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123 - Lei Shen , Jinchao Zhang , Jiao Ou 2021
Researches on dialogue empathy aim to endow an agent with the capacity of accurate understanding and proper responding for emotions. Existing models for empathetic dialogue generation focus on the emotion flow in one direction, that is, from the cont ext to response. We argue that conducting an empathetic conversation is a bidirectional process, where empathy occurs when the emotions of two interlocutors could converge on the same point, i.e., reaching an emotion consensus. Besides, we also find that the empathetic dialogue corpus is extremely limited, which further restricts the model performance. To address the above issues, we propose a dual-generative model, Dual-Emp, to simultaneously construct the emotion consensus and utilize some external unpaired data. Specifically, our model integrates a forward dialogue model, a backward dialogue model, and a discrete latent variable representing the emotion consensus into a unified architecture. Then, to alleviate the constraint of paired data, we extract unpaired emotional data from open-domain conversations and employ Dual-Emp to produce pseudo paired empathetic samples, which is more efficient and low-cost than the human annotation. Automatic and human evaluations demonstrate that our method outperforms competitive baselines in producing coherent and empathetic responses.
Retrieval-based chatbot selects the appropriate response from candidates according to the context, which heavily depends on a response selection module. A response selection module is generally a scoring model to evaluate candidates and is usually tr ained on the annotated positive response and sampled negative responses. Sampling negative responses lead to two risks: a). The sampled negative instances, especially that from random sampling methods, are mostly irrelevant to the dialogue context and too easy to be fitted at the training stage while causing a weak model in the real scenario. b). The so-called negative instances may be positive, which is known as the fake negative problem. To address the above issue, we employ pre-trained language models, such as the DialoGPT to construct more challenging negative instances to enhance the model robustness. Specifically, we provide garbled context to the pre-trained model to generate responses and filter the fake negative ones. In this way, our negative instances are fluent, context-related, and more challenging for the model to learn, while can not be positive. Extensive experiments show that our method brings significant and stable improvements on the dialogue response selection capacity.
380 - Yao Qiu , Jinchao Zhang , Jie Zhou 2021
Recent work has proposed several efficient approaches for generating gradient-based adversarial perturbations on embeddings and proved that the models performance and robustness can be improved when they are trained with these contaminated embeddings . While they paid little attention to how to help the model to learn these adversarial samples more efficiently. In this work, we focus on enhancing the models ability to defend gradient-based adversarial attack during the models training process and propose two novel adversarial training approaches: (1) CARL narrows the original sample and its adversarial sample in the representation space while enlarging their distance from different labeled samples. (2) RAR forces the model to reconstruct the original sample from its adversarial representation. Experiments show that the proposed two approaches outperform strong baselines on various text classification datasets. Analysis experiments find that when using our approaches, the semantic representation of the input sentence wont be significantly affected by adversarial perturbations, and the models performance drops less under adversarial attack. That is to say, our approaches can effectively improve the robustness of the model. Besides, RAR can also be used to generate text-form adversarial samples.
266 - Yao Qiu , Jinchao Zhang , Jie Zhou 2021
Loading models pre-trained on the large-scale corpus in the general domain and fine-tuning them on specific downstream tasks is gradually becoming a paradigm in Natural Language Processing. Previous investigations prove that introducing a further pre -training phase between pre-training and fine-tuning phases to adapt the model on the domain-specific unlabeled data can bring positive effects. However, most of these further pre-training works just keep running the conventional pre-training task, e.g., masked language model, which can be regarded as the domain adaptation to bridge the data distribution gap. After observing diverse downstream tasks, we suggest that different tasks may also need a further pre-training phase with appropriate training tasks to bridge the task formulation gap. To investigate this, we carry out a study for improving multiple task-oriented dialogue downstream tasks through designing various tasks at the further pre-training phase. The experiment shows that different downstream tasks prefer different further pre-training tasks, which have intrinsic correlation and most further pre-training tasks significantly improve certain target tasks rather than all. Our investigation indicates that it is of great importance and effectiveness to design appropriate further pre-training tasks modeling specific information that benefit downstream tasks. Besides, we present multiple constructive empirical conclusions for enhancing task-oriented dialogues.
Automatically composing pop music with a satisfactory structure is an attractive but challenging topic. Although the musical structure is easy to be perceived by human, it is difficult to be described clearly and defined accurately. And it is still f ar from being solved that how we should model the structure in pop music generation. In this paper, we propose to leverage harmony-aware learning for structure-enhanced pop music generation. On the one hand, one of the participants of harmony, chord, represents the harmonic set of multiple notes, which is integrated closely with the spatial structure of music, texture. On the other hand, the other participant of harmony, chord progression, usually accompanies with the development of the music, which promotes the temporal structure of music, form. Besides, when chords evolve into chord progression, the texture and the form can be bridged by the harmony naturally, which contributes to the joint learning of the two structures. Furthermore, we propose the Harmony-Aware Hierarchical Music Transformer (HAT), which can exploit the structure adaptively from the music, and interact on the music tokens at multiple levels to enhance the signals of the structure in various musical elements. Results of subjective and objective evaluations demonstrate that HAT significantly improves the quality of generated music, especially in the structureness.
Human conversations consist of reasonable and natural topic flows, which are observed as the shifts of the mentioned concepts across utterances. Previous chatbots that incorporate the external commonsense knowledge graph prove that modeling the conce pt shifts can effectively alleviate the dull and uninformative response dilemma. However, there still exists a gap between the concept relations in the natural conversation and those in the external commonsense knowledge graph, which is an issue to solve. Specifically, the concept relations in the external commonsense knowledge graph are not intuitively built from the conversational scenario but the world knowledge, which makes them insufficient for the chatbot construction. To bridge the above gap, we propose the method to supply more concept relations extracted from the conversational corpora and reconstruct an enhanced concept graph for the chatbot construction. In addition, we present a novel, powerful, and fast graph encoding architecture named the Edge-Transformer to replace the traditional GNN architecture. Experimental results on the Reddit conversation dataset indicate our proposed method significantly outperforms strong baseline systems and achieves new SOTA results. Further analysis individually proves the effectiveness of the enhanced concept graph and the Edge-Transformer architecture.
As a kind of new expression elements, Internet memes are popular and extensively used in online chatting scenarios since they manage to make dialogues vivid, moving, and interesting. However, most current dialogue researches focus on text-only dialog ue tasks. In this paper, we propose a new task named as textbf{M}eme incorporated textbf{O}pen-domain textbf{D}ialogue (MOD). Compared to previous dialogue tasks, MOD is much more challenging since it requires the model to understand the multimodal elements as well as the emotions behind them. To facilitate the MOD research, we construct a large-scale open-domain multimodal dialogue dataset incorporating abundant Internet memes into utterances. The dataset consists of $sim$45K Chinese conversations with $sim$606K utterances. Each conversation contains about $13$ utterances with about $4$ Internet memes on average and each utterance equipped with an Internet meme is annotated with the corresponding emotion. In addition, we present a simple and effective method, which utilizes a unified generation network to solve the MOD task. Experimental results demonstrate that our method trained on the proposed corpus is able to achieve expressive communication including texts and memes. The corpus and models have been publicly available at https://github.com/lizekang/DSTC10-MOD.
Data augmentation aims to enrich training samples for alleviating the overfitting issue in low-resource or class-imbalanced situations. Traditional methods first devise task-specific operations such as Synonym Substitute, then preset the correspondin g parameters such as the substitution rate artificially, which require a lot of prior knowledge and are prone to fall into the sub-optimum. Besides, the number of editing operations is limited in the previous methods, which decreases the diversity of the augmented data and thus restricts the performance gain. To overcome the above limitations, we propose a framework named Text AutoAugment (TAA) to establish a compositional and learnable paradigm for data augmentation. We regard a combination of various operations as an augmentation policy and utilize an efficient Bayesian Optimization algorithm to automatically search for the best policy, which substantially improves the generalization capability of models. Experiments on six benchmark datasets show that TAA boosts classification accuracy in low-resource and class-imbalanced regimes by an average of 8.8% and 9.7%, respectively, outperforming strong baselines.
Generating some appealing questions in open-domain conversations is an effective way to improve human-machine interactions and lead the topic to a broader or deeper direction. To avoid dull or deviated questions, some researchers tried to utilize ans wer, the future information, to guide question generation. However, they separate a post-question-answer (PQA) triple into two parts: post-question (PQ) and question-answer (QA) pairs, which may hurt the overall coherence. Besides, the QA relationship is modeled as a one-to-one mapping that is not reasonable in open-domain conversations. To tackle these problems, we propose a generative triple-wise model with hierarchical variations for open-domain conversational question generation (CQG). Latent variables in three hierarchies are used to represent the shared background of a triple and one-to-many semantic mappings in both PQ and QA pairs. Experimental results on a large-scale CQG dataset show that our method significantly improves the quality of questions in terms of fluency, coherence and diversity over competitive baselines.
A good open-domain chatbot should avoid presenting contradictory responses about facts or opinions in a conversational session, known as its consistency capacity. However, evaluating the consistency capacity of a chatbot is still challenging. Employi ng human judges to interact with chatbots on purpose to check their capacities is costly and low-efficient, and difficult to get rid of subjective bias. In this paper, we propose the Addressing Inquiries about History (AIH), an efficient and practical framework for the consistency evaluation. At the conversation stage, AIH attempts to address appropriate inquiries about the dialogue history to induce the chatbot to redeclare the historical facts or opinions. We carry out the conversation between chatbots, which is more efficient than the human-bot interaction and can also alleviate the subjective bias. In this way, we manage to rapidly obtain a dialog session that contains responses with high contradiction possibilities. At the contradiction recognition stage, we can either employ human judges or a natural language inference (NLI) model to recognize whether the answers to the inquiries are contradictory with history. Finally, we are able to rank chatbots according to the contradiction statistics. Experiments on open-domain chatbots show that our approach can efficiently and reliably assess the consistency capacity of chatbots and achieve a high ranking correlation with the human evaluation. We release the framework and hope to help improve the consistency capacity of chatbots. footnote{url{https://github.com/ictnlp/AIH}}

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