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In RuCl$_3$, inelastic neutron scattering and Raman spectroscopy reveal a continuum of non-spin-wave excitations that persists to high temperature, suggesting the presence of a spin liquid state on a honeycomb lattice. In the context of the Kitaev mo del, magnetic fields introduce finite interactions between the elementary excitations, and thus the effects of high magnetic fields - comparable to the spin exchange energy scale - must be explored. Here we report measurements of the magnetotropic coefficient - the second derivative of the free energy with respect to magnetic field orientation - over a wide range of magnetic fields and temperatures. We find that magnetic field and temperature compete to determine the magnetic response in a way that is independent of the large intrinsic exchange interaction energy. This emergent scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy provides evidence for a high degree of exchange frustration that favors the formation of a spin liquid state in RuCl$_3$.
We report an analysis of neutron diffraction from single crystals of the spin-liquid pyrochlore Tb2Ti2O7 under the application of magnetic fields along the crystallographic $[110]$ direction. Such a perturbation has been shown to destroy the spin liq uid ground state and induce long-range order, although the nature of the ordered state was not immediately determined. Recently, it has been proposed that the ordered state is characterized by spin-ice-like correlations, evincing an emergent ferromagnetic tendency in this material despite the large negative Curie-Weiss constant. Here, we argue instead that the ordered state is dominated by $Q eq 0$ correlations that emerge either from strong antiferromagnetism or magnetoelastic distortion of the crystal. In contrast to previous reports, we observe no evidence for re-entrant behaviour in the high field limit. Extreme sensitivity of the ordered state to the alignment of the applied field is suggested to account for these discrepancies.
Neutron scattering measurements show the ferromagnetic XY pyrochlore Yb2Ti2O7 to display strong quasi-two dimensional (2D) spin correlations at low temperature, which give way to long range order (LRO) under the application of modest magnetic fields. Rods of scattering along < 111 > directions due to these 2D spin correlations imply a magnetic decomposition of the cubic pyrochlore system into decoupled kagome planes. A magnetic field of ~0.5 T applied along the [1-10] direction induces a transition to a 3D LRO state characterized by long-lived, dispersive spin waves. Our measurements map out a complex low temperature-field phase diagram for this exotic pyrochlore magnet.
High resolution time-of-flight neutron scattering measurements on Tb2Ti2O7 reveal a rich low temperature phase diagram in the presence of a magnetic field applied along [110]. In zero field at T=0.4 K, terbium titanate is a highly correlated cooperat ive paramagnet with disordered spins residing on a pyrochlore lattice of corner-sharing tetrahedra. Application of a small field condenses much of the magnetic diffuse scattering, characteristic of the disordered spins, into a new Bragg peak characteristic of a polarized paramagnet. At higher fields, a magnetically ordered phase is induced, which supports spin wave excitations indicative of continuous, rather than Ising-like spin degrees of freedom.

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