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We present an absorption-line survey of optically thick gas clouds -- Lyman Limit Systems (LLSs) -- observed at high dispersion with spectrometers on the Keck and Magellan telescopes. We measure column densities of neutral hydrogen NHI and associated metal-line transitions for 157 LLSs at z=1.76-4.39 restricted to 10^17.3 < NHI < 10^20.3. An empirical analysis of ionic ratios indicates an increasing ionization state of the gas with decreasing NHI and that the majority of LLSs are highly ionized, confirming previous expectations. The Si^+/H^0 ratio spans nearly four orders-of-magnitude, implying a large dispersion in the gas metallicity. Fewer than 5% of these LLSs have no positive detection of a metal transition; by z~3, nearly all gas that is dense enough to exhibit a very high Lyman limit opacity has previously been polluted by heavy elements. We add new measurements to the small subset of LLS (~5-10) that may have super-solar abundances. High Si^+/Fe^+ ratios suggest an alpha-enhanced medium whereas the Si^+/C^+ ratios do not exhibit the super-solar enhancement inferred previously for the Lya forest.
58 - Gabor Worseck 2011
We report on the detection of strongly varying intergalactic HeII absorption in HST/COS spectra of two z~3 quasars. From our homogeneous analysis of the HeII absorption in these and three archival sightlines, we find a marked increase in the mean HeI I effective optical depth from tau~1 at z~2.3 to tau>5 at z~3.2, but with a large scatter of 2< tau <5 at 2.7< z <3 on scales of ~10 proper Mpc. This scatter is primarily due to fluctuations in the HeII fraction and the HeII-ionizing background, rather than density variations that are probed by the co-eval HI forest. Semianalytic models of HeII absorption require a strong decrease in the HeII-ionizing background to explain the strong increase of the absorption at z>2.7, probably indicating HeII reionization was incomplete at z>2.7. Likewise, recent three-dimensional numerical simulations of HeII reionization qualitatively agree with the observed trend only if HeII reionization completes at z=2.7 or even below, as suggested by a large tau>3 in two of our five sightlines at z<2.8. By doubling the sample size at 2.7< z <3, our newly discovered HeII sightlines for the first time probe the diversity of the second epoch of reionization when helium became fully ionized.
We analyze the association of galaxies to Lya and OVI absorption, the most commonly detected transitions in the low-z intergalactic medium (IGM), in the fields of 14 quasars with z_em = 0.06-0.57. Confirming previous studies, we observe a high coveri ng fraction for Lya absorption to impact parameter rho = 300kpc: 33/37 of our L>0.01L* galaxies show Lya equivalent width W_Lya>50mA. Galaxies of all luminosity L>0.01L* and spectral type are surrounded by a diffuse and ionized circumgalactic medium (CGM), whose baryonic mass is estimated at ~10^(10.5 +/- 0.3) Msun for a constant N_H. The virialized halos and extended CGM of present-day galaxies are responsible for most strong Lya absorbers (W_Lya > 300mA) but cannot reproduce the majority of observed lines in the Lya forest. We conclude that the majority of Lya absorption with W_Lya=30-300mA occurs in the cosmic web predicted by cosmological simulations and estimate a characteristic width for these filaments of ~400kpc. Regarding OVI, we observe a near unity covering fraction to rho=200kpc for L>0.1L* galaxies and to rho = 300kpc for sub-L* (0.1 L*<L<L*) galaxies. Similar to our Lya results, stronger OVI systems (W_OVI > 70mA) arise in the virialized halos of L>0.1L* galaxies. Unlike Lya, the weaker OVI systems (W_OVI~30mA) arise in the extended CGM of sub-L* galaxies. The majority of OVI gas observed in the low-z IGM is associated with a diffuse medium surrounding individual galaxies with L~0.3L*, and rarely originates in the so-called warm-hot IGM (WHIM) predicted by cosmological simulations.
We publish the survey for galaxies in 20 fields containing ultraviolet bright quasars (with z_em 0.1 to 0.5) that can be used to study the association between galaxies and absorption systems from the low-z intergalactic medium (IGM). The survey is ma gnitude limited (R~19.5 mag) and highly complete out to 10 from the quasar in each field. It was designed to detect dwarf galaxies (L ~ 0.1 L*) at an impact parameter rho 1Mpc (z=0.1) from a quasar. The complete sample (all 20 fields) includes R-band photometry for 84718 sources and confirmed redshifts for 2800 sources. This includes 1198 galaxies with 0.005 < z < (z_em - 0.01) at a median redshift of 0.18, which may associated with IGM absorption lines. All of the imaging was acquired with cameras on the Swope 40 telescope and the spectra were obtained via slitmask observations using the WFCCD spectrograph on the Dupont 100 telescope at Las Campanas Observatory (LCO). This paper describes the data reduction, imaging analysis, photometry, and spectral analysis of the survey. We tabulate the principal measurements for all sources in each field and provide the spectroscopic dataset online.
We analyze the absorption and emission-line profiles produced by a set of simple, cool gas wind models motivated by galactic-scale outflow observations. We implement monte carlo radiative transfer techniques that track the propagation of scattered an d fluorescent photons to generate 1D spectra and 2D spectral images. We focus on the MgII 2796,28303 doublet and FeII UV1 multiplet at ~2600A, but the results are applicable to other transitions that trace outflows (e.g. NaI, Lya, SiII). By design, the resonance transitions show blue-shifted absorption but one also predicts strong resonance and fine-structure line-emission at roughly the systemic velocity. This line-emission `fills-in the absorption reducing the equivalent width by up to 50%, shift the absorption-lin centroid by tens of km/s, and reduce the effective opacity near systemic. Analysis of cool gas outflows that ignores this line-emission may incorrectly infer that the gas is partially covered, measure asignificantly lower peak optical depth, and/or conclude that gas at systemic velocity is absent. Because the FeII lines are connected by optically-thin transitions to fine-structure levels, their profiles more closely reproduce the intrinsic opacity of the wind. Together these results naturally explain the absorption and emission-line characteristics observed for star-forming galaxies at z<1. We also study a scenario promoted to describe the outflows of z~3 Lyman break galaxies and find prfiles inconsistent with the observations due to scattered photon emission. Although line-emission complicates the analysis of absorption-line profiles, the surface brightness profiles offer a unique means of assessing the morphology and size of galactic-scale winds. Furthermore, the kinematics and line-ratios offer powerful diagnostics of outflows, motivating deep, spatially-extended spectroscopic observations.
We discuss two mistreatments of damped Lya (DLA) kinematic analysis that were first performed by Haehnelt, Steinmetz, & Rauch (1998; hereafter HSR98) and have recently been repeated by Hong et al. (2010; arXiv:1008.4242v1, arXiv:1008.4242v2; hereafte r H10). Each mistreatment led to the improper excising of simulated absorption profiles. Specifically, their analyses are strictly biased against DLA sightlines that have low HI column density log NHI < 20.5, very high NHI values, and (for all NHI) sightlines with low velocity width Dv (<30 km/s for HSR98; <[20-30] km/s for H10). None of these biases exist in the observational analysis. We suspect these mistreatments compromise the results that followed. Hopefully this posting will prevent their repetition in the future.
135 - Kate H. R. Rubin 2010
We study the kinematically narrow, low-ionization line emission from a bright, starburst galaxy at z = 0.69 using slit spectroscopy obtained with Keck/LRIS. The spectrum reveals strong absorption in MgII and FeII resonance transitions with Doppler sh ifts of -200 to -300 km/s, indicating a cool gas outflow. Emission in MgII near and redward of systemic velocity, in concert with the observed absorption, yields a P Cygni-like line profile similar to those observed in the Ly alpha transition in Lyman Break Galaxies. Further, the MgII emission is spatially resolved, and extends significantly beyond the emission from stars and HII regions within the galaxy. Assuming the emission has a simple, symmetric surface brightness profile, we find that the gas extends to distances > ~7 kpc. We also detect several narrow FeII* fine-structure lines in emission near the systemic velocity, arising from energy levels which are radiatively excited directly from the ground state. We suggest that the MgII and FeII* emission is generated by photon scattering in the observed outflow, and emphasize that this emission is a generic prediction of outflows. These observations provide the first direct constraints on the minimum spatial extent and morphology of the wind from a distant galaxy. Estimates of these parameters are crucial for understanding the impact of outflows in driving galaxy evolution.
220 - Kyle F. Kaplan 2010
With the Blue Channel Spectrograph (BCS) on the MMT telescope, we have obtained spectra to the atmospheric cutoff of quasars previously known to show at least one absorption system at z>1.6 with very strong metal lines (candidate metal-strong damped Lya systems; cMSDLAs). The BCS/MMT spectra yield precise estimates of the HI column densities (NHI) of the systems through Voigt profile analysis of their Lya transitions. Nearly all of the cMSDLAs (41/43) satisfy the NHI criterion of DLAs, 10^20.3. As a population, these systems have systematically higher NHI values than DLAs chosen randomly from quasar sightlines. Combining our NHI measurements with previously measured metal column densities, we estimate metallicities for the MSDLAs. These systems have significantly higher values than randomly selected DLAs; at z~2, the MSDLAs show a median metallicity [M/H] ~ -0.67 that is 0.6dex higher than a corresponding control sample. This establishes MSDLAs as having amongst the most metal-rich gas in the high z universe. Our measurements extend the observed correlation between SiII 1526 equivalent width and the gas metallicity to higher values. If interpreted as a mass-metallicity relation, this implies the MSDLAs are the high mass subset of the DLA population. We demonstrate that dust in the MSDLAs reddens their background quasars, with a median shift in the spectral slope of Da = 0.29. Assuming an SMC extinction law, this implies a median reddening E(B-V)=0.025mag and visual extinction A_V=0.076mag. Future studies of MSDLAs offer the opportunity to study the extinction, nucleosynthesis, and kinematics of the most chemically evolved, gas-rich galaxies at high z. [abridged]
We study the cool gas around a galaxy at z = 0.4729 using Keck/LRIS spectroscopy of a bright (B = 21.7) background galaxy at z = 0.6942 at a transverse distance of 16.5/h_70 kpc. The background galaxy spectrum reveals strong FeII, MgII, MgI, and CaII absorption at the redshift of the foreground galaxy, with a MgII 2796 rest equivalent width of 3.93 +/- 0.08 Angstroms, indicative of a velocity width exceeding 400 km/s. Because the background galaxy is large (> 4/h_70 kpc), the high covering fraction of the absorbing gas suggests that it arises in a spatially extended complex of cool clouds with large velocity dispersion. Spectroscopy of the massive (log M_*/M_sun = 11.15 +/- 0.08) host galaxy reveals that it experienced a burst of star formation about 1 Gyr ago and that it harbors a weak AGN. We discuss the possible origins of the cool gas in its halo, including multiphase cooling of hot halo gas, cold inflow, tidal interactions, and galactic winds. We conclude the absorbing gas was most likely ejected or tidally stripped from the interstellar medium of the host galaxy or its progenitors during the past starburst event. Adopting the latter interpretation, these results place one of only a few constraints on the radial extent of cool gas driven or stripped from a galaxy in the distant Universe. Future studies with integral field unit spectroscopy of spatially extended background galaxies will provide multiple sightlines through foreground absorbers and permit analysis of the morphology and kinematics of the gas surrounding galaxies with a diverse set of properties and environments.
Galaxies hosting z~2 quasars are the high-$z$ progenitors of todays massive `red-and-dead galaxies. With close pairs of quasars at different redshifts, a background quasar can be used to study a foreground quasars halo gas in absorption, providing a wealth of information about feedback, quenching, and the physics of massive galaxy formation. We present a Keck/HIRES spectrum of the bright background quasar in a projected pair with angular separation 13.3 corresponding to 108kpc at the redshift of the foreground quasar z_fg=2.4360 +/- 0.0005, precisely determined from Gemini/GNIRS near-IR spectroscopy. Our echelle spectrum reveals optically thick gas (NHI~10^19.7), coincident with the foreground quasar redshift. The ionic transitions of associated metal-lines reveal the following properties of the foreground quasars halo: (1) the kinematics are extreme with absorption extending to +780km/s relative to z_fg; (2) the metallicity is nearly solar; (3) the temperature of the predominantly ionized gas is T<~20,000K; (4) the electron density is n_e~1 cm^-3 indicating a characteristic size ~10 - 100pc for the absorbing `clouds; (7) there is a negligible amount of warm gas 10^5K < T < 10^6K; (8) the gas is unlikely illuminated by the foreground quasar, implying anisotropic or intermittent emission. The mass of cold T~10^4K gas implied by our observations is significant, amounting to a few percent of the total expected baryonic mass density of the foreground quasars dark halo at r~100kpc. The origin of this material is still unclear, and we discuss several possibilities in the context of current models of feedback and massive galaxy formation.

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