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The vast majority of binaries containing a compact object and a regular star spend most of their time in a quiescent state where no strong interactions occur between components. Detection of these binaries is extremely challenging and only few candid ates have been detected through optical spectroscopy. Self-lensing represents a new means of detecting compact objects in binaries, where gravitational lensing of the light from the visible component by the compact object produces periodic optical flares. Here we show that current and planned large-area optical surveys can detect a significant number ($sim 100$-$10,000$s) of these self-lensing binaries and provide insights into the properties of the compact lenses. We show that many of the predicted population of observable self-lensing binaries will be observed with multiple self-lensing flares; this both improves the chances of detection and also immediately distinguishes them from chance-alignment micro-lensing events. Through self-lensing we can investigate long - but previously hidden - stages of binary evolution and consequently provide new constraints on evolutionary models which impact on the number and nature of double compact object mergers.
Although ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULX) are important for astrophysics due to their extreme apparent super-Eddington luminosities, their nature is still poorly known. Theoretical and observational studies suggest that ULXs could be a diversified group of objects composed of low-mass X-ray binaries, high-mass X-ray binaries and marginally also systems containing intermediate-mass black holes, which is supported by their presence in a variety of environments. Observational data on the ULX donors could significantly boost our understanding of these systems, but only a few were detected. There are several candidates, mostly red supergiants (RSGs), but surveys are typically biased toward luminous near-infrared objects. Nevertheless, it is worth exploring if RSGs can be members of ULX binaries. In such systems matter accreted onto the compact body would have to be provided by the stellar wind of the companion, since a Roche-lobe overflow could be unstable for relevant mass-ratios. Here we present a comprehensive study of the evolution and population of wind-fed ULXs and provide a theoretical support for the link between RSGs and ULXs. Our estimated upper limit on contribution of wind-fed ULX to the overall ULX population is $sim75$--$96%$ for young ($<100$ Myr) star forming environments, $sim 49$--$87%$ for prolonged constant star formation (e.g., disk of Milky Way), and $lesssim1%$ for environments in which star formation ceased long time ($>2$ Gyr) ago. We show also that some wind-fed ULXs (up to $6%$) may evolve into merging double compact objects (DCOs), but typical systems are not viable progenitors of such binaries because of their large separations. We demonstrate that, the exclusion of wind-fed ULXs from population studies of ULXs, might have lead to systematical errors in their conclusions.
Until recently, black holes (BHs) could be discovered only through accretion from other stars in X-ray binaries, or in merging double compact objects. Improvements in astrometric and spectroscopic measurements have made it possible to detect BHs also in non-interacting BH binaries (nBHB) through a precise analysis of the companions motion. In this study, using an updated version of the Startrack binary-star population modelling code and a detailed model of the Milky Way (MW) galaxy we calculate the expected number of detections for Gaia and LAMOST surveys. We develop a formalism to convolve the binary population synthesis output with a realistic stellar density distribution, star-formation history (SFH), and chemical evolution for the MW, which produces a probability distribution function of the predicted compact-binary population over the MW. This avoids the additional statistical uncertainty which is introduced by methods which Monte Carlo sample from binary population synthesis output to produce one potential specific realisation of the MW compact-binary distribution, and our method is also comparatively fast to such Monte Carlo realisations. Specifically, we predict $sim41$-$340$ nBHBs to be observed by Gaia, although the numbers may drop to $sim10$-$70$ if the recent ($lesssim100;$ Myr) star formation is low ($sim1;M_odot$/yr ). For LAMOST we predict $lesssim14$ detectable nBHBs, which is lower partially because its field-of-view covers just $sim6%$ of the Galaxy.
We explore the different formation channels of merging double compact objects (DCOs: BH-BH/BH-NS/NS-NS) that went through a ultraluminous X-ray phase (ULX: X-ray sources with apparent luminosity exceeding $10^{39}$ erg s$^{-1}$). There are many evolu tionary scenarios which can naturally explain the formation of merging DCO systems: isolated binary evolution, dynamical evolution inside dense clusters and chemically homogeneous evolution of field binaries. It is not clear which scenario is responsible for the majority of LIGO/Virgo sources. Finding connections between ULXs and DCOs can potentially point to the origin of merging DCOs as more and more ULXs are discovered. We use the StarTrack population synthesis code to show how many ULXs will form merging DCOs in the framework of isolated binary evolution. Our merger rate calculation shows that in the local Universe typically 50% of merging BH-BH progenitor binaries have evolved through a ULX phase. This indicates that ULXs can be used to study the origin of LIGO/Virgo sources. We have also estimated that the fraction of observed ULXs that will form merging DCOs in future varies between 5% to 40% depending on common envelope model and metallicity.
In large and complicated stellar systems like galaxies it is difficult to predict the number and characteristics of a black hole population. Such populations may be modelled as an aggregation of homogeneous (i.e. having uniform star formation history and the same initial chemical composition) stellar populations. Using realistic evolutionary models we predict the abundances and properties of black holes formed from binaries in these environments. We show that the black hole population will be dominated by single black holes originating from binary disruptions and stellar mergers. Furthermore, we discuss how black hole populations are influenced by such factors as initial parameters, metallicity, initial mass function, and natal kick models. As an example application of our results, we estimate that about 26 microlensing events to happen every year in the direction of the Galactic Bulge due to black holes in a survey like OGLE-IV. Our results may be used to perform in-depth studies related to realistic black hole populations, e.g. observational predictions for space survey missions like Gaia, or Einstein Probe. We prepared a publicly available database with the raw data from our simulations to be used for more in-depth studies.
We have analyzed how anisotropic emission of radiation affects the observed sample of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) by performing simulations of the evolution of stellar populations, employing recent developments in stellar and binary physics, a nd by utilizing a geometrical beaming model motivated by theory and observation. Whilst ULXs harboring black hole accretors (BH ULXs) are typically emitting isotropically, the majority of ULXs with neutron star accretors (NS ULXs) are found to be beamed. These findings confirm previous assertions that a significant fraction of ULXs are hidden from view due to a substantial misalignment of the emission beam and the line-of-sight. We find the total number of NS ULXs in regions with constant star formation, solar metallicity, and ages above ~1 Gyr to be higher than the BH ULXs, although observationally both populations are comparable. For lower metallicities BH ULX dominate both the total and observed ULX populations. As far as burst star-formation is concerned, young ULX populations are dominated by BH ULXs, but this changes as the population ages and, post star-formation, NS ULXs dominate both the observed and total population of ULXs. We also compare our simulation output to a previous analytical prediction for the relative ratio of BH to NS ULXs in idealized flux-limited observations and find broad agreement for all but the lowest metallicities. In so doing we find that in such surveys the observed ULX population should be heavily dominated by black-hole systems rather than by systems containing neutron stars.

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