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The realization of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in ultracold atoms has triggered an intensive exploring of topological superfluids in the degenerate Fermi gases based on mean-field theory, which has not yet been reported in experiments. Here, we demonst rate the topological phase transitions in the system via the numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo method. Without prior assumptions, our unbiased real-space calculation shows that spin-orbit coupling can stabilize an unconventional pairing in the weak SOC regime, in which the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov pairing coexists with the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer pairing. Furthermore, we use the jumps in the spin polarization at the time-reversal invariant momenta to qualify the topological phase transition, where we find the critical exponent deviated from the mean-field theory. Our results pave the way for the searching of unconventional pairing and topological superfluids with degenerate Fermi gases.
We use the stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo method, together with the eigenstate-to-Hamiltonian mapping approach, to map the localized ground states of the disordered two-dimensional Heisenberg model, to excited states of a target Hami ltonian. The localized nature of the ground state is established by studying the spin stiffness, local entanglement entropy, and local magnetization. This construction allows us to define many body localized states in an energy resolved phase diagram thereby providing concrete numerical evidence for the existence of a many-body localized phase in two dimensions.
Fidelity approach has been widely used to detect various types of quantum phase transitions, including some that are beyond the Landau symmetry breaking theory, in condensed matter models. However, challenges remain in locating the transition points with precision in several models with unconventional phases such as the quantum spin liquid phase in spin-1 Kitaev-Heisenberg model. In this work, we propose a novel approach, which we named the fidelity map, to detect quantum phase transitions with higher accuracy and sensitivity as compared to the conventional fidelity measures. Our scheme extends the fidelity concept from a single dimension quantity to a multi-dimensional quantity, and use a meta-heuristic algorithm to search for the critical points that globally maximized the fidelity within each phase. We test the scheme in three interacting condensed matter models, namely the spin-1 Kitaev Heisenberg model which consists of the quantum spin liquid phase and the topological Haldane phase, the spin-1/2 XXZ model which possesses a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, and the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model that exhibits a topological quantum phase transition. The result shows that the fidelity map can capture a wide range of phase transitions accurately, thus providing a new tool to study phase transitions in unseen models without prior knowledge of the systems symmetry.
122 - Ho-Kin Tang , Sim Kuan Goh 2021
Drawing inspiration from the philosophy of Yi Jing, Yin-Yang pair optimization (YYPO) has been shown to achieve competitive performance in single objective optimizations. Besides, it has the advantage of low time complexity when comparing to other po pulation-based optimization. As a conceptual extension of YYPO, we proposed the novel Yi optimization (YI) algorithm as one of the best non-population-based optimizer. Incorporating both the harmony and reversal concept of Yi Jing, we replace the Yin-Yang pair with a Yi-point, in which we utilize the Levy flight to update the solution and balance both the effort of the exploration and the exploitation in the optimization process. As a conceptual prototype, we examine YI with IEEE CEC 2017 benchmark and compare its performance with a Levy flight-based optimizer CV1.0, the state-of-the-art dynamical Yin-Yang pair optimization in YYPO family and a few classical optimizers. According to the experimental results, YI shows highly competitive performance while keeping the low time complexity. Hence, the results of this work have implications for enhancing meta-heuristic optimizer using the philosophy of Yi Jing, which deserves research attention.
Hesselmann {it et al}.~question one of our conclusions, namely, the suppression of Fermi velocity at the Gross-Neveu critical point for the specific case of vanishing long-range interactions and at zero energy. The possibility they raise could occur in any finite-size extrapolation of numerical data. While we cannot definitively rule out this possibility, we provide mathematical bounds on its likelihood.
We use the Hirsch-Fye quantum Monte Carlo method to study the single magnetic impurity problem in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We calculate the spin susceptibility for various values of spin-orbit coupling, Hubbard interaction, and chemical potential. The Kondo temperatures for different parameters are estimated by fitting the universal curves of spin susceptibility. We find that the Kondo temperature is almost a linear function of Rashba spin-orbit energy when the chemical potential is close to the edge of the conduction band. When the chemical potential is far away from the band edge, the Kondo temperature is independent of the spin-orbit coupling. These results demonstrate that, for single impurity problem in this system, the most important reason to change the Kondo temperature is the divergence of density of states near the band edge, and the divergence is induced by the Rashba spin-orbit coupling.
We investigate Rashba spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases in square optical lattice by using the determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) simulations which is free of the sign-problem. We show that the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thoules phase transition tempera ture is firstly enhanced and then suppressed by spin-orbit coupling in the strong attraction region. In the intermediate attraction region, spin-orbit coupling always suppresses the transition temperature. We also show that the spin susceptibility becomes anisotropic and retains finite values at zero temperature.

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