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The enormous amount of discourse taking place online poses challenges to the functioning of a civil and informed public sphere. Efforts to standardize online discourse data, such as ClaimReview, are making available a wealth of new data about potenti ally inaccurate claims, reviewed by third-party fact-checkers. These data could help shed light on the nature of online discourse, the role of political elites in amplifying it, and its implications for the integrity of the online information ecosystem. Unfortunately, the semi-structured nature of much of this data presents significant challenges when it comes to modeling and reasoning about online discourse. A key challenge is relation extraction, which is the task of determining the semantic relationships between named entities in a claim. Here we develop a novel supervised learning method for relation extraction that combines graph embedding techniques with path traversal on semantic dependency graphs. Our approach is based on the intuitive observation that knowledge of the entities along the path between the subject and object of a triple (e.g. Washington,_D.C.}, and United_States_of_America) provides useful information that can be leveraged for extracting its semantic relation (i.e. capitalOf). As an example of a potential application of this technique for modeling online discourse, we show that our method can be integrated into a pipeline to reason about potential misinformation claims.
We present RelSifter, a supervised learning approach to the problem of assigning relevance scores to triples expressing type-like relations such as profession and nationality. To provide additional contextual information about individuals and relatio ns we supplement the data provided as part of the WSDM 2017 Triple Score contest with Wikidata and DBpedia, two large-scale knowledge graphs (KG). Our hypothesis is that any type relation, i.e., a specific profession like actor or scientist, can be described by the set of typical activities of people known to have that type relation. For example, actors are known to star in movies, and scientists are known for their academic affiliations. In a KG, this information is to be found on a properly defined subset of the second-degree neighbors of the type relation. This form of local information can be used as part of a learning algorithm to predict relevance scores for new, unseen triples. When scoring profession and nationality triples our experiments based on this approach result in an accuracy equal to 73% and 78%, respectively. These performance metrics are roughly equivalent or only slightly below the state of the art prior to the present contest. This suggests that our approach can be effective for evaluating facts, despite the skewness in the number of facts per individual mined from KGs.
The massive spread of digital misinformation has been identified as a major global risk and has been alleged to influence elections and threaten democracies. Communication, cognitive, social, and computer scientists are engaged in efforts to study th e complex causes for the viral diffusion of misinformation online and to develop solutions, while search and social media platforms are beginning to deploy countermeasures. With few exceptions, these efforts have been mainly informed by anecdotal evidence rather than systematic data. Here we analyze 14 million messages spreading 400 thousand articles on Twitter during and following the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and election. We find evidence that social bots played a disproportionate role in amplifying low-credibility content. Accounts that actively spread articles from low-credibility sources are significantly more likely to be bots. Automated accounts are particularly active in amplifying content in the very early spreading moments, before an article goes viral. Bots also target users with many followers through replies and mentions. Humans are vulnerable to this manipulation, retweeting bots who post links to low-credibility content. Successful low-credibility sources are heavily supported by social bots. These results suggest that curbing social bots may be an effective strategy for mitigating the spread of online misinformation.
Algorithms that favor popular items are used to help us select among many choices, from engaging articles on a social media news feed to songs and books that others have purchased, and from top-raked search engine results to highly-cited scientific p apers. The goal of these algorithms is to identify high-quality items such as reliable news, beautiful movies, prestigious information sources, and important discoveries --- in short, high-quality content should rank at the top. Prior work has shown that choosing what is popular may amplify random fluctuations and ultimately lead to sub-optimal rankings. Nonetheless, it is often assumed that recommending what is popular will help high-quality content bubble up in practice. Here we identify the conditions in which popularity may be a viable proxy for quality content by studying a simple model of cultural market endowed with an intrinsic notion of quality. A parameter representing the cognitive cost of exploration controls the critical trade-off between quality and popularity. We find a regime of intermediate exploration cost where an optimal balance exists, such that choosing what is popular actually promotes high-quality items to the top. Outside of these limits, however, popularity bias is more likely to hinder quality. These findings clarify the effects of algorithmic popularity bias on quality outcomes, and may inform the design of more principled mechanisms for techno-social cultural markets.
Online social media and games are increasingly replacing offline social activities. Social media is now an indispensable mode of communication; online gaming is not only a genuine social activity but also a popular spectator sport. With support for a nonymity and larger audiences, online interaction shrinks social and geographical barriers. Despite such benefits, social disparities such as gender inequality persist in online social media. In particular, online gaming communities have been criticized for persistent gender disparities and objectification. As gaming evolves into a social platform, persistence of gender disparity is a pressing question. Yet, there are few large-scale, systematic studies of gender inequality and objectification in social gaming platforms. Here we analyze more than one billion chat messages from Twitch, a social game-streaming platform, to study how the gender of streamers is associated with the nature of conversation. Using a combination of computational text analysis methods, we show that gendered conversation and objectification is prevalent in chats. Female streamers receive significantly more objectifying comments while male streamers receive more game-related comments. This difference is more pronounced for popular streamers. There also exists a large number of users who post only on female or male streams. Employing a neural vector-space embedding (paragraph vector) method, we analyze gendered chat messages and create prediction models that (i) identify the gender of streamers based on messages posted in the channel and (ii) identify the gender a viewer prefers to watch based on their chat messages. Our findings suggest that disparities in social game-streaming platforms is a nuanced phenomenon that involves the gender of streamers as well as those who produce gendered and game-related conversation.
Online communication channels, especially social web platforms, are rapidly replacing traditional ones. Online platforms allow users to overcome physical barriers, enabling worldwide participation. However, the power of online communication bears an important negative consequence --- we are exposed to too much information to process. Too many participants, for example, can turn online public spaces into noisy, overcrowded fora where no meaningful conversation can be held. Here we analyze a large dataset of public chat logs from Twitch, a popular video streaming platform, in order to examine how information overload affects online group communication. We measure structural and textual features of conversations such as user output, interaction, and information content per message across a wide range of information loads. Our analysis reveals the existence of a transition from a conversational state to a cacophony --- a state of overload with lower user participation, more copy-pasted messages, and less information per message. These results hold both on average and at the individual level for the majority of users. This study provides a quantitative basis for further studies of the social effects of information overload, and may guide the design of more resilient online communication systems.
Massive amounts of misinformation have been observed to spread in uncontrolled fashion across social media. Examples include rumors, hoaxes, fake news, and conspiracy theories. At the same time, several journalistic organizations devote significant e fforts to high-quality fact checking of online claims. The resulting information cascades contain instances of both accurate and inaccurate information, unfold over multiple time scales, and often reach audiences of considerable size. All these factors pose challenges for the study of the social dynamics of online news sharing. Here we introduce Hoaxy, a platform for the collection, detection, and analysis of online misinformation and its related fact-checking efforts. We discuss the design of the platform and present a preliminary analysis of a sample of public tweets containing both fake news and fact checking. We find that, in the aggregate, the sharing of fact-checking content typically lags that of misinformation by 10--20 hours. Moreover, fake news are dominated by very active users, while fact checking is a more grass-roots activity. With the increasing risks connected to massive online misinformation, social news observatories have the potential to help researchers, journalists, and the general public understand the dynamics of real and fake news sharing.
Fashion is a multi-billion dollar industry with social and economic implications worldwide. To gain popularity, brands want to be represented by the top popular models. As new faces are selected using stringent (and often criticized) aesthetic criter ia, emph{a priori} predictions are made difficult by information cascades and other fundamental trend-setting mechanisms. However, the increasing usage of social media within and without the industry may be affecting this traditional system. We therefore seek to understand the ingredients of success of fashion models in the age of Instagram. Combining data from a comprehensive online fashion database and the popular mobile image-sharing platform, we apply a machine learning framework to predict the tenure of a cohort of new faces for the 2015 Spring,/,Summer season throughout the subsequent 2015-16 Fall,/,Winter season. Our framework successfully predicts most of the new popular models who appeared in 2015. In particular, we find that a strong social media presence may be more important than being under contract with a top agency, or than the aesthetic standards sought after by the industry.
Traditional fact checking by expert journalists cannot keep up with the enormous volume of information that is now generated online. Computational fact checking may significantly enhance our ability to evaluate the veracity of dubious information. He re we show that the complexities of human fact checking can be approximated quite well by finding the shortest path between concept nodes under properly defined semantic proximity metrics on knowledge graphs. Framed as a network problem this approach is feasible with efficient computational techniques. We evaluate this approach by examining tens of thousands of claims related to history, entertainment, geography, and biographical information using a public knowledge graph extracted from Wikipedia. Statements independently known to be true consistently receive higher support via our method than do false ones. These findings represent a significant step toward scalable computational fact-checking methods that may one day mitigate the spread of harmful misinformation.
Online traces of human activity offer novel opportunities to study the dynamics of complex knowledge exchange networks, and in particular how the relationship between demand and supply of information is mediated by competition for our limited individ ual attention. The emergent patterns of collective attention determine what new information is generated and consumed. Can we measure the relationship between demand and supply for new information about a topic? Here we propose a normalization method to compare attention bursts statistics across topics that have an heterogeneous distribution of attention. Through analysis of a massive dataset on traffic to Wikipedia, we find that the production of new knowledge is associated to significant shifts of collective attention, which we take as a proxy for its demand. What we observe is consistent with a scenario in which the allocation of attention toward a topic stimulates the demand for information about it, and in turn the supply of further novel information. Our attempt to quantify demand and supply of information, and our finding about their temporal ordering, may lead to the development of the fundamental laws of the attention economy, and a better understanding of the social exchange of knowledge in online and offline information networks.

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