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In the 1980s, measurements of the cumulative $beta$ spectra of the fission products following the thermal neutron induced fission of $^{235}$U, $^{239}$Pu, and $^{241}$Pu were performed at the magnetic spectrometer BILL at the ILL in Grenoble. This d ata was published in bins of 250 keV. In this paper, we re-publish the original data in a binning of 50 keV for $^{235}$U and 100 keV for $^{239}$Pu and $^{241}$Pu.
Using the Mandelstam-Tamm method we derive time-energy uncertainty relations for neutrino oscillations. We demonstrate that the small energy uncertainty of antineutrinos in a recently considered experiment with recoilless resonant (Mossbauer) product ion and absorption of tritium antineutrinos is in conflict with the energy uncertainty which, according to the time-energy uncertainty relation, is necessary for neutrino oscillations to happen. A Mossbauer neutrino experiment could provide a unique possibility to test the applicability of the time-energy uncertainty relation to neutrino oscillations and to reveal the true nature of neutrino oscillations.
We comment on the paper On application of the time-energy uncertainty relation to Mossbauer neutrino experiments (see arXiv: 0803.1424) in which our paper Time-energy uncertainty relations for neutrino oscillation and Mossbauer neutrino experiment (s ee arXiv: 0803.0527) has been criticized. We argue that this critique is a result of misinterpretation: The authors of (arXiv: 0803.1424) do not take into account (or do not accept) the fact that at present there exist different schemes of neutrino oscillations which can not be distinguished in usual neutrino oscillation experiments. We stress that a recently proposed Mossbauer neutrino experiment provides the unique possibility to discriminate basically different approaches to oscillations of flavor neutrinos.
We demonstrate that an experiment with recoilless resonant emission and absorption of tritium antineutrinos could have an important impact on our understanding of the origin of neutrino oscillations.

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