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We propose probabilistic task modelling -- a generative probabilistic model for collections of tasks used in meta-learning. The proposed model combines variational auto-encoding and latent Dirichlet allocation to model each task as a mixture of Gauss ian distribution in an embedding space. Such modelling provides an explicit representation of a task through its task-theme mixture. We present an efficient approximation inference technique based on variational inference method for empirical Bayes parameter estimation. We perform empirical evaluations to validate the task uncertainty and task distance produced by the proposed method through correlation diagrams of the prediction accuracy on testing tasks. We also carry out experiments of task selection in meta-learning to demonstrate how the task relatedness inferred from the proposed model help to facilitate meta-learning algorithms.
Recent advances in meta-learning has led to remarkable performances on several few-shot learning benchmarks. However, such success often ignores the similarity between training and testing tasks, resulting in a potential bias evaluation. We, therefor e, propose a generative approach based on a variant of Latent Dirichlet Allocation to analyse task similarity to optimise and better understand the performance of meta-learning. We demonstrate that the proposed method can provide an insightful evaluation for meta-learning algorithms on two few-shot classification benchmarks that matches common intuition: the more similar the higher performance. Based on this similarity measure, we propose a task-selection strategy for meta-learning and show that it can produce more accurate classification results than methods that randomly select training tasks.
We introduce a new and rigorously-formulated PAC-Bayes few-shot meta-learning algorithm that implicitly learns a prior distribution of the model of interest. Our proposed method extends the PAC-Bayes framework from a single task setting to the few-sh ot learning setting to upper-bound generalisation errors on unseen tasks and samples. We also propose a generative-based approach to model the shared prior and the posterior of task-specific model parameters more expressively compared to the usual diagonal Gaussian assumption. We show that the models trained with our proposed meta-learning algorithm are well calibrated and accurate, with state-of-the-art calibration and classification results on few-shot classification (mini-ImageNet and tiered-ImageNet) and regression (multi-modal task-distribution regression) benchmarks.
Machine learning models for medical image analysis often suffer from poor performance on important subsets of a population that are not identified during training or testing. For example, overall performance of a cancer detection model may be high, b ut the model still consistently misses a rare but aggressive cancer subtype. We refer to this problem as hidden stratification, and observe that it results from incompletely describing the meaningful variation in a dataset. While hidden stratification can substantially reduce the clinical efficacy of machine learning models, its effects remain difficult to measure. In this work, we assess the utility of several possible techniques for measuring and describing hidden stratification effects, and characterize these effects on multiple medical imaging datasets. We find evidence that hidden stratification can occur in unidentified imaging subsets with low prevalence, low label quality, subtle distinguishing features, or spurious correlates, and that it can result in relative performance differences of over 20% on clinically important subsets. Finally, we explore the clinical implications of our findings, and suggest that evaluation of hidden stratification should be a critical component of any machine learning deployment in medical imaging.
Current approaches to explaining the decisions of deep learning systems for medical tasks have focused on visualising the elements that have contributed to each decision. We argue that such approaches are not enough to open the black box of medical d ecision making systems because they are missing a key component that has been used as a standard communication tool between doctors for centuries: language. We propose a model-agnostic interpretability method that involves training a simple recurrent neural network model to produce descriptive sentences to clarify the decision of deep learning classifiers. We test our method on the task of detecting hip fractures from frontal pelvic x-rays. This process requires minimal additional labelling despite producing text containing elements that the original deep learning classification model was not specifically trained to detect. The experimental results show that: 1) the sentences produced by our method consistently contain the desired information, 2) the generated sentences are preferred by doctors compared to current tools that create saliency maps, and 3) the combination of visualisations and generated text is better than either alone.
We developed an automated deep learning system to detect hip fractures from frontal pelvic x-rays, an important and common radiological task. Our system was trained on a decade of clinical x-rays (~53,000 studies) and can be applied to clinical data, automatically excluding inappropriate and technically unsatisfactory studies. We demonstrate diagnostic performance equivalent to a human radiologist and an area under the ROC curve of 0.994. Translated to clinical practice, such a system has the potential to increase the efficiency of diagnosis, reduce the need for expensive additional testing, expand access to expert level medical image interpretation, and improve overall patient outcomes.
Data augmentation is an essential part of the training process applied to deep learning models. The motivation is that a robust training process for deep learning models depends on large annotated datasets, which are expensive to be acquired, stored and processed. Therefore a reasonable alternative is to be able to automatically generate new annotated training samples using a process known as data augmentation. The dominant data augmentation approach in the field assumes that new training samples can be obtained via random geometric or appearance transformations applied to annotated training samples, but this is a strong assumption because it is unclear if this is a reliable generative model for producing new training samples. In this paper, we provide a novel Bayesian formulation to data augmentation, where new annotated training points are treated as missing variables and generated based on the distribution learned from the training set. For learning, we introduce a theoretically sound algorithm --- generalised Monte Carlo expectation maximisation, and demonstrate one possible implementation via an extension of the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Classification results on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 show the better performance of our proposed method compared to the current dominant data augmentation approach mentioned above --- the results also show that our approach produces better classification results than similar GAN models.
In mammography, the efficacy of computer-aided detection methods depends, in part, on the robust localisation of micro-calcifications ($mu$C). Currently, the most effective methods are based on three steps: 1) detection of individual $mu$C candidates , 2) clustering of individual $mu$C candidates, and 3) classification of $mu$C clusters. Where the second step is motivated both to reduce the number of false positive detections from the first step and on the evidence that malignancy depends on a relatively large number of $mu$C detections within a certain area. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to $mu$C detection, consisting of the detection emph{and} classification of individual $mu$C candidates, using shape and appearance features, using a cascade of boosting classifiers. The final step in our approach then clusters the remaining individual $mu$C candidates. The main advantage of this approach lies in its ability to reject a significant number of false positive $mu$C candidates compared to previously proposed methods. Specifically, on the INbreast dataset, we show that our approach has a true positive rate (TPR) for individual $mu$Cs of 40% at one false positive per image (FPI) and a TPR of 80% at 10 FPI. These results are significantly more accurate than the current state of the art, which has a TPR of less than 1% at one FPI and a TPR of 10% at 10 FPI. Our results are competitive with the state of the art at the subsequent stage of detecting clusters of $mu$Cs.
We propose new methods for the prediction of 5-year mortality in elderly individuals using chest computed tomography (CT). The methods consist of a classifier that performs this prediction using a set of features extracted from the CT image and segme ntation maps of multiple anatomic structures. We explore two approaches: 1) a unified framework based on deep learning, where features and classifier are automatically learned in a single optimisation process; and 2) a multi-stage framework based on the design and selection/extraction of hand-crafted radiomics features, followed by the classifier learning process. Experimental results, based on a dataset of 48 annotated chest CTs, show that the deep learning model produces a mean 5-year mortality prediction accuracy of 68.5%, while radiomics produces a mean accuracy that varies between 56% to 66% (depending on the feature selection/extraction method and classifier). The successful development of the proposed models has the potential to make a profound impact in preventive and personalised healthcare.

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