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We study the homogenous quenching processes in a holographic s+p model with reentrant phase transitions. We first realize the reentrant phase transition in the holographic model in probe limit and draw the phase diagram. Next, we compare the time evo lution of the two condensates in two groups of numerical quenching experiments across the reentrant region, with different quenching speed as well as different width of the reentrant region, respectively. We also study the dynamical competition between the two orders in quenching processes from the normal phase to the superconductor phase.
Formation and evolution of topological defects in course of non-equilibrium symmetry breaking phase transitions is of wide interest in many areas of physics, from cosmology through condensed matter to low temperature physics. Its study in strongly co upled systems, in absence of quasiparticles, is especially challenging. We investigate breaking of U(1) symmetry and the resulting spontaneous formation of vortices in a $(2+1)$-dimensional holographic superconductor employing gauge/gravity duality, a `first-principles approach to study strongly coupled systems. Magnetic fluxons with quantized fluxes are seen emerging in the post-transition superconducting phase. As expected in type II superconductors, they are trapped in the cores of the order parameter vortices. The dependence of the density of these topological defects on the quench time, the dispersion of the typical winding numbers in the superconductor, and the vortex-vortex correlations are consistent with predictions of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism.
At a finite temperature, the stable equilibrium states of a coupled two-component superfluid with the same mass in both non-rotating and rotating cases can be obtained by studying its real time dynamics via holography, the equilibrium state is the fi nal stable state that does not change in time anymore in the evolution process . Without rotation, the spatial phase separated states of the two components become more stable than the miscible condensates state when the direct repulsive inter-component coupling constant $eta>eta_c=0.05$ when the Josephson coupling $epsilon$ is turned off. While a finite $epsilon$ will always prevent the two species to be separated spatially. Under rotation, with vanishing $epsilon$, the quantum fluid reveals many equilibrium structures of vortex states by varying the $eta$ from negative to positive, the interlaced vortex lattices undergo a phase transition to vortex sheets with each component made up of chains of single quantized vortices.
Using the volume of the space enclosed by the Ryu-Takayanagi (RT) surface, we study the complexity of the disk-shape subregion (with radius R) in various (2+1)-dimensional gapped systems with gravity dual. These systems include a class of toy models with singular IR and the bottom-up models for quantum chromodynamics and fractional quantum Hall effects. Two main results are: i) in the large-R expansion of the complexity, the R-linear term is always absent, similar to the absence of topological entanglement entropy; ii) when the entanglement entropy exhibits the classic `swallowtail phase transition, the complexity is sensitive but reacts differently.
We study the holographic superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) Josephon junction in the massive gravity. In the homogeneous case of the chemical potential, we find that the graviton mass will make the normal metal-superconductor phase tran sition harder to take place. In the holographic model of Josephson junction, it is found that the maximal tunneling current will decrease according to the graviton mass. Besides, the coherence length of the junction decreases as well with respect to the graviton mass. If one interprets the graviton mass as the effect of momentum dissipation in the boundary field theory, it indicates that the stronger the momentum dissipation is, the smaller the coherence length is.

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