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We investigate a novel hybrid system composed of an ensemble of room temperature rare-earth ions embedded in a bulk crystal, intrinsically coupled to internal strain via the surrounding crystal field. We evidence the generation of a mechanical respon se under resonant light excitation. Thanks to an ultra-sensitive time- and space-resolved photodeflection setup, we interpret this motion as the sum of two resonant optomechanical backaction processes: a conservative, piezoscopic process induced by the optical excitation of a well-defined electronic configuration, and a dissipative, non-radiative photothermal process related to the phonons generated throughout the atomic population relaxation. Parasitic heating processes, namely off-resonant dissipative contributions, are absent. This work demonstrates an unprecedented level of control of the conservative and dissipative relative parts of the optomechanical backaction, confirming the potential of rare-earth-based systems as promising hybrid mechanical systems.

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