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We present a novel Relightable Neural Renderer (RNR) for simultaneous view synthesis and relighting using multi-view image inputs. Existing neural rendering (NR) does not explicitly model the physical rendering process and hence has limited capabilit ies on relighting. RNR instead models image formation in terms of environment lighting, object intrinsic attributes, and light transport function (LTF), each corresponding to a learnable component. In particular, the incorporation of a physically based rendering process not only enables relighting but also improves the quality of view synthesis. Comprehensive experiments on synthetic and real data show that RNR provides a practical and effective solution for conducting free-viewpoint relighting.
We present a single-image 3D face synthesis technique that can handle challenging facial expressions while recovering fine geometric details. Our technique employs expression analysis for proxy face geometry generation and combines supervised and uns upervised learning for facial detail synthesis. On proxy generation, we conduct emotion prediction to determine a new expression-informed proxy. On detail synthesis, we present a Deep Facial Detail Net (DFDN) based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Net (CGAN) that employs both geometry and appearance loss functions. For geometry, we capture 366 high-quality 3D scans from 122 different subjects under 3 facial expressions. For appearance, we use additional 20K in-the-wild face images and apply image-based rendering to accommodate lighting variations. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our framework can produce high-quality 3D faces with realistic details under challenging facial expressions.

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