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The distribution of ejecta in young supernova remnants offers a powerful observational probe of their explosions and progenitors. Here we present a 3D reconstruction of the ejecta in SNR 0540-69.3, which is an O-rich remnant with a pulsar wind nebula located in the LMC. We use observations from VLT/MUSE to study Hbeta, [O III] lambda lambda 4959, 5007, Halpha, [S II] lambda lambda 6717, 6731, [Ar III] lambda 7136 and [S III] lambda 9069 emission lines. This is complemented by 2D spectra from VLT/X-shooter, which also cover [O II] lambda lambda 3726, 3729 and [Fe II] lambda 12567. We identify three main emission components: (i) Clumpy rings in the inner nebula (<1000 km/s) with similar morphologies in all lines; (ii) Faint extended [O III] emission dominated by an irregular ring-like structure with radius ~1600 km/s and inclination ~40 dg, but with maximal velocities reaching ~3000 km/s; and (iii) A blob of Halpha and Hbeta located southeast of the pulsar at velocities ~1500-3500 km/s. We analyze the geometry using a clump-finding algorithm and use the clumps in the [O III] ring to estimate an age of 1146 pm 116 years. The observations favor an interpretation of the [O III] ring as ejecta, while the origin of the H-blob is more uncertain. An alternative explanation is that it is the blown-off envelope of a binary companion. From the detection of Balmer lines in the innermost ejecta we confirm that SNR 0540 was a Type II supernova and that hydrogen was mixed down to low velocities in the explosion.
We present SN 2020jfo, a Type IIP supernova in the nearby galaxy M61. Optical light curves from the Zwicky Transient Facility, complemented with data from Swift and near-IR photometry are presented. The 350-day duration bolometric light curve exhibit s a relatively short (~ 65 days) plateau. This implies a moderate ejecta mass (~ 5 Msun). A series of spectroscopy is presented, including spectropolarimetric observations. The nebular spectra are dominated by Halpha but also reveal emission lines from oxygen and calcium. Comparisons to synthetic nebular spectra indicate an initial progenitor mass of about 12 Msun. Stable nickel is present in the nebular spectrum, with a super-solar Ni/Fe ratio. Several years of pre-discovery data are examined, but no signs of pre-cursor activity is found. Pre-explosion Hubble Space Telescope imaging reveals a probable progenitor star, detected only in the reddest band and is fainter than expected for stars in the 10 - 15 Msun range, in tension with the analysis of the LC and the nebular spectral modeling. We present two additional core-collapse SNe monitored by the ZTF, which also have nebular Halpha-dominated spectra. This illustrates how the absence or presence of interaction with circumstellar material affect both the LCs and in particular the nebular spectra. Type II SN 2020amv has a LC powered by CSM interaction, in particular after about 40 days when the LC is bumpy and slowly evolving. The late-time spectra show strong Halpha emission with a structure suggesting emission from a thin, dense shell. The evolution of the complex three-horn line profile is reminiscent of that observed for SN 1998S. SN 2020jfv has a poorly constrained early-time LC, but shows a transition from a hydrogen-poor Type IIb to a Type IIn, where the nebular spectrum after the light-curve rebrightening is dominated by Halpha, although with an intermediate line width.
We present observations and analysis of SN 2020cxd, a Low luminous (LL), long-lived Type IIP SN. This object was a clear outlier in the magnitude-limited SN sample recently presented by the ZTF Bright Transient Survey. We demonstrate that SN 2020cxd is an additional member of the group of LL SNe, and discuss the rarity of LL SNe in the context of the ZTF survey, and how further studies of these faintest members of the CC SN family might help understand the underlying initial mass function for stars that explode.
Type Ic supernovae represent the explosions of the most stripped massive stars, but their progenitors and explosion mechanisms remain unclear. Larger samples of observed supernovae can help characterize the population of these transients. We present an analysis of 44 spectroscopically normal Type Ic supernovae, with focus on the light curves. The photometric data were obtained over 7 years with the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) and its continuation, the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF). This is the first homogeneous and large sample of SNe Ic from an untargeted survey, and we aim to estimate explosion parameters for the sample. We present K-corrected Bgriz light curves of these SNe, obtained through photometry on template-subtracted images. We performed an analysis on the shape of the $r$-band light curves and confirmed the correlation between the rise parameter Delta m_{-10} and the decline parameter Delta m_{15}. Peak r-band absolute magnitudes have an average of -17.71 +- 0.85 mag. To derive the explosion epochs, we fit the r-band lightcurves to a template derived from a well-sampled light curve. We computed the bolometric light curves using r and g band data, g-r colors and bolometric corrections. Bolometric light curves and Fe II lambda 5169 velocities at peak were used to fit to the Arnett semianalytic model in order to estimate the ejecta mass M_{ej}, the explosion energy E_{K} and the mass of radioactive nickel (M(56) Ni) for each SN. Including 41 SNe, we find average values of <M_{ej}>=4.50 +-0.79 msun, <E_{K}>=1.79 +- 0.29 x10^{51} erg, and <M(56)Ni)>= 0.19 +- 0.03 msun. The explosion-parameter distributions are comparable to those available in the literature, but our large sample also includes some transients with narrow and very broad light curves leading to more extreme ejecta masses values.
We present observations of SN 2020faa. This Type II supernova displays a luminous light curve that started to rebrighten from an initial decline. We investigate this in relation to the famous supernova iPTF14hls, which received a lot of attention and multiple interpretations in the literature, however whose nature and source of energy still remains unknown. We demonstrate the great similarity between SN 2020faa and iPTF14hls during the first 6 months, and use this comparison both to forecast the evolution of SN 2020faa and to reflect on the less well observed early evolution of iPTF14hls. We present and analyse our observational data, consisting mainly of optical light curves from the Zwicky Transient Facility in the gri bands as well as a sequence of optical spectra. We construct colour curves, a bolometric light curve, compare ejecta-velocity and Black-body radius evolutions for the two supernovae, as well as for more typical Type II supernovae. The light curves show a great similarity with those of iPTF14hls over the first 6 months, in luminosity, timescale and colours. Also the spectral evolution of SN 2020faa is that of a Type II supernova, although it probes earlier epochs than those available for iPTF14hls. The similar light curve behaviour is suggestive of SN 2020faa being a new iPTF14hls. We present these observations now to advocate follow-up observations, since most of the more striking evolution of supernova iPTF14hls came later, with light curve undulations and a spectacular longevity. On the other hand, for SN 2020faa we have better constraints on the explosion epoch than we had for iPTF14hls, and we have been able to spectroscopically monitor it from earlier phases than was done for the more famous sibling.
We present SN 2019tsf (ZTF19ackjszs) and SN 2019oys (ZTF19abucwzt). These two stripped envelope Type Ib supernovae suddenly showed a (re-)brightening in their late light curves. We investigate this in the context of circumstellar material (CSM) inter action with previously ejected material, a phenomenon that is unusual among SE SNe. We analyse observational data, consisting of optical light curves and spectra. For SN 2019oys we also have detections in radio as well as limits from UV and X-rays. Both light curves show spectacular re-brightening after about 100 days. In the case of SN 2019tsf, the re-brightening is followed by a new period of decline, and the spectra never show signs of narrow emission lines that would indicate CSM interaction. On the contrary, SN 2019oys made a spectral makeover from a Type Ib to a spectrum clearly dominated by CSM interaction at the light curve brightening phase. Deep spectra reveal a plethora of narrow high ionization lines, including coronal lines, and the radio observations show strong emission. The rather similar light curve behaviour indicate CSM interaction as the powering source. For SN 2019oys the evidence for a phase where the ejecta hit H-rich material, likely ejected from the progenitor star, is conspicuous. We observe strong narrow lines of H and He, but also a plethora of high ionization lines, including coronal lines, revealing shock interaction. Spectral simulations of SN 2019oys show two distinct density components, one with density > 1e9/cm3, dominated by somewhat broader, low ionization lines of H I, He I, Na I and Ca II, and one with narrow, high ionization lines at a density about 1e6 /cm3. The former is strongly affected by electron scattering. The evidence for CSM interaction in SN 2019oys is corroborated by detections in radio. On the contrary, for SN 2019tsf, we find little evidence in the spectra for any CSM interaction.
In this paper, we discuss the outcomes of the follow-up campaign of SN 2018ijp, discovered as part of the Zwicky Transient Facility survey for optical transients. Its first spectrum shows similarities to broad-lined Type Ic supernovae around maximum light, whereas later spectra display strong signatures of interaction between rapidly expanding ejecta and a dense H-rich circumstellar medium, coinciding with a second peak in the photometric evolution of the transient. This evolution, along with the results of modeling of the first light curve peak, suggests a scenario where a stripped star exploded within a dense circumstellar medium. The two main phases in the evolution of the transient could be interpreted as a first phase dominated by radioactive decays, and an later interaction-dominated phase where the ejecta collide with a pre-existing shell. We therefore discuss SN 2018jp within the context of a massive star depleted of its outer layers exploding within a dense H-rich circumstellar medium.
Context: Type Ibn supernovae are a rare class of stripped envelope supernovae interacting with a helium-rich CSM. The majority of the SNe Ibn reported display a surprising homogeneity in their fast lightcurves and starforming hosts. Aims: We present the discovery and study of SN 2020bqj (ZTF20aalrqbu), a SN Ibn with a long-duration peak plateau lasting 40 days and hosted by a faint low-mass galaxy. We aim to explain its peculiar properties using an extensive data set. Methods: We compare the evolution of SN 2020bqj with SNe Ibn from the literature. We fit the bolometric and multi-band lightcurves with different powering mechanism models. Results: The risetime, peak magnitude and spectral features of SN 2020bqj are consistent with those of most SNe Ibn, but the SN is a clear outlier based on its bright, long-lasting peak plateau and low host mass. We show through modeling that the lightcurve can be powered predominantly by shock heating from the interaction of the SN ejecta and a dense CSM. The peculiar Type Ibn SN 2011hw is a close analog to SN 2020bqj, suggesting a similar progenitor and CSM scenario. In this scenario a very massive progenitor star in the transitional phase between a luminous blue variable and a compact Wolf-Rayet star undergoes core-collapse, embedded in a dense helium-rich CSM with an elevated opacity compared to normal SNe Ibn, due to the presence of residual hydrogen. This scenario is consistent with the observed properties of SN 2020bqj and the modeling results. Conclusions: SN 2020bqj is a compelling example of a transitional SN Ibn/IIn based on not only its spectral features, but also its lightcurve, host galaxy properties and the inferred progenitor properties. The strong similarity with SN 2011hw suggests this subclass may be the result of a progenitor in a stellar evolution phase that is distinct from those of progenitors of regular SNe Ibn.
Supernovae (SNe) Type Ibn are rapidly evolving and bright (M$_text{R,peak}$ $sim-19$) transients interacting with He-rich circumstellar material (CSM). SN 2018bcc, detected by the ZTF shortly after explosion, provides the best constraints on the shap e of the rising light curve (LC) of a fast Type Ibn. Aims: We used the high-quality data set of SN 2018bcc to study observational signatures of the class. Additionally, the powering mechanism of SN 2018bcc offers insights into the debated progenitor connection of Type Ibn SNe. Methods: We compared well-constrained LC properties obtained from empirical models are compared with the literature. We fit the pseudo-bolometric LC with semi-analytical models powered by radioactive decay and CSM interaction. Finally, we modeled the line profiles and emissivity of the prominent He I lines, in order to study the formation of P-Cygni profiles and estimate CSM properties. Results: SN 2018bcc had a rise time to peak of $5.6^{+0.2}_{-0.1}$ days in the restframe with a rising shape power-law index close to 2, and seems to be a typical rapidly evolving Type Ibn SN. The spectrum lacked signatures of SN-like ejecta and was dominated by over 15 He emission features at 20 days past peak, alongside Ca and Mg, all with V$_{text{FWHM}} sim 2000~text{km}~text{s}^{-1}$. The luminous and rapidly evolving LC could be powered by CSM interaction but not by the decay of radioactive $^{56}$Ni. Modeling of the He I lines indicated a dense and optically thick CSM that can explain the P-Cygni profiles. Conclusions: Like other rapidly-evolving Type Ibn SNe, SN 2018bcc is a luminous transient with a rapid rise to peak powered by shock interaction inside a dense and He-rich CSM. Its spectra do not support the existence of two Type Ibn spectral classes. We also note the remarkable observational match to pulsational pair instability (PPI) SN models.
In this paper we report the results of the first $sim$four years of spectroscopic and photometric monitoring of the Type IIn supernova SN 2015da (also known as PSN J13522411+3941286, or iPTF16tu). The supernova exploded in the nearby spiral galaxy NG C 5337 in a relatively highly extinguished environment. The transient showed prominent narrow Balmer lines in emission at all times and a slow rise to maximum in all bands. In addition, early observations performed by amateur astronomers give a very well-constrained explosion epoch. The observables are consistent with continuous interaction between the supernova ejecta and a dense and extended H-rich circumstellar medium. The presence of such an extended and dense medium is difficult to reconcile with standard stellar evolution models, since the metallicity at the position of SN 2015da seems to be slightly subsolar. Interaction is likely the mechanism powering the light curve, as confirmed by the analysis of the pseudo bolometric light curve, which gives a total radiated energy $gtrsim10^{51},rm{erg}$. Modeling the light curve in the context of a supernova shock breakout through a dense circumstellar medium allowed us to infer the mass of the prexisting gas to be $simeq8,rm{M_{odot}}$, with an extreme mass-loss rate for the progenitor star $simeq0.6,rm{M_{odot}},rm{yr^{-1}}$, suggesting that most of the circumstellar gas was produced during multiple eruptive events. Near- and mid-infrared observations reveal a flux excess in these domains, similar to those observed in SN 2010jl and other interacting transients, likely due to preexisting radiatively heated dust surrounding the supernova. By modeling the infrared excess, we infer a mass $gtrsim0.4times10^{-3},rm{M_{odot}}$ for the dust.

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