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In a comment on arXiv:1006.5070v2, Drechsler et al. claim that the frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain LiCuVO4 should be described by a strong rather than weak ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interaction, in contradiction with their previous work. Their comment is based on DMRG and ED calculations of the magnetization curve and the magnetic excitations. We show that their parameters are at odds with the magnetic susceptibility and the magnetic excitation spectrum, once intensities are taken into account, and that the magnetization curve cannot discriminate between largely different parameter sets within experimental uncertainties. We further show that their new exact diagonalization results support the validity of the RPA-approach, and strongly reinforce our conclusion on the existence of a four-spinon continuum in LiCuVO4, see Enderle et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010) 237207.
In a comment on arXiv:1006.5070v1, Drechsler et al. present new band-structure calculations suggesting that the frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain LiCuVO4 should be described by a strong rather than weak ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interactio n, in contradiction with their previous calculations. In our reply, we show that their new results are at odds with the observed magnetic structure, that their analysis of the static susceptibility neglects important contributions, and that their criticism of the spin-wave analysis of the bound-state dispersion is unfounded. We further show that their new exact diagonalization results reinforce our conclusion on the existence of a four-spinon continuum in LiCuVO4, see Enderle et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010) 237207.
We investigate the phase diagram of TmB4, an Ising magnet on a frustrated Shastry-Sutherland lattice by neutron diffraction and magnetization experiments. At low temperature we find Neel order at low field, ferrimagnetic order at high field and an in termediate phase with magnetization plateaus at fractional values M/Msat = 1/7, 1/8, 1/9 ... and spatial stripe structures. Using an effective S = 1/2 model and its equivalent two-dimensional (2D) fermion gas we suggest that the magnetic properties of TmB4 are related to the fractional quantum Hall effect of a 2D electron gas.
442 - B.A. Ivanov , H.-J. Mikeska 2004
We investigate analytically and numerically the dynamics of domain walls in a spin chain with ferromagnetic Ising interaction and subject to an external magnetic field perpendicular to the easy magnetization axis (transverse field Ising model). The a nalytical results obtained within the continuum approximation and numerical simulations performed for discrete classical model are used to analyze the quantum properties of domain walls using the semiclassical approximation. We show that the domain wall spectrum shows a band structure consisting of 2$S$ non-intersecting zones.
We investigate the influence of biquadratic exchange interactions on the low-lying excitations of a S=1/2-ladder using perturbation theory, numerical diagonalization of finite systems and exact results for ladders with matrix product ground states. W e consider in particular the combination of biquadratic exchange interactions corresponding to ring exchange on the basic ladder plaquette. We find that a moderate amount of ring exchange reduces the spin gap substantially and makes equal bilinear exchange on legs and rungs consistent with experimentally observed spectra.
We propose an effective theory for the critical phase of a quantum ferrimagnetic chain with alternating spins 1 and 1/2 in an external magnetic field. With the help of the matrix product variational approach, the system is mapped to a spin-1/2 XXZ ch ain in an (effective) magnetic field; as a byproduct, we obtain an excellent description of the optical magnon branch in the gapped phase. Recent finite-temperature DMRG results for the low-temperature part of the specific heat are well described by the present approach, and the ``pop-up peaks, developing near the critical field values and in the middle of the critical phase, are identified with the contributions from two different spinon bands of the effective spin-1/2 chain. The effect should be as well observable in other spin-gap systems in an external field, particularly in spin ladders.
We study two-leg S=1/2 ladders with general isotropic exchange interactions between spins on neighboring rungs, whose ground state can be found exactly in a form of finitely correlated (matrix product) wave function. Two families of models admitting an exact solution are found: one yields translationally invariant ground states and the other describes spontaneously dimerized models with twofold degenerate ground state. Several known models with exact ground states can be obtained as particular cases from the general solution of the first family, which includes also a set of models with only bilinear interactions. Those two families of models have nonzero intersection, which enables us to determine exactly the phase boundary of the second-order transition into the dimerized phase and to study the properties of this transition. The structure of elementary excitations in the dimerized phase is discussed on the basis of a variational ansatz. For a particular class of models, we present exact wave functions of the elementary excitations becoming gapless at second-order transition lines. We also propose a generalization of the Bose-Gayen ladder model which has a rich phase diagram with all phase boundaries being exact.
We present a family of spin ladder models which admit exact solution for the ground state and exhibit non-Haldane spin liquid properties as predicted recently by Nersesyan and Tsvelik [Phys. Rev. Lett. v.78, 3939 (1997)], and study their excitation s pectrum using a simple variational ansatz. The elementary excitation is neither a magnon nor a spinon, but a pair of propagating triplet or singlet solitons connecting two spontaneously dimerized ground states. Second-order phase transitions separate this phase from the Haldane phase and the rung-dimer phase.
We numerically investigate elementary excitations of the Heisenberg alternating-spin chains with two kinds of spins 1 and 1/2 antiferromagnetically coupled to each other. Employing a recently developed efficient Monte Carlo technique as well as an ex act diagonalization method, we verify the spin-wave argument that the model exhibits two distinct excitations from the ground state which are gapless and gapped. The gapless branch shows a quadratic dispersion in the small-momentum region, which is of ferromagnetic type. With the intention of elucidating the physical mechanism of both excitations, we make a perturbation approach from the decoupled-dimer limit. The gapless branch is directly related to spin 1s, while the gapped branch originates from cooperation of the two kinds of spins.
We use the variational matrix-product ansatz to study elementary excitations in the S=1/2 ladder with additional diagonal coupling, equivalent to a single S=1/2 chain with alternating exchange and next-nearest neighbor interaction. In absence of alte rnation the elementary excitation consists of two free S=1/2 particles (spinons) which are solitons in the dimer order. When the nearest-neighbor exchange alternates, the spinons are confined into one S=1 excitation being a soliton in the generalized string order. Variational results are found to be in a qualitative agreement with the exact diagonalization data for 24 spins. We argue that such an approach gives a reasonably good description in a wide range of the model parameters.

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