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Springer fibers are subvarieties of the flag variety that play an important role in combinatorics and geometric representation theory. In this paper, we analyze the equivariant cohomology of Springer fibers for $GL_n(mathbb{C})$ using results of Kuma r and Procesi that describe this equivariant cohomology as a quotient ring. We define a basis for the equivariant cohomology of a Springer fiber, generalizing a monomial basis of the ordinary cohomology defined by De Concini and Procesi and studied by Garsia and Procesi. Our construction yields a combinatorial framework with which to study the equivariant and ordinary cohomology rings of Springer fibers. As an application, we identify an explicit collection of (equivariant) Schubert classes whose images in the (equivariant) cohomology ring of a given Springer fiber form a basis.
We show that every smooth Schubert variety of affine type $tilde{A}$ is an iterated fibre bundle of Grassmannians, extending an analogous result by Ryan and Wolper for Schubert varieties of finite type $A$. As a consequence, we finish a conjecture of Billey-Crites that a Schubert variety in affine type $tilde{A}$ is smooth if and only if the corresponding affine permutation avoids the patterns $4231$ and $3412$. Using this iterated fibre bundle structure, we compute the generating function for the number of smooth Schubert varieties of affine type $tilde{A}$.
We enumerate smooth and rationally smooth Schubert varieties in the classical finite types A, B, C, and D, extending Haimans enumeration for type A. To do this enumeration, we introduce a notion of staircase diagrams on a graph. These combinatorial s tructures are collections of steps of irregular size, forming interconnected staircases over the given graph. Over a Dynkin-Coxeter graph, the set of nearly-maximally labelled staircase diagrams is in bijection with the set of Schubert varieties with a complete Billey-Postnikov (BP) decomposition. We can then use an earlier result of the authors showing that all finite-type rationally smooth Schubert varieties have a complete BP decomposition to finish the enumeration.
In this paper we explicitly compute all Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for semisimple or Kac-Moody groups G, that is, the structure coefficients of the cohomology algebra H^*(G/P), where P is a parabolic subgroup of G. These coefficients are of i mportance in enumerative geometry, algebraic combinatorics and representation theory. Our formula for the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients is given in terms of the Cartan matrix and the Weyl group of G. However, if some off-diagonal entries of the Cartan matrix are 0 or -1, the formula may contain negative summands. On the other hand, if the Cartan matrix satisfies $a_{ij}a_{ji}ge 4$ for all $i,j$, then each summand in our formula is nonnegative that implies nonnegativity of all Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. We extend this and other results to the structure coefficients of the T-equivariant cohomology of flag varieties G/P and Bott-Samelson varieties Gamma_ii(G).

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