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We follow the near radial infall of a prolate cloud onto a 4 x 10^6 Msun supermassive black hole in the Galactic Centre using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). We show that a prolate cloud oriented perpendicular to its orbital plane naturally pr oduces a spread in angular momenta in the gas which can translate into misaligned discs as is seen in the young stars orbiting Sagittarius A*. A turbulent or otherwise highly structured cloud is necessary to avoid cancelling too much angular momentum through shocks at closest approach. Our standard model of a 2 x 10^4 Msun gas cloud brought about the formation of a disc within 0.3 pc from the black hole and a larger, misaligned streamer at 0.5 pc. A total of 1.5 x 10^4 Msun of gas formed these structures. Our exploration of the simulation parameter space showed that when star formation occurred, it resulted in top-heavy IMFs with stars on eccentric orbits with semi-major axes 0.02 to 0.3 pc and inclinations following the gas discs and streamers. We suggest that the single event of an infalling prolate cloud can explain the occurrence of multiple misaligned discs of young stars.
Massive stars are known to have a high multiplicity, with examples of higher order multiples among the nearest and best studied objects. In this paper we study hierarchical multiple systems (an inner binary as a component of a wider binary) of massiv e stars in a clustered environment, in which a system with a size of 100--1000 au will undergo many close encounters during the short lifetime of a massive star. Using two types of N-body experiment we determine the post-formation collision probabilities of these massive hierarchies. We find that, depending on the specifics of the environment, the hierarchy, and the amount of time that is allowed to pass, tens of percent of hierarchies will experience a collision, typically between the two stars of the inner binary. In addition to collisions, clusters hosting a hierarchical massive system produce high velocity runaways at an enhanced rate. The primordial multiplicity specifics of massive stars appear to play a key role in the generation of these relatively small number events in cluster simulations, complicating their use as diagnostics of a clusters history.
Understanding star formation is problematic as it originates in the large scale dynamics of a galaxy but occurs on the small scale of an individual star forming event. This paper presents the first numerical simulations to resolve the star formation process on sub-parsec scales, whilst also following the dynamics of the interstellar medium (ISM) on galactic scales. In these models, the warm low density ISM gas flows into the spiral arms where orbit crowding produces the shock formation of dense clouds, held together temporarily by their external pressure. Cooling allows the gas to be compressed to sufficiently high densities that local regions collapse under their own gravity and form stars. The star formation rates follow a Schmidt-Kennicutt Sigma_{SFR} ~ Sigma_{gas}^{1.4} type relation with the local surface density of gas while following a linear relation with the cold and dense gas. Cooling is the primary driver of star formation and the star formation rates as it determines the amount of cold gas available for gravitational collapse. The star formation rates found in the simulations are offset to higher values relative to the extragalactic values, implying a constant reduction, such as from feedback or magnetic fields, is likely to be required. Intriguingly, it appears that a spiral or other convergent shock and the accompanying thermal instability can explain how star formation is triggered, generate the physical conditions of molecular clouds and explain why star formation rates are tightly correlated to the gas properties of galaxies.
Super Star Clusters (Mecl > 10^5 Msol) are the largest stellar nurseries in our local Universe, containing hundreds of thousands to millions of young stars within a few light years. Many of these systems are found in external galaxies, especially in pairs of interacting galaxies, and in some dwarf galaxies, but relatively few in disk galaxies like our own Milky Way. We show that a possible explanation for this difference is the presence of shear in normal spiral galaxies which impedes the formation of the very large and dense super star clusters but prefers the formation of loose OB associations possibly with a less massive cluster at the center. In contrast, in interacting galaxies and in dwarf galaxies, regions can collapse without having a large-scale sense of rotation. This lack of rotational support allows the giant clouds of gas and stars to concentrate into a single, dense and gravitationally bound system.
We investigate the formation of both clustered and distributed populations of young stars in a single molecular cloud. We present a numerical simulation of a 10,000 solar mass elongated, turbulent, molecular cloud and the formation of over 2500 stars . The stars form both in stellar clusters and in a distributed mode which is determined by the local gravitational binding of the cloud. A density gradient along the major axis of the cloud produces bound regions that form stellar clusters and unbound regions that form a more distributed population. The initial mass function also depends on the local gravitational binding of the cloud with bound regions forming full IMFs whereas in the unbound, distributed regions the stellar masses cluster around the local Jeans mass and lack both the high-mass and the low-mass stars. The overall efficiency of star formation is ~ 15 % in the cloud when the calculation is terminated, but varies from less than 1 % in the the regions of distributed star formation to ~ 40 % in regions containing large stellar clusters. Considering that large scale surveys are likely to catch clouds at all evolutionary stages, estimates of the (time-averaged) star formation efficiency for the giant molecular cloud reported here is only ~ 4 %. This would lead to the erroneous conclusion of slow star formation when in fact it is occurring on a dynamical timescale.
With the use of N-body calculations the amount and properties of escaping stars from low-N (N = 100 and 1000) young embedded star clusters prior to gas expulsion are studied over the first 5 Myr of their existence. Besides the number of stars also di fferent initial radii and binary populations are examined as well as virialised and collapsing clusters. It is found that these clusters can loose substantial amounts (up to 20%) of stars within 5 Myr with considerable velocities up to more than 100 km/s. Even with their mean velocities between 2 and 8 km/s these stars will still be travelling between 2 and 30 pc during the 5 Myr. Therefore can large amounts of distributed stars in star-forming regions not necessarily be counted as evidence for the isolated formation of stars.
79 - Ian A. Bonnell 2008
We investigate the formation of brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars through the gravitational fragmentation of infalling gas into stellar clusters. The gravitational potential of a forming stellar cluster provides the focus that attracts gas from th e surrounding molecular cloud. Structures present in the gas grow, forming filaments flowing into the cluster centre. These filaments attain high gas densities due to the combination of the cluster potential and local self-gravity. The resultant Jeans masses are low, allowing the formation of very low-mass fragments. The tidal shear and high velocity dispersion present in the cluster preclude any subsequent accretion thus resulting in the formation of brown dwarfs or very low-mass stars. Ejections are not required as the brown dwarfs enter the cluster with high relative velocities, suggesting that their disc and binary properties should be similar to that of low-mass stars. This mechanism requires the presence of a strong gravitational potential due to the stellar cluster implying that brown dwarf formation should be more frequent in stellar clusters than in distributed populations of young stars. Brown dwarfs formed in isolation would require another formation mechanism such as due to turbulent fragmentation.
176 - Mark R. Krumholz 2007
The formation of massive stars is currently an unsolved problems in astrophysics. Understanding the formation of massive stars is essential because they dominate the luminous, kinematic, and chemical output of stars. Furthermore, their feedback is li kely to play a dominant role in the evolution of molecular clouds and any subsequent star formation therein. Although significant progress has been made observationally and theoretically, we still do not have a consensus as to how massive stars form. There are two contending models to explain the formation of massive stars, Core Accretion and Competitive Accretion. They differ primarily in how and when the mass that ultimately makes up the massive star is gathered. In the core accretion model, the mass is gathered in a prestellar stage due to the overlying pressure of a stellar cluster or a massive pre-cluster cloud clump. In contrast, competitive accretion envisions that the mass is gathered during the star formation process itself, being funneled to the centre of a stellar cluster by the gravitational potential of the stellar cluster. Although these differences may not appear overly significant, they involve significant differences in terms of the physical processes involved. Furthermore, the differences also have important implications in terms of the evolutionary phases of massive star formation, and ultimately that of stellar clusters and star formation on larger scales. Here we review the dominant models, and discuss prospects for developing a better understanding of massive star formation in the future.

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