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195 - A. S. Botana , F. Bernardini , 2020
After decades of fundamental research, unconventional superconductivity has recently been demonstrated in rare-earth infinite-layer nickelates. The current view depicts these systems as a new category of superconducting materials, as they appear to b e correlated metals with distinct multiband features in their phase diagram. Here, we provide an overview of the state of the art in this rapidly evolving topic.
Among hard X-ray Galactic sources detected in the Swift and INTEGRAL surveys, those discovered as accreting white dwarf binaries have suprisingly boosted in number in the recent years. The majority are identified as magnetic Cataclysmic Variables of the Intermediate Polar type, suggesting this subclass as an important constituent of the Galactic population of X-ray sources. We here review and discuss the X-ray emission properties of newly discovered sources in the framework of an identification programme with the XMM-Newton satellite that increased the sample of this subclass by a factor of two.
Among hard X-ray galactic sources detected by INTEGRAL and Swift surveys, those discovered as accreting white dwarfs have surprisingly boosted in number, representing 20% of the galactic sample. The majority are identified as magnetic cataclysmic var iabiles of the intermediate polar type suggesting this subclass as an important constituent of galactic population of X-ray sources. In this conference-proceeding, we review the X-ray emission properties as observed with our ongoing XMM-Newton programme of newly discovered INTEGRAL and/or Swift sources that enlarged almost by a factor of two, identifying cataclysmic variabiles commonalities and outliers.
We present optical, UV and X-ray monitoring of the short orbital period black hole X-ray binary candidate Swift J1753.5-0127, focusing on the final stages of its 12$-$year long outburst that started in 2005. From September 2016 onward, the source sta rted to fade and within three months, the optical flux almost reached the quiescent level. Soon after that, using a new proposed rebrightening classification method we recorded a mini-outburst and a reflare in the optical light curves, peaking in February (V$rmsim$17.0) and May (V$rmsim$17.9) 2017, respectively. Remarkably, the mini-outburst has a peak flux consistent with the extrapolation of the slow decay before the fading phase preceding it. The following reflare was fainter and shorter. We found from optical colors that the temperature of the outer disk was $sim 11$,000 K when the source started to fade rapidly. According to the disk instability model, this is close to the critical temperature when a cooling wave is expected to form in the disk, shutting down the outburst. The optical color could be a useful tool to predict decay rates in some X-ray transients. We notice that all X-ray binaries that show mini-outbursts following a main outburst are short orbital period systems ($<$ 7 h). In analogy with another class of short period binaries showing similar mini-outbursts, the cataclysmic variables of the RZ LMi type, we suggest mini-outbursts could occur if there is a hot inner disk at the end of the outburst decay.
We report the synthesis and characterization of the novel silicide LaFeSiH displaying superconductivity with onset at 11 K. We find that this pnictogen-free compound is isostructural to LaFeAsO, with a similar low-temperature tetragonal to orthorhomb ic distortion. Using density functional theory we show that this system is also a multiband metal in which the orthorhombic distortion is likely related to single-stripe antiferromagnetic order. Electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that these features occur side-by-side with superconductivity, which is suppressed by external pressure.
The quiescent spectrum of neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries typically consists of two components - a thermal component associated with emission from the neutron star surface, and a non-thermal power-law component whose origin is not well understoo d. Spectral fitting of neutron star atmosphere models to the thermal component is one of the leading methods for measuring the neutron star radius. However, it has been known for years that the X-ray spectra of quiescent neutron stars vary between observations. While most quiescent variability is explained through a variable power-law component, the brightest and best-studied object, Cen X-4, requires a change in the thermal component and such thermal variability could be a problem for measuring neutron star radii. In this paper, we significantly increase the number of sources whose quiescent spectra have been studied for variability. We examine 9 potential quiescent neutron stars with luminosities <1E34 erg/s over the course of multiple Chandra observations of the globular clusters NGC 6440 and Terzan 5 and find no strong evidence for variability in the effective temperature in 7 of the 9 sources. Two sources show a potential change in temperature, though this depends on the exact model fitted. CX1 in NGC 6440 is equally well fit by a variable thermal component or a variable power law. Therefore, the results are inconclusive and we cannot exclude or require thermal variability in that source. CX5 in NGC 6440 shows a potential change in temperature, though this depends on whether a power-law is included in the spectral fit or not. This suggests that thermal variability may not be widespread among quiescent neutron stars with luminosities < 1E34 erg/s, and hence thermal radiation remains a promising means to constraining neutron star radii.
140 - E.Chiosi , M.Orio , F. Bernardini 2014
We searched optical/UV/IR counterparts of seven supersoft X-ray sources (SSS) in M31 in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) archival images and photometric catalog. Three of the SSS were transient, the other four are persistent sources. The PHAT offers the opportunity to identify SSS hosting very massive white dwarfs that may explode as type Ia supernovae in single degenerate binaries, with magnitudes and color indexes typical of symbiotic stars, high mass close binaries, or systems with optically luminous accretion disks. We find evidence that the transient SSS were classical or recurrent novae; two likely counterparts we identified are probably symbiotic binaries undergoing mass transfer at a very high rate. There is a candidate accreting white dwarf binary in the error circle of one of the persistent sources, r3-8. In the spatial error circle of the best studied SSS in M31, r2-12, no red giants or AGB stars are sufficiently luminous in the optical and UV bands to be symbiotic systems hosting an accreting and hydrogen burning white dwarf. This SSS has a known modulation of the X-ray flux with a 217.7 s period, and we measured an upper limit on its derivative, 0.82 x 10(-11). This limit can be reconciled with the rotation period of a white dwarf accreting at high rate in a binary with a few-hours orbital period. However, there is no luminous counterpart with color indexes typical of an accretion disk irradiated by a hot central source. Adopting a semi-empirical relationship, the upper limit for the disk optical luminosity implies an upper limit of only 169 minutes for the orbital period of the white dwarf binary.
We conducted the first long-term (60 days), multiwavelength (optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray) simultaneous monitoring of Cen X-4 with daily Swift observations, with the goal of understanding variability in the low mass X-ray binary Cen X-4 during qui escence. We found Cen X-4 to be highly variable in all energy bands on timescales from days to months, with the strongest quiescent variability a factor of 22 drop in the X-ray count rate in only 4 days. The X-ray, UV and optical (V band) emission are correlated on timescales down to less than 110 s. The shape of the correlation is a power law with index gamma about 0.2-0.6. The X-ray spectrum is well fitted by a hydrogen NS atmosphere (kT=59-80 eV) and a power law (with spectral index Gamma=1.4-2.0), with the spectral shape remaining constant as the flux varies. Both components vary in tandem, with each responsible for about 50% of the total X-ray flux, implying that they are physically linked. We conclude that the X-rays are likely generated by matter accreting down to the NS surface. Moreover, based on the short timescale of the correlation, we also unambiguously demonstrate that the UV emission can not be due to either thermal emission from the stream impact point, or a standard optically thick, geometrically thin disc. The spectral energy distribution shows a small UV emitting region, too hot to arise from the accretion disk, that we identified as a hot spot on the companion star. Therefore, the UV emission is most likely produced by reprocessing from the companion star, indeed the vertical size of the disc is small and can only reprocess a marginal fraction of the X-ray emission. We also found the accretion disc in quiescence to likely be UV faint, with a minimal contribution to the whole UV flux.
We conducted the first long-term (60 days), multiwavelength (optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray) simultaneous monitoring of Cen X-4 with daily Swift observations from June to August 2012, with the goal of understanding variability in the low mass X-ray binary Cen X-4 during quiescence. We found Cen X-4 to be highly variable in all energy bands on timescales from days to months, with the strongest quiescent variability a factor of 22 drop in the X-ray count rate in only 4 days. The X-ray, UV and optical (V band) emission are correlated on timescales down to less than 110 s. The shape of the correlation is a power law with index gamma about 0.2-0.6. The X-ray spectrum is well fitted by a hydrogen NS atmosphere (kT=59-80 eV) and a power law (with spectral index Gamma=1.4-2.0), with the spectral shape remaining constant as the flux varies. Both components vary in tandem, with each responsible for about 50% of the total X-ray flux, implying that they are physically linked. We conclude that the X-rays are likely generated by matter accreting down to the NS surface. Moreover, based on the short timescale of the correlation, we also unambiguously demonstrate that the UV emission can not be due to either thermal emission from the stream impact point, or a standard optically thick, geometrically thin disc. The spectral energy distribution shows a small UV emitting region, too hot to arise from the accretion disk, that we identified as a hot spot on the companion star. Therefore, the UV emission is most likely produced by reprocessing from the companion star, indeed the vertical size of the disc is small and can only reprocess a marginal fraction of the X-ray emission. We also found the accretion disc in quiescence to likely be UV faint, with a minimal contribution to the whole UV flux.
We investigate the pressure phase diagram of FeTe, predicting structural and magnetic properties in the normal state at zero temperature within density functional theory (DFT). We carefully examined several possible different crystal structures over a pressure range up to $approx 30 $ GPa: simple tetragonal (PbO type), simple monoclinic, orthorhombic (MnP type), hexagonal (NiAs and wurzite type) and cubic (CsCl and NaCl type). We predict pressure to drive the system through different magnetic ordering (notably also some ferromagnetic phases) eventually suppressing magnetism at around 17GPa. We speculate the ferromagnetic order to be the reason for the absence of a superconducting phase in FeTe at variance with the case of FeSe.

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