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143 - Tao Zhou , Huazhu Fu , Geng Chen 2021
RGB-D saliency detection has attracted increasing attention, due to its effectiveness and the fact that depth cues can now be conveniently captured. Existing works often focus on learning a shared representation through various fusion strategies, wit h few methods explicitly considering how to preserve modality-specific characteristics. In this paper, taking a new perspective, we propose a specificity-preserving network (SP-Net) for RGB-D saliency detection, which benefits saliency detection performance by exploring both the shared information and modality-specific properties (e.g., specificity). Specifically, two modality-specific networks and a shared learning network are adopted to generate individual and shared saliency maps. A cross-enhanced integration module (CIM) is proposed to fuse cross-modal features in the shared learning network, which are then propagated to the next layer for integrating cross-level information. Besides, we propose a multi-modal feature aggregation (MFA) module to integrate the modality-specific features from each individual decoder into the shared decoder, which can provide rich complementary multi-modal information to boost the saliency detection performance. Further, a skip connection is used to combine hierarchical features between the encoder and decoder layers. Experiments on six benchmark datasets demonstrate that our SP-Net outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at: https://github.com/taozh2017/SPNet.
117 - Li Li , Huazhu Fu , Bo Han 2021
Federated learning (FL) collaboratively aggregates a shared global model depending on multiple local clients, while keeping the training data decentralized in order to preserve data privacy. However, standard FL methods ignore the noisy client issue, which may harm the overall performance of the aggregated model. In this paper, we first analyze the noisy client statement, and then model noisy clients with different noise distributions (e.g., Bernoulli and truncated Gaussian distributions). To learn with noisy clients, we propose a simple yet effective FL framework, named Federated Noisy Client Learning (Fed-NCL), which is a plug-and-play algorithm and contains two main components: a data quality measurement (DQM) to dynamically quantify the data quality of each participating client, and a noise robust aggregation (NRA) to adaptively aggregate the local models of each client by jointly considering the amount of local training data and the data quality of each client. Our Fed-NCL can be easily applied in any standard FL workflow to handle the noisy client issue. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that our algorithm boosts the performances of different state-of-the-art systems with noisy clients.
The core problem of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the trade off between acceleration and image quality. Image reconstruction and super-resolution are two crucial techniques in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Current methods are designed to pe rform these tasks separately, ignoring the correlations between them. In this work, we propose an end-to-end task transformer network (T$^2$Net) for joint MRI reconstruction and super-resolution, which allows representations and feature transmission to be shared between multiple task to achieve higher-quality, super-resolved and motion-artifacts-free images from highly undersampled and degenerated MRI data. Our framework combines both reconstruction and super-resolution, divided into two sub-branches, whose features are expressed as queries and keys. Specifically, we encourage joint feature learning between the two tasks, thereby transferring accurate task information. We first use two separate CNN branches to extract task-specific features. Then, a task transformer module is designed to embed and synthesize the relevance between the two tasks. Experimental results show that our multi-task model significantly outperforms advanced sequential methods, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Corneal endothelial cell segmentation plays a vital role inquantifying clinical indicators such as cell density, coefficient of variation,and hexagonality. However, the corneal endotheliums uneven reflectionand the subjects tremor and movement cause blurred cell edges in theimage, which is difficult to segment, and need more details and contextinformation to release this problem. Due to the limited receptive field oflocal convolution and continuous downsampling, the existing deep learn-ing segmentation methods cannot make full use of global context andmiss many details. This paper proposes a Multi-Branch hybrid Trans-former Network (MBT-Net) based on the transformer and body-edgebranch. Firstly, We use the convolutional block to focus on local tex-ture feature extraction and establish long-range dependencies over space,channel, and layer by the transformer and residual connection. Besides,We use the body-edge branch to promote local consistency and to provideedge position information. On the self-collected dataset TM-EM3000 andpublic Alisarine dataset, compared with other State-Of-The-Art (SOTA)methods, the proposed method achieves an improvement.
When encountering a dubious diagnostic case, medical instance retrieval can help radiologists make evidence-based diagnoses by finding images containing instances similar to a query case from a large image database. The similarity between the query c ase and retrieved similar cases is determined by visual features extracted from pathologically abnormal regions. However, the manifestation of these regions often lacks specificity, i.e., different diseases can have the same manifestation, and different manifestations may occur at different stages of the same disease. To combat the manifestation ambiguity in medical instance retrieval, we propose a novel deep framework called Y-Net, encoding images into compact hash-codes generated from convolutional features by feature aggregation. Y-Net can learn highly discriminative convolutional features by unifying the pixel-wise segmentation loss and classification loss. The segmentation loss allows exploring subtle spatial differences for good spatial-discriminability while the classification loss utilizes class-aware semantic information for good semantic-separability. As a result, Y-Net can enhance the visual features in pathologically abnormal regions and suppress the disturbing of the background during model training, which could effectively embed discriminative features into the hash-codes in the retrieval stage. Extensive experiments on two medical image datasets demonstrate that Y-Net can alleviate the ambiguity of pathologically abnormal regions and its retrieval performance outperforms the state-of-the-art method by an average of 9.27% on the returned list of 10.
150 - Cheng Xue , Lei Zhu , Huazhu Fu 2021
Automatic breast lesion segmentation in ultrasound helps to diagnose breast cancer, which is one of the dreadful diseases that affect women globally. Segmenting breast regions accurately from ultrasound image is a challenging task due to the inherent speckle artifacts, blurry breast lesion boundaries, and inhomogeneous intensity distributions inside the breast lesion regions. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated remarkable results in medical image segmentation tasks. However, the convolutional operations in a CNN often focus on local regions, which suffer from limited capabilities in capturing long-range dependencies of the input ultrasound image, resulting in degraded breast lesion segmentation accuracy. In this paper, we develop a deep convolutional neural network equipped with a global guidance block (GGB) and breast lesion boundary detection (BD) modules for boosting the breast ultrasound lesion segmentation. The GGB utilizes the multi-layer integrated feature map as a guidance information to learn the long-range non-local dependencies from both spatial and channel domains. The BD modules learn additional breast lesion boundary map to enhance the boundary quality of a segmentation result refinement. Experimental results on a public dataset and a collected dataset show that our network outperforms other medical image segmentation methods and the recent semantic segmentation methods on breast ultrasound lesion segmentation. Moreover, we also show the application of our network on the ultrasound prostate segmentation, in which our method better identifies prostate regions than state-of-the-art networks.
320 - Qi Fan , Deng-Ping Fan , Huazhu Fu 2021
We present a novel group collaborative learning framework (GCoNet) capable of detecting co-salient objects in real time (16ms), by simultaneously mining consensus representations at group level based on the two necessary criteria: 1) intra-group comp actness to better formulate the consistency among co-salient objects by capturing their inherent shared attributes using our novel group affinity module; 2) inter-group separability to effectively suppress the influence of noisy objects on the output by introducing our new group collaborating module conditioning the inconsistent consensus. To learn a better embedding space without extra computational overhead, we explicitly employ auxiliary classification supervision. Extensive experiments on three challenging benchmarks, i.e., CoCA, CoSOD3k, and Cosal2015, demonstrate that our simple GCoNet outperforms 10 cutting-edge models and achieves the new state-of-the-art. We demonstrate this papers new technical contributions on a number of important downstream computer vision applications including content aware co-segmentation, co-localization based automatic thumbnails, etc.
Deep hashing methods have been shown to be the most efficient approximate nearest neighbor search techniques for large-scale image retrieval. However, existing deep hashing methods have a poor small-sample ranking performance for case-based medical i mage retrieval. The top-ranked images in the returned query results may be as a different class than the query image. This ranking problem is caused by classification, regions of interest (ROI), and small-sample information loss in the hashing space. To address the ranking problem, we propose an end-to-end framework, called Attention-based Triplet Hashing (ATH) network, to learn low-dimensional hash codes that preserve the classification, ROI, and small-sample information. We embed a spatial-attention module into the network structure of our ATH to focus on ROI information. The spatial-attention module aggregates the spatial information of feature maps by utilizing max-pooling, element-wise maximum, and element-wise mean operations jointly along the channel axis. The triplet cross-entropy loss can help to map the classification information of images and similarity between images into the hash codes. Extensive experiments on two case-based medical datasets demonstrate that our proposed ATH can further improve the retrieval performance compared to the state-of-the-art deep hashing methods and boost the ranking performance for small samples. Compared to the other loss methods, the triplet cross-entropy loss can enhance the classification performance and hash code-discriminability
Automatic colorectal polyp detection in colonoscopy video is a fundamental task, which has received a lot of attention. Manually annotating polyp region in a large scale video dataset is time-consuming and expensive, which limits the development of d eep learning techniques. A compromise is to train the target model by using labeled images and infer on colonoscopy videos. However, there are several issues between the image-based training and video-based inference, including domain differences, lack of positive samples, and temporal smoothness. To address these issues, we propose an Image-video-joint polyp detection network (Ivy-Net) to address the domain gap between colonoscopy images from historical medical reports and real-time videos. In our Ivy-Net, a modified mixup is utilized to generate training data by combining the positive images and negative video frames at the pixel level, which could learn the domain adaptive representations and augment the positive samples. Simultaneously, a temporal coherence regularization (TCR) is proposed to introduce the smooth constraint on feature-level in adjacent frames and improve polyp detection by unlabeled colonoscopy videos. For evaluation, a new large colonoscopy polyp dataset is collected, which contains 3056 images from historical medical reports of 889 positive patients and 7.5-hour videos of 69 patients (28 positive). The experiments on the collected dataset demonstrate that our Ivy-Net achieves the state-of-the-art result on colonoscopy video.
261 - Lei Mou , Yitian Zhao , Huazhu Fu 2020
Automated detection of curvilinear structures, e.g., blood vessels or nerve fibres, from medical and biomedical images is a crucial early step in automatic image interpretation associated to the management of many diseases. Precise measurement of the morphological changes of these curvilinear organ structures informs clinicians for understanding the mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of e.g. cardiovascular, kidney, eye, lung, and neurological conditions. In this work, we propose a generic and unified convolution neural network for the segmentation of curvilinear structures and illustrate in several 2D/3D medical imaging modalities. We introduce a new curvilinear structure segmentation network (CS2-Net), which includes a self-attention mechanism in the encoder and decoder to learn rich hierarchical representations of curvilinear structures. Two types of attention modules - spatial attention and channel attention - are utilized to enhance the inter-class discrimination and intra-class responsiveness, to further integrate local features with their global dependencies and normalization, adaptively. Furthermore, to facilitate the segmentation of curvilinear structures in medical images, we employ a 1x3 and a 3x1 convolutional kernel to capture boundary features. ...

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