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The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will produce an unprecedented amount of light curves using six optical bands. Robust and efficient methods that can aggregate data from multidimensional sparsely-sampled time series are needed. In this paper we present a new method for light curve period estimation based on the quadratic mutual information (QMI). The proposed method does not assume a particular model for the light curve nor its underlying probability density and it is robust to non-Gaussian noise and outliers. By combining the QMI from several bands the true period can be estimated even when no single-band QMI yields the period. Period recovery performance as a function of average magnitude and sample size is measured using 30,000 synthetic multi-band light curves of RR Lyrae and Cepheid variables generated by the LSST Operations and Catalog simulators. The results show that aggregating information from several bands is highly beneficial in LSST sparsely-sampled time series, obtaining an absolute increase in period recovery rate up to 50%. We also show that the QMI is more robust to noise and light curve length (sample size) than the multiband generalizations of the Lomb Scargle and Analysis of Variance periodograms, recovering the true period in 10-30% more cases than its competitors. A python package containing efficient Cython implementations of the QMI and other methods is provided.
68 - Regis Cartier 2011
From a sample of 12 well-observed Type Ia supernovae, we find clear evidence of correlations between early phase (U-B), (V-R), and (V-I) colors and the velocity shifts of the [Fe II] lambda 7155 and [Ni II] lambda 7378 nebular lines measured from lat e-phase spectra. As these lines are thought to trace the ashes of the initial deflagration process, our findings provide additional support to the new paradigm of off-center explosions in Type Ia supernovae, and we interpret these correlations as viewing angle effects in the observed colors. We also show that the nebular velocity shifts are related to the strength and width of the Ca II H&K and IR-triplet lines near-maximum light. The evidence presented here implies that the viewing angle must be taken into account when deriving extinction values and distances in future cosmological studies based on Type Ia supernovae.

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