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This paper presents a new approach to deal with the dual problem of system identification and regulation. The main feature consists of breaking the control input to the system into a regulator part and a persistently exciting part. The former is used to regulate the plant using a robust MPC formulation, in which the latter is treated as a bounded additive disturbance. The identification process is executed by a simple recursive least squares algorithm. In order to guarantee sufficient excitation for the identification, an additional non-convex constraint is enforced over the persistently exciting part.
87 - G.I. Sinkevich 2015
Georg Cantor (1845-1918) was born, and spent the first 11 years of his life in St. Petersburg. The present lecture is devoted to his childhood and his family. Most of these documents were not available before and are now published for the first time.
79 - Dibyendu Biswas 2014
Different classes of phenomenological universalities of environment dependent growths have been proposed. The logistic as well as environment dependent West-type allometry based biological growth can be explained in this proposed framework of phenome nological description. It is shown that logistic and environment dependent West-type growths are phenomenologically identical in nature. However there is a difference between them in terms of coefficients involved in the phenomenological descriptions. It is also established that environment independent and enviornment dependent biological growth processes lead to the same West-type biological growth equation. Involuted Gompertz function, used to describe biological growth processes undergoing atrophy or a demographic and economic system undergoing involution or regression, can be addressed in this proposed environment dependent description. In addition, some other phenomenological descriptions have been examined in this proposed framework and graphical representations of variation of different parameters involved in the description are executed.
This paper identifies an intrusion surveillance framework which provides an analyst with the ability to investigate and monitor cyber-attacks in a covert manner. Where cyber-attacks are perpetrated for the purposes of espionage the ability to underst and an adversarys techniques and objectives are an important element in network and computer security. With the appropriate toolset, security investigators would be permitted to perform both live and stealthy counter-intelligence operations by observing the behaviour and communications of the intruder. Subsequently a more complete picture of the attackers identity, objectives, capabilities, and infiltration could be formulated than is possible with present technologies. This research focused on developing an extensible framework to permit the covert investigation of malware. Additionally, a Universal Serial Bus (USB) Mass Storage Device (MSD) based covert channel was designed to enable remote command and control of the framework. The work was validated through the design, implementation and testing of a toolset.
Positive modal logic was introduced in an influential 1995 paper of Dunn as the positive fragment of standard modal logic. His completeness result consists of an axiomatization that derives all modal formulas that are valid on all Kripke frames and a re built only from atomic propositions, conjunction, disjunction, box and diamond. In this paper, we provide a coalgebraic analysis of this theorem, which not only gives a conceptual proof based on duality theory, but also generalizes Dunns result from Kripke frames to coalgebras for weak-pullback preserving functors. To facilitate this analysis we prove a number of category theoretic results on functors on the categories $mathsf{Set}$ of sets and $mathsf{Pos}$ of posets: Every functor $mathsf{Set} to mathsf{Pos}$ has a $mathsf{Pos}$-enriched left Kan extension $mathsf{Pos} to mathsf{Pos}$. Functors arising in this way are said to have a presentation in discrete arities. In the case that $mathsf{Set} to mathsf{Pos}$ is actually $mathsf{Set}$-valued, we call the corresponding left Kan extension $mathsf{Pos} to mathsf{Pos}$ its posetification. A $mathsf{Set}$-functor preserves weak pullbacks if and only if its posetification preserves exact squares. A $mathsf{Pos}$-functor with a presentation in discrete arities preserves surjections. The inclusion $mathsf{Set} to mathsf{Pos}$ is dense. A functor $mathsf{Pos} to mathsf{Pos}$ has a presentation in discrete arities if and only if it preserves coinserters of `truncated nerves of posets. A functor $mathsf{Pos} to mathsf{Pos}$ is a posetification if and only if it preserves coinserters of truncated nerves of posets and discrete posets. A locally monotone endofunctor of an ordered variety has a presentation by monotone operations and equations if and only if it preserves $mathsf{Pos}$-enriched sifted colimits.
71 - M.Laxmaiah 2013
Spatial Online Analytical Processing System involves the non-categorical attribute information also whereas standard Online Analytical Processing System deals with only categorical attributes. Providing spatial information to the data warehouse (DW); two major challenges faced are;1.Defining and Aggregation of Spatial/Continues values and 2.Representation, indexing, updating and efficient query processing. In this paper, we present GCUBE(Geographical Cube) storage and indexing procedure to aggregate the spatial information/Continuous values. We employed the proposed approach storing and indexing using synthetic and real data sets and evaluated its build, update and Query time. It is observed that the proposed procedure offers significant performance advantage.
Weighted least squares fitting to a database of quantum mechanical calculations can determine the optimal parameters of empirical potential models. While algorithms exist to provide optimal potential parameters for a given fitting database of structu res and their structure property functions, and to estimate prediction errors using Bayesian sampling, defining an optimal fitting database based on potential predictions remains elusive. A testing set of structures and their structure property functions provides an empirical measure of potential transferability. Here, we propose an objective function for fitting databases based on testing set errors. The objective function allows the optimization of the weights in a fitting database, the assessment of the inclusion or removal of structures in the fitting database, or the comparison of two different fitting databases. To showcase this technique, we consider an example Lennard-Jones potential for Ti, where modeling multiple complicated crystal structures is difficult for a radial pair potential. The algorithm finds different optimal fitting databases, depending on the objective function of potential prediction error for a testing set.
Complementation of Buchi automata, required for checking automata containment, is of major theoretical and practical interest in formal verification. We consider two recent approaches to complementation. The first is the rank-based approach of Kupfer man and Vardi, which operates over a DAG that embodies all runs of the automaton. This approach is based on the observation that the vertices of this DAG can be ranked in a certain way, termed an odd ranking, iff all runs are rejecting. The second is the slice-based approach of Kahler and Wilke. This approach tracks levels of split trees - run trees in which only essential information about the history of each run is maintained. While the slice-based construction is conceptually simple, the complementing automata it generates are exponentially larger than those of the recent rank-based construction of Schewe, and it suffers from the difficulty of symbolically encoding levels of split trees. In this work we reformulate the slice-based approach in terms of run DAGs and preorders over states. In doing so, we begin to draw parallels between the rank-based and slice-based approaches. Through deeper analysis of the slice-based approach, we strongly restrict the nondeterminism it generates. We are then able to employ the slice-based approach to provide a new odd ranking, called a retrospective ranking, that is different from the one provided by Kupferman and Vardi. This new ranking allows us to construct a deterministic-in-the-limit rank-based automaton with a highly restricted transition function. Further, by phrasing the slice-based approach in terms of ranks, our approach affords a simple symbolic encoding and achieves the tight bound of Schewes construction
The Kronecker family of the genetic matrices is investigated, which is based on the genetic matrix [C T; A G], where C, T, A, G are the letters of the genetic alphabet. The matrix [C T; A G] in the second Kronecker power is the (4*4)-matrix of 16 dup lets. The matrix [C T; A G] in the third Kronecker power is the (8*8)-matrix of 64 triplets. It is significant that peculiarities of the degeneracy of the genetic code are reflected in the symmetrical black-and-white mosaic of these genetic matrices. The article represents interesting mathematical properties of these mosaic matrices, which are connected with positional permutations inside duplets and triplets; with projector operators; with unitary matrices and cyclic groups, etc. Fractal genetic nets are proposed as a new effective tool to study long nucleotide sequences. Some results about revealing new symmetry principles of long nucleotide sequences are described.
Contemporary high-performance service-oriented applications demand a performance efficient run-time monitoring. In this paper, we analyze a hierarchical publish-subscribe architecture for monitoring service-oriented applications. The analyzed archite cture is based on a tree topology and publish-subscribe communication model for aggregation of distributed monitoring data. In order to satisfy interoperability and platform independence of service-orientation, monitoring reports are represented as XML documents. Since XML formatting introduces a significant processing and network load, we analyze the performance of monitoring architecture with respect to the number of monitored nodes, the load of system machines, and the overall latency of the monitoring system.

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