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A Neural Rendering Framework for Free-Viewpoint Relighting

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 نشر من قبل Zhang Chen
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a novel Relightable Neural Renderer (RNR) for simultaneous view synthesis and relighting using multi-view image inputs. Existing neural rendering (NR) does not explicitly model the physical rendering process and hence has limited capabilities on relighting. RNR instead models image formation in terms of environment lighting, object intrinsic attributes, and light transport function (LTF), each corresponding to a learnable component. In particular, the incorporation of a physically based rendering process not only enables relighting but also improves the quality of view synthesis. Comprehensive experiments on synthetic and real data show that RNR provides a practical and effective solution for conducting free-viewpoint relighting.

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196 - Liao Wang , Ziyu Wang , Pei Lin 2021
Generating ``bullet-time effects of human free-viewpoint videos is critical for immersive visual effects and VR/AR experience. Recent neural advances still lack the controllable and interactive bullet-time design ability for human free-viewpoint rend ering, especially under the real-time, dynamic and general setting for our trajectory-aware task. To fill this gap, in this paper we propose a neural interactive bullet-time generator (iButter) for photo-realistic human free-viewpoint rendering from dense RGB streams, which enables flexible and interactive design for human bullet-time visual effects. Our iButter approach consists of a real-time preview and design stage as well as a trajectory-aware refinement stage. During preview, we propose an interactive bullet-time design approach by extending the NeRF rendering to a real-time and dynamic setting and getting rid of the tedious per-scene training. To this end, our bullet-time design stage utilizes a hybrid training set, light-weight network design and an efficient silhouette-based sampling strategy. During refinement, we introduce an efficient trajectory-aware scheme within 20 minutes, which jointly encodes the spatial, temporal consistency and semantic cues along the designed trajectory, achieving photo-realistic bullet-time viewing experience of human activities. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for convenient interactive bullet-time design and photo-realistic human free-viewpoint video generation.
4D reconstruction of human-object interaction is critical for immersive VR/AR experience and human activity understanding. Recent advances still fail to recover fine geometry and texture results from sparse RGB inputs, especially under challenging hu man-object interactions scenarios. In this paper, we propose a neural human performance capture and rendering system to generate both high-quality geometry and photo-realistic texture of both human and objects under challenging interaction scenarios in arbitrary novel views, from only sparse RGB streams. To deal with complex occlusions raised by human-object interactions, we adopt a layer-wise scene decoupling strategy and perform volumetric reconstruction and neural rendering of the human and object. Specifically, for geometry reconstruction, we propose an interaction-aware human-object capture scheme that jointly considers the human reconstruction and object reconstruction with their correlations. Occlusion-aware human reconstruction and robust human-aware object tracking are proposed for consistent 4D human-object dynamic reconstruction. For neural texture rendering, we propose a layer-wise human-object rendering scheme, which combines direction-aware neural blending weight learning and spatial-temporal texture completion to provide high-resolution and photo-realistic texture results in the occluded scenarios. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to achieve high-quality geometry and texture reconstruction in free viewpoints for challenging human-object interactions.
Generating free-viewpoint videos is critical for immersive VR/AR experience but recent neural advances still lack the editing ability to manipulate the visual perception for large dynamic scenes. To fill this gap, in this paper we propose the first a pproach for editable photo-realistic free-viewpoint video generation for large-scale dynamic scenes using only sparse 16 cameras. The core of our approach is a new layered neural representation, where each dynamic entity including the environment itself is formulated into a space-time coherent neural layered radiance representation called ST-NeRF. Such layered representation supports fully perception and realistic manipulation of the dynamic scene whilst still supporting a free viewing experience in a wide range. In our ST-NeRF, the dynamic entity/layer is represented as continuous functions, which achieves the disentanglement of location, deformation as well as the appearance of the dynamic entity in a continuous and self-supervised manner. We propose a scene parsing 4D label map tracking to disentangle the spatial information explicitly, and a continuous deform module to disentangle the temporal motion implicitly. An object-aware volume rendering scheme is further introduced for the re-assembling of all the neural layers. We adopt a novel layered loss and motion-aware ray sampling strategy to enable efficient training for a large dynamic scene with multiple performers, Our framework further enables a variety of editing functions, i.e., manipulating the scale and location, duplicating or retiming individual neural layers to create numerous visual effects while preserving high realism. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to achieve high-quality, photo-realistic, and editable free-viewpoint video generation for dynamic scenes.
We present a method that learns a spatiotemporal neural irradiance field for dynamic scenes from a single video. Our learned representation enables free-viewpoint rendering of the input video. Our method builds upon recent advances in implicit repres entations. Learning a spatiotemporal irradiance field from a single video poses significant challenges because the video contains only one observation of the scene at any point in time. The 3D geometry of a scene can be legitimately represented in numerous ways since varying geometry (motion) can be explained with varying appearance and vice versa. We address this ambiguity by constraining the time-varying geometry of our dynamic scene representation using the scene depth estimated from video depth estimation methods, aggregating contents from individual frames into a single global representation. We provide an extensive quantitative evaluation and demonstrate compelling free-viewpoint rendering results.
While deep learning has reshaped the classical motion capture pipeline, generative, analysis-by-synthesis elements are still in use to recover fine details if a high-quality 3D model of the user is available. Unfortunately, obtaining such a model for every user a priori is challenging, time-consuming, and limits the application scenarios. We propose a novel test-time optimization approach for monocular motion capture that learns a volumetric body model of the user in a self-supervised manner. To this end, our approach combines the advantages of neural radiance fields with an articulated skeleton representation. Our proposed skeleton embedding serves as a common reference that links constraints across time, thereby reducing the number of required camera views from traditionally dozens of calibrated cameras, down to a single uncalibrated one. As a starting point, we employ the output of an off-the-shelf model that predicts the 3D skeleton pose. The volumetric body shape and appearance is then learned from scratch, while jointly refining the initial pose estimate. Our approach is self-supervised and does not require any additional ground truth labels for appearance, pose, or 3D shape. We demonstrate that our novel combination of a discriminative pose estimation technique with surface-free analysis-by-synthesis outperforms purely discriminative monocular pose estimation approaches and generalizes well to multiple views.
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