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109 - Jian Ma , Zengqi Sun 2019
Dependence strucuture estimation is one of the important problems in machine learning domain and has many applications in different scientific areas. In this paper, a theoretical framework for such estimation based on copula and copula entropy -- the probabilistic theory of representation and measurement of statistical dependence, is proposed. Graphical models are considered as a special case of the copula framework. A method of the framework for estimating maximum spanning copula is proposed. Due to copula, the method is irrelevant to the properties of individual variables, insensitive to outlier and able to deal with non-Gaussianity. Experiments on both simulated data and real dataset demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
356 - Wei Zhong , Zhe Sun , Jian Ma 2012
The dynamics of two variants of quantum Fisher information under decoherence are investigated from a geometrical point of view. We first derive the explicit formulas of these two quantities for a single qubit in terms of the Bloch vector. Moreover, w e obtain analytical results for them under three different decoherence channels, which are expressed as affine transformation matrices. Using the hierarchy equation method, we numerically study the dynamics of both the two information in a dissipative model and compare the numerical results with the analytical ones obtained by applying the rotating-wave approximation. We further express the two information quantities in terms of the Bloch vector for a qudit, by expanding the density matrix and Hermitian operators in a common set of generators of the Lie algebra $mathfrak{su}(d)$. By calculating the dynamical quantum Fisher information, we find that the collisional dephasing significantly diminishes the precision of phase parameter with the Ramsey interferometry.
418 - Jian Ma , Zhe Sun , Xiaoguang Wang 2012
We derive a set of hierarchical equations for qubits interacting with a Lorentz-broadened cavity mode at zero temperature, without using the rotating-wave, Born, and Markovian approximations. We use this exact method to reexamine the entanglement dyn amics of two qubits interacting with a common bath, which was previously solved only under the rotating-wave and single-excitation approximations. With the exact hierarchy equation method used here, we observe significant differences in the resulting physics, compared to the previous results with various approximations. Double excitations due to counter-rotating-wave terms are also found to have remarkable effects on the dynamics of entanglement.
This paper reviews quantum spin squeezing, which characterizes the sensitivity of a state with respect to an SU(2) rotation, and is significant for both entanglement detection and high-precision metrology. We first present various definitions of spin squeezing parameters, explain their origin and properties for typical states, and then discuss spin-squeezed states produced with the Ising and the nonlinear twisting Hamiltonians. Afterwards, we explain correlations and entanglement in spin-squeezed states, as well as the relations between spin squeezing and quantum Fisher information, where the latter plays a central role in quantum metrology. We also review the applications of spin squeezing for detecting quantum chaos and quantum phase transitions, as well as the influence of decoherence on spin-squeezed states. Finally, several experiments are discussed including: producing spin squeezed states via particle collisions in Bose-Einstein condensates, mapping photon squeezing onto atomic ensembles, and quantum non-demolition measurements.
We study spin squeezing, negative correlations, and concurrence in the quantum kicked top model. We prove that the spin squeezing and negative correlations are equivalent for spin systems with only symmetric Dicke states populated. We numerically ana lyze spin squeezing parameters and concurrence in this model, and find that the maximal spin squeezing direction, which refers to the minimal pairwise correlation direction, is strongly influenced by quantum chaos. Entanglement (spin squeezing) sudden death and sudden birth occur alternatively for the periodic and quasi-periodic cases, while only entanglement (spin squeezing) sudden death is found for the chaotic case.
144 - Heng-Na Xiong , Jian Ma , Zhe Sun 2009
We use reduced fidelity approach to characterize quantum phase transitions in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 dimerized Heisenberg chain in the antiferromagnetic case. The reduced fidelity susceptibilities between two nearest-neighboring spin pairs are considered. We find that they are directly related to the square of the second derivative of the ground-state energy. This enables us to conclude that the former might be a more effective indicator of the second-order quantum phase transitions than the latter. Two further exemplifications are given to confirm the conclusion is available for a broad class of systems with SU(2) and translation symmetries. Moreover, a general connection between reduced fidelity susceptibility and quantum phase transitions is illustrated.
102 - Jian Ma , Lei Xu , Xiaoguang Wang 2008
We study critical behaviors of the reduced fidelity susceptibility for two neighboring sites in the one-dimensional transverse field Ising model. It is found that the divergent behaviors of the susceptibility take the form of square of logarithm, in contrast with the global ground-state fidelity susceptibility which is power divergence. In order to perform a scaling analysis, we take the square root of the susceptibility and determine the scaling exponent analytically and the result is further confirmed by numerical calculations.
236 - Jian Ma , Zengqi Sun 2008
We prove that mutual information is actually negative copula entropy, based on which a method for mutual information estimation is proposed.
177 - Jian Ma , Lei Xu , Hengna Xiong 2008
We derive a general formula of the reduced fidelity susceptibility when the reduced density matrix is $2times2$ block-diagonal. By using this result and the continuous unitary transformations, we study finite-size scaling of the reduced fidelity susc eptibility in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model. It is found that it can be used to characterize quantum phase transitions, implying that we can extract information of quantum phase transitions only from the fidelity of a subsystem, which is of practical meaning in experiments.

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