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For a reductive Lie algbera over an algbraically closed field of charasteristic zero,we consider a borel subgroup $B$ of its adjoint group, a Cartan subalgebra contained inthe Lie algebra of $B$ and the closure $X$ of its orbit under $B$ in the Grass mannian.The variety $X$ plays an important role in the study of the commuting variety. In thisnote, we prove that $X$ is Gorenstein with rational singularities.
The nilpotent bicone of a finite dimensional complex reductive Lie algebra g is the subset of elements in g x g whose subspace generated by the components is contained in the nilpotent cone of g. The main result of this note is that the nilpotent bic one is a complete intersection. This affirmatively answers a conjecture of Kraft-Wallach concerning the nullcone. In addition, we introduce and study the characteristic submodule of g. The properties of the nilpotent bicone and the characteristic submodule are known to be very important for the understanding of the commuting variety and its ideal of definition. In order to study the nilpotent bicone, we introduce another subvariety, the principal bicone. The nilpotent bicone, as well as the principal bicone, are linked to jet schemes. We study their dimensions using arguments from motivic integration. Namely, we follow methods developed in http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0008002v5 .
Let g be a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra of rank r over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let e be a nilpotent element of g. Denote by g^e the centralizer of e in g and by S(g^e)^{g^e} the algebra of symmetric invarian ts of g^e. We say that e is good if the nullvariety of some r homogeneous elements of S(g^e)^{g^e} in the dual of g^{e} has codimension r. If e is good then S(g^e)^{g^e} is polynomial. The main result of this paper stipulates that if for some homogeneous generators of S(g^e)^{g^e}, the initial homogeneous component of their restrictions to e+g^f are algebraically independent, with (e,h,f) an sl2-triple of g, then e is good. As applications, we obtain new examples of nilpotent elements that verify the above polynomiality condition, in in simple Lie algebras of both classical and exceptional types. We also give a counter-example in type D_7.
The commuting variety of a reductive Lie algebra ${goth g}$ is the underlying variety of a well defined subscheme of $gg g{}$. In this note, it is proved that this scheme is normal. In particular, its ideal of definition is a prime ideal.
For a finite dimensional complex Lie algebra, its index is the minimal dimension of stabilizers for the coadjoint action. A famous conjecture due to Elashvili says that the index of the centralizer of an element of a reductive Lie algebra is equal to the rank. That conjecture caught attention of several Lie theorists for years. In this paper we give an almost general proof of that conjecture.

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