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Motivated by the recent progresses in the formulation of geometric theories for the fractional quantum Hall states, we propose a novel non-relativistic geometric model for the Laughlin states based on an extension of the Nappi-Witten geometry. We sho w that the U(1) gauge sector responsible for the fractional Hall conductance, the gravitational Chern-Simons action and Wen-Zee term associated to the Hall viscosity can be derived from a single Chern-Simons theory with a gauge connection that takes values in the extended Nappi-Witten algebra. We then provide a new derivation of the chiral boson associated to the gapless edge states from the Wess-Zumino-Witten model that is induced by the Chern-Simons theory on the boundary.
Bloch oscillations (BOs) are a fundamental phenomenon by which a wave packet undergoes a periodic motion in a lattice when subjected to an external force. Observed in a wide range of synthetic lattice systems, BOs are intrinsically related to the geo metric and topological properties of the underlying band structure. This has established BOs as a prominent tool for the detection of Berry phase effects, including those described by non-Abelian gauge fields. In this work, we unveil a unique topological effect that manifests in the BOs of higher-order topological insulators through the interplay of non-Abelian Berry curvature and quantized Wilson loops. It is characterized by an oscillating Hall drift that is synchronized with a topologically-protected inter-band beating and a multiplied Bloch period. We elucidate that the origin of this synchronization mechanism relies on the periodic quantum dynamics of Wannier centers. Our work paves the way to the experimental detection of non-Abelian topological properties in synthetic matter through the measurement of Berry phases and center-of-mass displacements.
Here, we analyse two Dirac fermion species in two spatial dimensions in the presence of general quartic contact interactions. By employing functional bosonisation techniques, we demonstrate that depending on the couplings of the fermion interactions the system can be effectively described by a rich variety of topologically massive gauge theories. Among these effective theories, we obtain an extended Chern-Simons theory with higher order derivatives as well as two coupled Chern-Simons theories. Our formalism allows for a general description of interacting fermions emerging, for example, at the gapped boundary of three-dimensional topological crystalline insulators.
Quantum anomalies offer a useful guide for the exploration of transport phenomena in topological semimetals. In this work, we introduce a model describing a semimetal in four spatial dimensions, whose nodal points act like tensor monopoles in momentu m space. This system is shown to exhibit monopole-to-monopole phase transitions, as signaled by a change in the value of the topological Dixmier-Douady invariant as well as by the associated surface states on its boundary. We use this model to reveal an intriguing 4D parity magnetic effect, which stems from a parity-type anomaly. In this effect, topological currents are induced upon time-modulating the separation between the fictitious monopoles in the presence of a magnetic perturbation. Besides its theoretical implications in both condensed matter and quantum field theory, the peculiar 4D magnetic effect revealed by our model could be measured by simulating higher-dimensional semimetals in synthetic matter.
Bound states of two interacting particles moving on a lattice can exhibit remarkable features that are not captured by the underlying single-particle picture. Inspired by this phenomenon, we introduce a novel framework by which genuine interaction-in duced geometric and topological effects can be realized in quantum-engineered systems. Our approach builds on the design of effective lattices for the center-of-mass motion of two-body bound states (emph{doublons}), which can be created through long-range interactions. This general scenario is illustrated on several examples, where flat-band localization, topological pumps and higher-order topological corner modes emerge from genuine interaction effects. Our results pave the way for the exploration of interaction-induced topological effects in a variety of platforms, ranging from ultracold gases to interacting photonic devices.
Here, we provide a simple Hubbard-like model of spin-$1/2$ fermions that gives rise to the SU(2) symmetric Thirring model that is equivalent, in the low-energy limit, to Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons model. First, we identify the regime that simulates the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. Then, we suitably extend this model so that it gives rise to the SU(2) level $k$ Chern-Simons theory with $kgeq2$ that can support non-Abelian anyons. This is achieved by introducing multiple fermionic species and modifying the Thirring interactions, while preserving the SU(2) symmetry. Our proposal provides the means to theoretically and experimentally probe non-Abelian SU(2) level $k$ topological phases.

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