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Restricted Boltzmann machines are undirected neural networks which have been shown to be effective in many applications, including serving as initializations for training deep multi-layer neural networks. One of the main reasons for their success is the existence of efficient and practical stochastic algorithms, such as contrastive divergence, for unsupervised training. We propose an alternative deterministic iterative procedure based on an improved mean field method from statistical physics known as the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer approach. We demonstrate that our algorithm provides performance equal to, and sometimes superior to, persistent contrastive divergence, while also providing a clear and easy to evaluate objective function. We believe that this strategy can be easily generalized to other models as well as to more accurate higher-order approximations, paving the way for systematic improvements in training Boltzmann machines with hidden units.
We study optimal estimation for sparse principal component analysis when the number of non-zero elements is small but on the same order as the dimension of the data. We employ approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm and its state evolution to ana lyze what is the information theoretically minimal mean-squared error and the one achieved by AMP in the limit of large sizes. For a special case of rank one and large enough density of non-zeros Deshpande and Montanari [1] proved that AMP is asymptotically optimal. We show that both for low density and for large rank the problem undergoes a series of phase transitions suggesting existence of a region of parameters where estimation is information theoretically possible, but AMP (and presumably every other polynomial algorithm) fails. The analysis of the large rank limit is particularly instructive.
Approximate Message Passing (AMP) has been shown to be an excellent statistical approach to signal inference and compressed sensing problem. The AMP framework provides modularity in the choice of signal prior; here we propose a hierarchical form of t he Gauss-Bernouilli prior which utilizes a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) trained on the signal support to push reconstruction performance beyond that of simple iid priors for signals whose support can be well represented by a trained binary RBM. We present and analyze two methods of RBM factorization and demonstrate how these affect signal reconstruction performance within our proposed algorithm. Finally, using the MNIST handwritten digit dataset, we show experimentally that using an RBM allows AMP to approach oracle-support performance.
We consider the problem of partially recovering hidden binary variables from the observation of (few) censored edge weights, a problem with applications in community detection, correlation clustering and synchronization. We describe two spectral algo rithms for this task based on the non-backtracking and the Bethe Hessian operators. These algorithms are shown to be asymptotically optimal for the partial recovery problem, in that they detect the hidden assignment as soon as it is information theoretically possible to do so.
The cavity method is a well established technique for solving classical spin models on sparse random graphs (mean-field models with finite connectivity). Laumann et al. [arXiv:0706.4391] proposed recently an extension of this method to quantum spin-1 /2 models in a transverse field, using a discretized Suzuki-Trotter imaginary time formalism. Here we show how to take analytically the continuous imaginary time limit. Our main technical contribution is an explicit procedure to generate the spin trajectories in a path integral representation of the imaginary time dynamics. As a side result we also show how this procedure can be used in simple heat-bath like Monte Carlo simulations of generic quantum spin models. The replica symmetric continuous time quantum cavity method is formulated for a wide class of models, and applied as a simple example on the Bethe lattice ferromagnet in a transverse field. The results of the methods are confronted with various approximation schemes in this particular case. On this system we performed quantum Monte Carlo simulations that confirm the exactness of the cavity method in the thermodynamic limit.
We study a lattice model of attractive colloids. It is exactly solvable on sparse random graphs. As the pressure and temperature are varied it reproduces many characteristic phenomena of liquids, glasses and colloidal systems such as ideal gel format ion, liquid-glass phase coexistence, jamming, or the reentrance of the glass transition.
We solve the q-state Potts model with anti-ferromagnetic interactions on large random lattices of finite coordination. Due to the frustration induced by the large loops and to the local tree-like structure of the lattice this model behaves as a mean field spin glass. We use the cavity method to compute the temperature-coordination phase diagram and to determine the location of the dynamic and static glass transitions, and of the Gardner instability. We show that for q>=4 the model possesses a phenomenology similar to the one observed in structural glasses. We also illustrate the links between the positive and the zero-temperature cavity approaches, and discuss the consequences for the coloring of random graphs. In particular we argue that in the colorable region the one-step replica symmetry breaking solution is stable towards more steps of replica symmetry breaking.
We review the understanding of the random constraint satisfaction problems, focusing on the q-coloring of large random graphs, that has been achieved using the cavity method of the physicists. We also discuss the properties of the phase diagram in te mperature, the connections with the glass transition phenomenology in physics, and the related algorithmic issues.
We consider the problem of coloring the vertices of a large sparse random graph with a given number of colors so that no adjacent vertices have the same color. Using the cavity method, we present a detailed and systematic analytical study of the spac e of proper colorings (solutions). We show that for a fixed number of colors and as the average vertex degree (number of constraints) increases, the set of solutions undergoes several phase transitions similar to those observed in the mean field theory of glasses. First, at the clustering transition, the entropically dominant part of the phase space decomposes into an exponential number of pure states so that beyond this transition a uniform sampling of solutions becomes hard. Afterward, the space of solutions condenses over a finite number of the largest states and consequently the total entropy of solutions becomes smaller than the annealed one. Another transition takes place when in all the entropically dominant states a finite fraction of nodes freezes so that each of these nodes is allowed a single color in all the solutions inside the state. Eventually, above the coloring threshold, no more solutions are available. We compute all the critical connectivities for Erdos-Renyi and regular random graphs and determine their asymptotic values for large number of colors. Finally, we discuss the algorithmic consequences of our findings. We argue that the onset of computational hardness is not associated with the clustering transition and we suggest instead that the freezing transition might be the relevant phenomenon. We also discuss the performance of a simple local Walk-COL algorithm and of the belief propagation algorithm in the light of our results.

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