiaoou Li , Jingchen Liu , 2016
The asymptotic efficiency of a generalized likelihood ratio test proposed by Cox is studied under the large deviations framework for error probabilities developed by Chernoff. In particular, two separate parametric families of hypotheses are consider ed [Cox, 1961, 1962]. The significance level is set such that the maximal type I and type II error probabilities for the generalized likelihood ratio test decay exponentially fast with the same rate. We derive the analytic form of such a rate that is also known as the Chernoff index [Chernoff, 1952], a relative efficiency measure when there is no preference between the null and the alternative hypotheses. We further extend the analysis to approximate error probabilities when the two families are not completely separated. Discussions are provided concerning the implications of the present result on model selection.

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