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We characterize a niobium-based superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor (Nb-SQUIPT) built upon a Nb-Cu-Nb SNS weak link. The Nb-SQUIPT and SNS devices are fabricated simultaneously in two separate lithography and deposition steps, r elying on Ar ion cleaning of the Nb contact surfaces. The quality of the Nb-Cu interface is characterized by measuring the temperature-dependent equilibrium critical supercurrent of the SNS junction. In the Nb-SQUIPT device, we observe a maximum flux-to-current transfer function value of about 55 nA/Phi_0 in the sub-gap regime of bias voltages. This results in suppression of power dissipation down to a few fW. The device can implement a low-dissipation SQUIPT, improving by up to two orders of magnitude compared to a conventional device based on an Al-Cu-Al SNS junction and an Al tunnel probe (Al-SQUIPT).
We demonstrate shadow evaporation-based fabrication of high-quality ultrasmall normal metal -- insulator -- superconductor tunnel junctions where the thickness of the superconducting electrode is not limited by the requirement of small junction size. The junctions are formed between a film of manganese-doped aluminium acting as the normal conducting electrode, covered by a thicker, superconducting layer of pure Al. We characterize the junctions by sub-gap current--voltage measurements and charge pumping measurements in a gate-driven hybrid single-electron transistor, operated as a turnstile for single electrons. The technique allows to advance towards turnstiles with close to ideally thermalized superconducting reservoirs, prerequisite for reaching metrological current quantization accuracy in a hybrid turnstile. We further present an alternative way to realize small junctions with thick Al leads based on multi-angle deposition. The work enables the future investigation of turnstiles based on superconductors other than Al, and benefits various other Al tunnel junction devices for which quasiparticle thermalization is essential.
We report development and microwave characterization of rf SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) qubits, consisting of an aluminium-based Josephson junction embedded in a superconducting loop patterned from a thin film of TiN with high kinetic inductance. Here we demonstrate that the systems can offer small physical size, high anharmonicity, and small scatter of device parameters. The hybrid devices can be utilized as tools to shed further light onto the origin of film dissipation and decoherence in phase-slip nanowire qubits, patterned entirely from disordered superconducting films.
We report on combined measurements of heat and charge transport through a single-electron transistor. The device acts as a heat switch actuated by the voltage applied on the gate. The Wiedemann-Franz law for the ratio of heat and charge conductances is found to be systematically violated away from the charge degeneracy points. The observed deviation agrees well with the theoretical expectation. With large temperature drop between the source and drain, the heat current away from degeneracy deviates from the standard quadratic dependence in the two temperatures.
We determine the thermal conductance of thin niobium (Nb) wires on a silica substrate in the temperature range of 0.1 - 0.6 K using electron thermometry based on normal metal-insulator-superconductor tunnel junctions. We find that at 0.6 K, the therm al conductance of Nb is two orders of magnitude lower than that of Al in the superconducting state, and two orders of magnitude below the Wiedemann-Franz conductance calculated with the normal state resistance of the wire. The measured thermal conductance exceeds the prediction of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory, and demonstrates a power law dependence on temperature as $T^{4.5}$, instead of an exponential one. At the same time, we monitor the temperature profile of the substrate along the Nb wire to observe possible overheating of the phonon bath. We show that Nb can be successfully used for thermal insulation in a nanoscale circuit while simultaneously providing an electrical connection.
We measure the full distribution of current fluctuations in a single-electron transistor with a controllable bistability. The conductance switches randomly between two levels due to the tunneling of single electrons in a separate single-electron box. The electrical fluctuations are detected over a wide range of time scales and excellent agreement with theoretical predictions is found. For long integration times, the distribution of the time-averaged current obeys the large-deviation principle. We formulate and verify a fluctuation relation for the bistable region of the current distribution.
Micro-refrigerators that operate in the sub-kelvin regime are a key device in quantum technology. A well-studied candidate, an electronic cooler using Normal metal - Insulator - Superconductor (NIS) tunnel junctions offers substantial performance and power. However, its superconducting electrodes are severely overheated due to exponential suppression of their thermal conductance towards low temperatures, and the cooler performs unsatisfactorily - especially in powerful devices needed for practical applications. We employ a second NIS cooling stage to thermalize the hot superconductor at the backside of the main NIS cooler. Not only providing a lower bath temperature, the second stage cooler actively evacuates quasiparticles out of the hot superconductor, especially in the low temperature limit. The NIS cooler approaches its ideal theoretical expectations without compromising cooling power. This cascade design can also be employed to manage excess heat in other cryo-electronic devices.
We demonstrate coherent dynamics of quantized magnetic fluxes in a superconducting loop with a weak link - a nanobridge patterned from the same thin NbN film as the loop. The bridge is a short rounded shape constriction, close to 10 nm long and 20 - 30 nm wide, having minimal width at its center. Quantum state control and coherent oscillations in the driven time evolution of the tunnel-junctionless system are achieved. Decoherence and energy relaxation in the system are studied using a combination of microwave spectroscopy and direct time-domain techniques. The effective flux noise behavior suggests inductance fluctuations as a possible cause of the decoherence.
We perform in-situ detection of individual electrons pumped through a single-electron turnstile based on ultrasmall normal metal - insulator - superconductor tunnel junctions. In our setup, limited by the detector bandwidth, at low repetition rates w e observe errorless sequential transfer of up to several hundred electrons through the system. At faster pumping speeds up to 100 kHz, we show relative error rates down to 10^-3, comparable to typical values obtained from measurements of average pumped current in non-optimized individual turnstiles. The work constitutes an initial step towards a self-referenced current standard realized with metallic single-electron turnstiles, complementing approaches based on semiconductor quantum dot pumps. It is the first demonstration of on-chip pumping error detection at operation frequencies exceeding the detector bandwidth, in a configuration where the average pumped current can be simultaneously measured. The scheme in which electrons are counted from the superconducting lead of the turnstile, instead of direct probing of the normal metal island, also enables studies of fundamental higher-order tunneling processes in the hybrid structures, previously not in reach with simpler configurations.
We characterize niobium-based lateral Superconductor (S) - Normal metal (N) - Superconductor weak links through low-temperature switching current measurements and tunnel spectroscopy. We fabricate the SNS devices in two separate lithography and depos ition steps, combined with strong argon ion cleaning before the normal metal deposition in the last step. Our SNS weak link consists of high-quality sputtered Nb electrodes that are contacted with evaporated Cu. The two-step fabrication flow enables great flexibility in the choice of materials and pattern design. A comparison of the temperature-dependent equilibrium critical supercurrent with theoretical predictions indicates that the quality of the Nb-Cu interface is similar to that of evaporated Al-Cu weak links. Aiming at increased sensitivity, range of operation temperatures, and thermal isolation, we investigate how these SNS structures can be combined with shadow-evaporated aluminum tunnel junctions for sensor applications that utilize the superconducting proximity effect. To this end, we demonstrate a hybrid magnetic flux sensor based on a Nb-Cu-Nb SNS junction, where the phase-dependent normal metal density of states is probed with an Al tunnel junction.

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