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Lossless image compression is an important technique for image storage and transmission when information loss is not allowed. With the fast development of deep learning techniques, deep neural networks have been used in this field to achieve a higher compression rate. Methods based on pixel-wise autoregressive statistical models have shown good performance. However, the sequential processing way prevents these methods to be used in practice. Recently, multi-scale autoregressive models have been proposed to address this limitation. Multi-scale approaches can use parallel computing systems efficiently and build practical systems. Nevertheless, these approaches sacrifice compression performance in exchange for speed. In this paper, we propose a multi-scale progressive statistical model that takes advantage of the pixel-wise approach and the multi-scale approach. We developed a flexible mechanism where the processing order of the pixels can be adjusted easily. Our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art lossless image compression methods on two large benchmark datasets by a significant margin without degrading the inference speed dramatically.
Automatic captioning of images is a task that combines the challenges of image analysis and text generation. One important aspect in captioning is the notion of attention: How to decide what to describe and in which order. Inspired by the successes i n text analysis and translation, previous work have proposed the textit{transformer} architecture for image captioning. However, the structure between the textit{semantic units} in images (usually the detected regions from object detection model) and sentences (each single word) is different. Limited work has been done to adapt the transformers internal architecture to images. In this work, we introduce the textbf{textit{image transformer}}, which consists of a modified encoding transformer and an implicit decoding transformer, motivated by the relative spatial relationship between image regions. Our design widen the original transformer layers inner architecture to adapt to the structure of images. With only regions feature as inputs, our model achieves new state-of-the-art performance on both MSCOCO offline and online testing benchmarks.
This paper studies audio-visual deep saliency prediction. It introduces a conceptually simple and effective Deep Audio-Visual Embedding for dynamic saliency prediction dubbed ``DAVE in conjunction with our efforts towards building an Audio-Visual Eye -tracking corpus named ``AVE. Despite existing a strong relation between auditory and visual cues for guiding gaze during perception, video saliency models only consider visual cues and neglect the auditory information that is ubiquitous in dynamic scenes. Here, we investigate the applicability of audio cues in conjunction with visual ones in predicting saliency maps using deep neural networks. To this end, the proposed model is intentionally designed to be simple. Two baseline models are developed on the same architecture which consists of an encoder-decoder. The encoder projects the input into a feature space followed by a decoder that infers saliency. We conduct an extensive analysis on different modalities and various aspects of multi-model dynamic saliency prediction. Our results suggest that (1) audio is a strong contributing cue for saliency prediction, (2) salient visible sound-source is the natural cause of the superiority of our Audio-Visual model, (3) richer feature representations for the input space leads to more powerful predictions even in absence of more sophisticated saliency decoders, and (4) Audio-Visual model improves over 53.54% of the frames predicted by the best Visual model (our baseline). Our endeavour demonstrates that audio is an important cue that boosts dynamic video saliency prediction and helps models to approach human performance. The code is available at https://github.com/hrtavakoli/DAVE
This paper digs deeper into factors that influence egocentric gaze. Instead of training deep models for this purpose in a blind manner, we propose to inspect factors that contribute to gaze guidance during daily tasks. Bottom-up saliency and optical flow are assessed versus strong spatial prior baselines. Task-specific cues such as vanishing point, manipulation point, and hand regions are analyzed as representatives of top-down information. We also look into the contribution of these factors by investigating a simple recurrent neural model for ego-centric gaze prediction. First, deep features are extracted for all input video frames. Then, a gated recurrent unit is employed to integrate information over time and to predict the next fixation. We also propose an integrated model that combines the recurrent model with several top-down and bottom-up cues. Extensive experiments over multiple datasets reveal that (1) spatial biases are strong in egocentric videos, (2) bottom-up saliency models perform poorly in predicting gaze and underperform spatial biases, (3) deep features perform better compared to traditional features, (4) as opposed to hand regions, the manipulation point is a strong influential cue for gaze prediction, (5) combining the proposed recurrent model with bottom-up cues, vanishing points and, in particular, manipulation point results in the best gaze prediction accuracy over egocentric videos, (6) the knowledge transfer works best for cases where the tasks or sequences are similar, and (7) task and activity recognition can benefit from gaze prediction. Our findings suggest that (1) there should be more emphasis on hand-object interaction and (2) the egocentric vision community should consider larger datasets including diverse stimuli and more subjects.
In this review, we examine the recent progress in saliency prediction and proposed several avenues for future research. In spite of tremendous efforts and huge progress, there is still room for improvement in terms finer-grained analysis of deep sali ency models, evaluation measures, datasets, annotation methods, cognitive studies, and new applications. This chapter will appear in Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience.
This paper revisits visual saliency prediction by evaluating the recent advancements in this field such as crowd-sourced mouse tracking-based databases and contextual annotations. We pursue a critical and quantitative approach towards some of the new challenges including the quality of mouse tracking versus eye tracking for model training and evaluation. We extend quantitative evaluation of models in order to incorporate contextual information by proposing an evaluation methodology that allows accounting for contextual factors such as text, faces, and object attributes. The proposed contextual evaluation scheme facilitates detailed analysis of models and helps identify their pros and cons. Through several experiments, we find that (1) mouse tracking data has lower inter-participant visual congruency and higher dispersion, compared to the eye tracking data, (2) mouse tracking data does not totally agree with eye tracking in general and in terms of different contextual regions in specific, and (3) mouse tracking data leads to acceptable results in training current existing models, and (4) mouse tracking data is less reliable for model selection and evaluation. The contextual evaluation also reveals that, among the studied models, there is no single model that performs best on all the tested annotations.
To bridge the gap between humans and machines in image understanding and describing, we need further insight into how people describe a perceived scene. In this paper, we study the agreement between bottom-up saliency-based visual attention and objec t referrals in scene description constructs. We investigate the properties of human-written descriptions and machine-generated ones. We then propose a saliency-boosted image captioning model in order to investigate benefits from low-level cues in language models. We learn that (1) humans mention more salient objects earlier than less salient ones in their descriptions, (2) the better a captioning model performs, the better attention agreement it has with human descriptions, (3) the proposed saliency-boosted model, compared to its baseline form, does not improve significantly on the MS COCO database, indicating explicit bottom-up boosting does not help when the task is well learnt and tuned on a data, (4) a better generalization is, however, observed for the saliency-boosted model on unseen data.
This manuscript introduces the problem of prominent object detection and recognition inspired by the fact that human seems to priorities perception of scene elements. The problem deals with finding the most important region of interest, segmenting th e relevant item/object in that area, and assigning it an object class label. In other words, we are solving the three problems of saliency modeling, saliency detection, and object recognition under one umbrella. The motivation behind such a problem formulation is (1) the benefits to the knowledge representation-based vision pipelines, and (2) the potential improvements in emulating bio-inspired vision systems by solving these three problems together. We are foreseeing extending this problem formulation to fully semantically segmented scenes with instance object priority for high-level inferences in various applications including assistive vision. Along with a new problem definition, we also propose a method to achieve such a task. The proposed model predicts the most important area in the image, segments the associated objects, and labels them. The proposed problem and method are evaluated against human fixations, annotated segmentation masks, and object class categories. We define a chance level for each of the evaluation criterion to compare the proposed algorithm with. Despite the good performance of the proposed baseline, the overall evaluations indicate that the problem of prominent object detection and recognition is a challenging task that is still worth investigating further.
This paper revisits recognition of natural image pleasantness by employing deep convolutional neural networks and affordable eye trackers. There exist several approaches to recognize image pleasantness: (1) computer vision, and (2) psychophysical sig nals. For natural images, computer vision approaches have not been as successful as for abstract paintings and is lagging behind the psychophysical signals like eye movements. Despite better results, the scalability of eye movements is adversely affected by the sensor cost. While the introduction of affordable sensors have helped the scalability issue by making the sensors more accessible, the application of such sensors in a loosely controlled human-computer interaction setup is not yet studied for affective image tagging. On the other hand, deep convolutional neural networks have boosted the performance of vision-based techniques significantly in recent years. To investigate the current status in regard to affective image tagging, we (1) introduce a new eye movement dataset using an affordable eye tracker, (2) study the use of deep neural networks for pleasantness recognition, (3) investigate the gap between deep features and eye movements. To meet these ends, we record eye movements in a less controlled setup, akin to daily human-computer interaction. We assess features from eye movements, visual features, and their combination. Our results show that (1) recognizing natural image pleasantness from eye movement under less restricted setup is difficult and previously used techniques are prone to fail, and (2) visual class categories are strong cues for predicting pleasantness, due to their correlation with emotions, necessitating careful study of this phenomenon. This latter finding is alerting as some deep learning approaches may fit to the class category bias.

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