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Using representation theory, we compute the spectrum of the Dirac operator on the universal covering group of $SL_2(mathbb R)$, exhibiting it as the generator of $KK^1(mathbb C, mathfrak A)$, where $mathfrak A$ is the reduced $C^*$-algebra of the gro up. This yields a new and direct computation of the $K$-theory of $mathfrak A$. A fundamental role is played by the limit-of-discrete-series representation, which is the frontier between the discrete and the principal series of the group. We provide a detailed analysis of the localised spectra of the Dirac operator and compute the Dirac cohomology.
We show that for a wide class of manifold pairs N, M satisfying dim(M) = dim(N) + 1, every pi_1-injective map f : N --> M factorises up to homotopy as a finite cover of an embedding. This result, in the spirit of Waldhausens torus theorem, is derived using Cappells surgery methods from a new algebraic splitting theorem for Poincare duality groups. As an application we derive a new obstruction to the existence of pi_1-injective maps.
Generalizing Block and Weinbergers characterization of amenability we introduce the notion of uniformly finite homology for a group action on a compact space and use it to give a homological characterization of topological amenability for actions. By considering the case of the natural action of $G$ on its Stone-vCech compactification we obtain a homological characterization of exactness of the group, answering a question of Nigel Higson.
In his work on the Novikov conjecture, Yu introduced Property $A$ as a readily verified criterion implying coarse embeddability. Studied subsequently as a property in its own right, Property $A$ for a discrete group is known to be equivalent to exact ness of the reduced group $C^*$-algebra and to the amenability of the action of the group on its Stone-Cech compactification. In this paper we study exactness for groups acting on a finite dimensional $CAT(0)$ cube complex. We apply our methods to show that Artin groups of type FC are exact. While many discrete groups are known to be exact the question of whether every Artin group is exact remains open.
118 - Aditi Kar , Graham A. Niblo 2010
We generalize a result of R. Thomas to establish the non-vanishing of the first l2-Betti number for a class of finitely generated groups.
We show that topological amenability of an action of a countable discrete group on a compact space is equivalent to the existence of an invariant mean for the action. We prove also that this is equivalent to vanishing of bounded cohomology for a clas s of Banach G-modules associated to the action, as well as to vanishing of a specific cohomology class. In the case when the compact space is a point our result reduces to a classic theorem of B.E. Johnson characterising amenability of groups. In the case when the compact space is the Stone-v{C}ech compactification of the group we obtain a cohomological characterisation of exactness for the group, answering a question of Higson.
We give a new perspective on the homological characterisations of amenability given by Johnson in the context of bounded cohomology and by Block and Weinberger in the context of uniformly finite homology. We examine the interaction between their theo ries and explain the relationship between these characterisations. We apply these ideas to give a new proof of non- vanishing for the bounded cohomology of a free group.
In this paper we show that if a discrete group $G$ acts properly isometrically on a discrete space $X$ for which the uniform Roe algebra $C_u^*(X)$ is exact then $G$ is an exact group. As a corollary, we note that if the action is cocompact then the following are equivalent: The space $X$ has Yus property A; $C^*_u(X)$ is exact; $C_u^*(X)$ is nuclear.

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