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Machine learning models are often trained on data from one distribution and deployed on others. So it becomes important to design models that are robust to distribution shifts. Most of the existing work focuses on optimizing for either adversarial sh ifts or interventional shifts. Adversarial methods lack expressivity in representing plausible shifts as they consider shifts to joint distributions in the data. Interventional methods allow more expressivity but provide robustness to unbounded shifts, resulting in overly conservative models. In this work, we combine the complementary strengths of the two approaches and propose a new formulation, RISe, for designing robust models against a set of distribution shifts that are at the intersection of adversarial and interventional shifts. We employ the distributionally robust optimization framework to optimize the resulting objective in both supervised and reinforcement learning settings. Extensive experimentation with synthetic and real world datasets from healthcare demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.
Email communications are ubiquitous. Firms control send times of emails and thereby the instants at which emails reach recipients (it is assumed email is received instantaneously from the send time). However, they do not control the duration it takes for recipients to open emails, labeled as time-to-open. Importantly, among emails that are opened, most occur within a short window from their send times. We posit that emails are likely to be opened sooner when send times are convenient for recipients, while for other send times, emails can get ignored. Thus, to compute appropriate send times it is important to predict times-to-open accurately. We propose a recurrent neural network (RNN) in a survival model framework to predict times-to-open, for each recipient. Using that we compute appropriate send times. We experiment on a data set of emails sent to a million customers over five months. The sequence of emails received by a person from a sender is a result of interactions with past emails from the sender, and hence contain useful signal that inform our model. This sequential dependence affords our proposed RNN-Survival (RNN-S) approach to outperform survival analysis approaches in predicting times-to-open. We show that best times to send emails can be computed accurately from predicted times-to-open. This approach allows a firm to tune send times of emails, which is in its control, to favorably influence open rates and engagement.
We study the problem of learning fair prediction models for unseen test sets distributed differently from the train set. Stability against changes in data distribution is an important mandate for responsible deployment of models. The domain adaptatio n literature addresses this concern, albeit with the notion of stability limited to that of prediction accuracy. We identify sufficient conditions under which stable models, both in terms of prediction accuracy and fairness, can be learned. Using the causal graph describing the data and the anticipated shifts, we specify an approach based on feature selection that exploits conditional independencies in the data to estimate accuracy and fairness metrics for the test set. We show that for specific fairness definitions, the resulting model satisfies a form of worst-case optimality. In context of a healthcare task, we illustrate the advantages of the approach in making more equitable decisions.
Email messages have been an important mode of communication, not only for work, but also for social interactions and marketing. When messages have time sensitive information, it becomes relevant for the sender to know what is the expected time within which the email will be read by the recipient. In this paper we use a survival analysis framework to predict the time to open an email once it has been received. We use the Cox Proportional Hazards (CoxPH) model that offers a way to combine various features that might affect the event of opening an email. As an extension, we also apply a mixture model (MM) approach to CoxPH that distinguishes between recipients, based on a latent state of how prone to opening the messages each individual is. We compare our approach with standard classification and regression models. While the classification model provides predictions on the likelihood of an email being opened, the regression model provides prediction of the real-valued time to open. The use of survival analysis based methods allows us to jointly model both the open event as well as the time-to-open. We experimented on a large real-world dataset of marketing emails sent in a 3-month time duration. The mixture model achieves the best accuracy on our data where a high proportion of email messages go unopened.
Learning to rank is an important problem in machine learning and recommender systems. In a recommender system, a user is typically recommended a list of items. Since the user is unlikely to examine the entire recommended list, partial feedback arises naturally. At the same time, diverse recommendations are important because it is challenging to model all tastes of the user in practice. In this paper, we propose the first algorithm for online learning to rank diverse items from partial-click feedback. We assume that the user examines the list of recommended items until the user is attracted by an item, which is clicked, and does not examine the rest of the items. This model of user behavior is known as the cascade model. We propose an online learning algorithm, cascadelsb, for solving our problem. The algorithm actively explores the tastes of the user with the objective of learning to recommend the optimal diverse list. We analyze the algorithm and prove a gap-free upper bound on its n-step regret. We evaluate cascadelsb on both synthetic and real-world datasets, compare it to various baselines, and show that it learns even when our modeling assumptions do not hold exactly.
This article presents a novel approach for learning low-dimensional distributed representations of users in online social networks. Existing methods rely on the network structure formed by the social relationships among users to extract these represe ntations. However, the network information can be obsolete, incomplete or dynamically changing. In addition, in some cases, it can be prohibitively expensive to get the network information. Therefore, we propose an alternative approach based on observations from topics being talked on in social networks. We utilise the time information of users adopting topics in order to embed them in a real-valued vector space. Through extensive experiments, we investigate the properties of the representations learned and their efficacy in preserving information about link structure among users. We also evaluate the representations in two different prediction tasks, namely, predicting most likely future adopters of a topic and predicting the geo-location of users. Experiments to validate the proposed methods are performed on a large-scale social network extracted from Twitter, consisting of about 7.7 million users and their activity on around 3.6 million topics over a month-long period.
With the explosion of video content on the Internet, there is a need for research on methods for video analysis which take human cognition into account. One such cognitive measure is memorability, or the ability to recall visual content after watchin g it. Prior research has looked into image memorability and shown that it is intrinsic to visual content, but the problem of modeling video memorability has not been addressed sufficiently. In this work, we develop a prediction model for video memorability, including complexities of video content in it. Detailed feature analysis reveals that the proposed method correlates well with existing findings on memorability. We also describe a novel experiment of predicting video sub-shot memorability and show that our approach improves over current memorability methods in this task. Experiments on standard datasets demonstrate that the proposed metric can achieve results on par or better than the state-of-the art methods for video summarization.
We focus on three aspects of the early spread of a hashtag in order to predict whether it will go viral: the network properties of the subset of users tweeting the hashtag, its geographical properties, and, most importantly, its conductance-related p roperties. One of our significant contributions is to discover the critical role played by the conductance based features for the successful prediction of virality. More specifically, we show that the first derivative of the conductance gives an early indication of whether the hashtag is going to go viral or not. We present a detailed experimental evaluation of the effect of our various categories of features on the virality prediction task. When compared to the baselines and the state of the art techniques proposed in the literature our feature set is able to achieve significantly better accuracy on a large dataset of 7.7 million users and all their tweets over a period of month, as well as on existing datasets.

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