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We investigate the impact of aliasing on generalization in Deep Convolutional Networks and show that data augmentation schemes alone are unable to prevent it due to structural limitations in widely used architectures. Drawing insights from frequency analysis theory, we take a closer look at ResNet and EfficientNet architectures and review the trade-off between aliasing and information loss in each of their major components. We show how to mitigate aliasing by inserting non-trainable low-pass filters at key locations, particularly where networks lack the capacity to learn them. These simple architectural changes lead to substantial improvements in generalization on i.i.d. and even more on out-of-distribution conditions, such as image classification under natural corruptions on ImageNet-C [11] and few-shot learning on Meta-Dataset [26]. State-of-the art results are achieved on both datasets without introducing additional trainable parameters and using the default hyper-parameters of open source codebases.
The goal of program synthesis from examples is to find a computer program that is consistent with a given set of input-output examples. Most learning-based approaches try to find a program that satisfies all examples at once. Our work, by contrast, c onsiders an approach that breaks the problem into two stages: (a) find programs that satisfy only one example, and (b) leverage these per-example solutions to yield a program that satisfies all examples. We introduce the Cross Aggregator neural network module based on a multi-head attention mechanism that learns to combine the cues present in these per-example solutions to synthesize a global solution. Evaluation across programs of different lengths and under two different experimental settings reveal that when given the same time budget, our technique significantly improves the success rate over PCCoder arXiv:1809.04682v2 [cs.LG] and other ablation baselines. The code, data and trained models for our work can be found at https://github.com/shrivastavadisha/N-PEPS.
Few-shot dataset generalization is a challenging variant of the well-studied few-shot classification problem where a diverse training set of several datasets is given, for the purpose of training an adaptable model that can then learn classes from ne w datasets using only a few examples. To this end, we propose to utilize the diverse training set to construct a universal template: a partial model that can define a wide array of dataset-specialized models, by plugging in appropriate components. For each new few-shot classification problem, our approach therefore only requires inferring a small number of parameters to insert into the universal template. We design a separate network that produces an initialization of those parameters for each given task, and we then fine-tune its proposed initialization via a few steps of gradient descent. Our approach is more parameter-efficient, scalable and adaptable compared to previous methods, and achieves the state-of-the-art on the challenging Meta-Dataset benchmark.
With growing role of social media in shaping public opinions and beliefs across the world, there has been an increased attention to identify and counter the problem of hate speech on social media. Hate speech on online spaces has serious manifestatio ns, including social polarization and hate crimes. While prior works have proposed automated techniques to detect hate speech online, these techniques primarily fail to look beyond the textual content. Moreover, few attempts have been made to focus on the aspects of interpretability of such models given the social and legal implications of incorrect predictions. In this work, we propose a deep neural multi-modal model that can: (a) detect hate speech by effectively capturing the semantics of the text along with socio-cultural context in which a particular hate expression is made, and (b) provide interpretable insights into decisions of our model. By performing a thorough evaluation of different modeling techniques, we demonstrate that our model is able to outperform the existing state-of-the-art hate speech classification approaches. Finally, we show the importance of social and cultural context features towards unearthing clusters associated with different categories of hate.
Image pre-processing in the frequency domain has traditionally played a vital role in computer vision and was even part of the standard pipeline in the early days of deep learning. However, with the advent of large datasets, many practitioners conclu ded that this was unnecessary due to the belief that these priors can be learned from the data itself. Frequency aliasing is a phenomenon that may occur when sub-sampling any signal, such as an image or feature map, causing distortion in the sub-sampled output. We show that we can mitigate this effect by placing non-trainable blur filters and using smooth activation functions at key locations, particularly where networks lack the capacity to learn them. These simple architectural changes lead to substantial improvements in out-of-distribution generalization on both image classification under natural corruptions on ImageNet-C [10] and few-shot learning on Meta-Dataset [17], without introducing additional trainable parameters and using the default hyper-parameters of open source codebases.
We propose a self-supervised framework to learn scene representations from video that are automatically delineated into objects and background. Our method relies on moving objects being equivariant with respect to their transformation across frames a nd the background being constant. After training, we can manipulate and render the scenes in real time to create unseen combinations of objects, transformations, and backgrounds. We show results on moving MNIST with backgrounds.
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for learning software engineering tasks including code completion, bug finding, and program repair. They benefit from leveraging program structure like control flow graphs, but they are not well-suited to tasks like program execution that require far more sequential reasoning steps than number of GNN propagation steps. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs), on the other hand, are well-suited to long sequential chains of reasoning, but they do not naturally incorporate program structure and generally perform worse on the above tasks. Our aim is to achieve the best of both worlds, and we do so by introducing a novel GNN architecture, the Instruction Pointer Attention Graph Neural Networks (IPA-GNN), which achieves improved systematic generalization on the task of learning to execute programs using control flow graphs. The model arises by considering RNNs operating on program traces with branch decisions as latent variables. The IPA-GNN can be seen either as a continuous relaxation of the RNN model or as a GNN variant more tailored to execution. To test the models, we propose evaluating systematic generalization on learning to execute using control flow graphs, which tests sequential reasoning and use of program structure. More practically, we evaluate these models on the task of learning to execute partial programs, as might arise if using the model as a heuristic function in program synthesis. Results show that the IPA-GNN outperforms a variety of RNN and GNN baselines on both tasks.
We propose a generalization of neural network sequence models. Instead of predicting one symbol at a time, our multi-scale model makes predictions over multiple, potentially overlapping multi-symbol tokens. A variation of the byte-pair encoding (BPE) compression algorithm is used to learn the dictionary of tokens that the model is trained with. When applied to language modelling, our model has the flexibility of character-level models while maintaining many of the performance benefits of word-level models. Our experiments show that this model performs better than a regular LSTM on language modeling tasks, especially for smaller models.
Topic modeling based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) has been a framework of choice to deal with multimodal data, such as in image annotation tasks. Another popular approach to model the multimodal data is through deep neural networks, such as t he deep Boltzmann machine (DBM). Recently, a new type of topic model called the Document Neural Autoregressive Distribution Estimator (DocNADE) was proposed and demonstrated state-of-the-art performance for text document modeling. In this work, we show how to successfully apply and extend this model to multimodal data, such as simultaneous image classification and annotation. First, we propose SupDocNADE, a supervised extension of DocNADE, that increases the discriminative power of the learned hidden topic features and show how to employ it to learn a joint representation from image visual words, annotation words and class label information. We test our model on the LabelMe and UIUC-Sports data sets and show that it compares favorably to other topic models. Second, we propose a deep extension of our model and provide an efficient way of training the deep model. Experimental results show that our deep model outperforms its shallow version and reaches state-of-the-art performance on the Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) Flickr data set.
We introduce RNADE, a new model for joint density estimation of real-valued vectors. Our model calculates the density of a datapoint as the product of one-dimensional conditionals modeled using mixture density networks with shared parameters. RNADE l earns a distributed representation of the data, while having a tractable expression for the calculation of densities. A tractable likelihood allows direct comparison with other methods and training by standard gradient-based optimizers. We compare the performance of RNADE on several datasets of heterogeneous and perceptual data, finding it outperforms mixture models in all but one case.

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