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142 - Shuo Sun , Erica E. M. Moodie , 2021
Analyses of environmental phenomena often are concerned with understanding unlikely events such as floods, heatwaves, droughts or high concentrations of pollutants. Yet the majority of the causal inference literature has focused on modelling means, r ather than (possibly high) quantiles. We define a general estimator of the population quantile treatment (or exposure) effects (QTE) -- the weighted QTE (WQTE) -- of which the population QTE is a special case, along with a general class of balancing weights incorporating the propensity score. Asymptotic properties of the proposed WQTE estimators are derived. We further propose and compare propensity score regression and two weighted methods based on these balancing weights to understand the causal effect of an exposure on quantiles, allowing for the exposure to be binary, discrete or continuous. Finite sample behavior of the three estimators is studied in simulation. The proposed methods are applied to data taken from the Bavarian Danube catchment area to estimate the 95% QTE of phosphorus on copper concentration in the river.
In the management of most chronic conditions characterized by the lack of universally effective treatments, adaptive treatment strategies (ATSs) have been growing in popularity as they offer a more individualized approach, and sequential multiple ass ignment randomized trials (SMARTs) have gained attention as the most suitable clinical trial design to formalize the study of these strategies. While the number of SMARTs has increased in recent years, their design has remained limited to the frequentist setting, which may not fully or appropriately account for uncertainty in design parameters and hence not yield appropriate sample size recommendations. Specifically, standard frequentist formulae rely on several assumptions that can be easily misspecified. The Bayesian framework offers a straightforward path to alleviate some of these concerns. In this paper, we provide calculations in a Bayesian setting to allow more realistic and robust estimates that account for uncertainty in inputs through the `two priors approach. Additionally, compared to the standard formulae, this methodology allows us to rely on fewer assumptions, integrate pre-trial knowledge, and switch the focus from the standardized effect size to the minimal detectable difference. The proposed methodology is evaluated in a thorough simulation study and is implemented to estimate the sample size for a full-scale SMART of an Internet-Based Adaptive Stress Management intervention based on a pilot SMART conducted on cardiovascular disease patients from two Canadian provinces.
The notion of exchangeability has been recognized in the causal inference literature in various guises, but only rarely in the original Bayesian meaning as a symmetry property between individual units in statistical inference. Since the latter is a s tandard ingredient in Bayesian inference, we argue that in Bayesian causal inference it is natural to link the causal model, including the notion of confounding and definition of causal contrasts of interest, to the concept of exchangeability. Here we relate the Bayesian notion of exchangeability to alternative conditions for unconfounded inferences, commonly stated using potential outcomes, and define causal contrasts in the presence of exchangeability in terms of limits of posterior predictive expectations for further exchangeable units. While our main focus is in a point treatment setting, we also investigate how this reasoning carries over to longitudinal settings.

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