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We produce the first low to mid frequency radio simulation that incorporates both traditional extragalactic radio sources as well as synchrotron cosmic web emission. The FIlaments & GAlactic RadiO (FIGARO) simulation includes ten unique SI{4x4}{degre e} fields, incorporating active galactic nucleii (AGNs), star forming galaxies (SFGs) and synchrotron cosmic web emission out to a redshift of $z = 0.8$ and over the frequency range 100-1400 MHz. To do this, the simulation brings together a recent $100^3$ Mpc$^3$ magneto-hydrodynamic simulation (Vazza et al., 2019), calibrated to match observed radio relic population statistics, alongside updated `T-RECS code for simulating extragalactic radio sources (Bonaldi et al., 2019). Uniquely, the AGNs and SFGs are populated and positioned in accordance with the underlying matter density of the cosmological simulation. In this way, the simulation provides an accurate understanding of the apparent morphology, angular scales, and brightness of the cosmic web as well as -- crucially -- the clustering properties of the cosmic web with respect to the embedded extragalactic radio population. We find that the synchrotron cosmic web does not closely trace the underlying mass distribution of the cosmic web, but is instead dominated by shocked shells of emission surrounding dark matter halos and resembles a large, undetected population of radio relics. We also show that, with accurate kernels, the cosmic web radio emission is clearly detectable by cross-correlation techniques and this signal is separable from the embedded extragalactic radio population. We offer the simulation as a public resource towards the development of techniques for detecting and measuring the synchrotron cosmic web.
Strong accretion shocks are expected to illuminate the warm-hot inter-galactic medium encompassed by the filaments of the cosmic web, through synchrotron radio emission. Given their high sensitivity, low-frequency large radio facilities may already b e able to detect signatures of this extended radio emission from the region in between two close and massive galaxy clusters. In this work we exploit the non-detection of such diffuse emission by deep observations of two pairs of relatively close ($simeq 10$ Mpc) and massive ($M_{500}geq 10^{14}M_odot$) galaxy clusters using the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR). By combining the results from the two putative inter-cluster filaments, we derive new independent constraints on the median strength of inter-galactic magnetic fields: $B_{rm 10 Mpc}< 2.5times 10^2,rm nG,(95%, rm CL)$. Based on cosmological simulations and assuming a primordial origin of the B-fields, these estimates can be used to limit the amplitude of primordial seed magnetic fields: $B_0leq10,rm nG$. We advise the observation of similar cluster pairs as a powerful tool to set tight constraints on the amplitude of extragalactic magnetic fields.
82 - Franco Vazza 2020
The emergence of a complex, large-scale organisation of cosmic matter into the Cosmic Web is a beautiful exemplification of how complexity can be produced by simple initial conditions and simple physical laws. In the epoch of Big Data in astrophysics , connecting the stunning variety of multi-messenger observations to the complex interplay of fundamental physical processes is an open challenge. In this contribution, I discuss a few relevant applications of Information Theory to the task of objectively measuring the complexity of modern numerical simulations of the Universe. When applied to cosmological simulations, complexity analysis makes it possible to measure the total information necessary to model the cosmic web. It also allow us to monitor which physical processes are mostly responsible for the emergence of complex dynamical behaviour across cosmic epochs and environments, and possibly to improve mesh refinement strategies in the future.
The origin of radio relics is usually explained via diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) or re-acceleration of electrons at/from merger shocks in galaxy clusters. The case of acceleration is challenged by the low predicted efficiency of low-Mach number merger shocks, unable to explain the power observed in most radio relics. In this Letter we present the discovery of a new giant radio relic around the galaxy cluster Abell 2249 ($z=0.0838$) using LOFAR. It is special since it has the lowest surface brightness of all known radio relics. We study its radio and X-ray properties combinig LOFAR data with uGMRT, JVLA and XMM. This object has a total power of $L_{1.4rm GHz}=4.1pm 0.8 times 10^{23}$ W Hz$^{-1}$ and integrated spectral index $alpha = 1.15pm 0.23$. We infer for this radio relic a lower bound on the magnetisation of $Bgeq 0.4, mu$G, a shock Mach number of $mathcal{M}approx 3.79$, and a low acceleration efficiency consistent with DSA. This result suggests that a missing population of relics may become visible thanks to the unprecedented sensitivity of the new generation of radio telescopes.
We investigate the possibility of measuring intergalactic magnetic fields using the dispersion measures and rotation measures of fast radio bursts. With Bayesian methods, we produce probability density functions for values of these measures. We disti nguish between contributions from the intergalactic medium, the host galaxy and the local environment of the progenitor. To this end, we use constrained, magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the local Universe to compute lines-of-sight integrals from the position of the Milky Way. In particular, we differentiate between predominantly astrophysical and primordial origins of magnetic fields in the intergalactic medium. We test different possible types of host galaxies and probe different distribution functions of fast radio burst progenitor locations inside the host galaxy. Under the assumption that fast radio bursts are produced by magnetars, we use analytic predictions to account for the contribution of the local environment. We find that less than 100 fast radio bursts from magnetars in stellar-wind environments hosted by starburst dwarf galaxies at redshift $z gtrsim 0.5$ suffice to discriminate between predominantly primordial and astrophysical origins of intergalactic magnetic fields. However, this requires the contribution of the Milky Way to be removed with a precision of $approx 1 rm~rad~m^{-2}$. We show the potential existence of a subset of fast radio bursts whose rotation measure carry information on the strength of the intergalactic magnetic field and its origins.
Despite containing about a half of the total matter in the Universe, at most wavelengths the filamentary structure of the cosmic web is difficult to observe. In this work, we use large unigrid cosmological simulations to investigate how the geometric al, thermodynamical and magnetic properties of cosmological filaments vary with mass and redshift (z $leq 1$). We find that the average temperature, length, volume and magnetic field of filaments are tightly log-log correlated with the underlying total gravitational mass. This reflects the role of self-gravity in shaping their properties and enables statistical predictions of their observational properties based on their mass. We also focus on the properties of the simulated population of galaxy-sized halos within filaments, and compare their properties to the results obtained from the spectroscopic GAMA survey. Simulated and observed filaments with the same length are found to contain an equal number of galaxies, with very similar distribution of halo masses. The total number of galaxies within each filament and the total/average stellar mass in galaxies can now be used to predict also the large-scale properties of the gas in the host filaments across tens or hundreds of Mpc in scale. These results are the first steps towards the future use of galaxy catalogues in order to select the best targets for observations of the warm-hot intergalactic medium.
Radio relics are Mpc-scale diffuse radio sources at the peripheries of galaxy clusters which are thought to trace outgoing merger shocks. We present XMM-Newton and Suzaku observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 2744 (z=0.306), which reveal the prese nce of a shock front 1.5 Mpc East of the cluster core. The surface-brightness jump coincides with the position of a known radio relic. Although the surface-brightness jump indicates a weak shock with a Mach number $mathcal{M}=1.7_{-0.3}^{+0.5}$, the plasma in the post-shock region has been heated to a very high temperature ($sim13$ keV) by the passage of the shock wave. The low acceleration efficiency expected from such a weak shock suggests that mildly relativistic electrons have been re-accelerated by the passage of the shock front.
(Abridged) Radio relics in galaxy clusters are believed to be associated with powerful shock fronts that originate during cluster mergers, and are a testbed for the acceleration of relativistic particles in the intracluster medium. Recently, radio re lic observations have pushed into the cm-wavelength domain (1-30 GHz) where a break from the standard synchrotron power-law spectrum has been found, most noticeably in the famous Sausage relic. In this paper, we point to an important effect that has been ignored or considered insignificant while interpreting these new high-frequency radio data, namely the contamination due to the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect that changes the observed synchrotron flux. Even though the radio relics reside in the cluster outskirts, the shock-driven pressure boost increases the SZ signal locally by roughly an order of magnitude. The resulting flux contamination for some well-known relics are non-negligible already at 10 GHz, and at 30 GHz the observed synchrotron fluxes can be diminished by a factor of several from their true values. Interferometric observations are not immune to this contamination, since the change in the SZ signal occurs roughly at the same length scale as the synchrotron emission, although there the flux loss is less severe than single-dish observations. We present a simple analytical approximation for the synchrotron-to-SZ flux ratio, based on a theoretical radio relic model that connects the non-thermal emission to the thermal gas properties, and show that by measuring this ratio one can potentially estimate the relic magnetic fields or the particle acceleration efficiency.

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