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We consider the effects of Umklapp processes in doped two-leg fermionic ladders. These may emerge either at special band fillings or as a result of the presence of external periodic potentials. We show that such Umklapp processes can lead to profound changes of physical properties and in particular stabilize pair-density wave phases.
We present a method for investigating the steady-state transport properties of one-dimensional correlated quantum systems. Using a procedure based on our analysis of finite-size effects in a related classical model (LC line) we show that stationary c urrents can be obtained from transient currents in finite systems driven out of equilibrium. The non-equilibrium dynamics of correlated quantum systems is calculated using the time-evolving block decimation method. To demonstrate our method we determine the full I-V characteristic of the spinless fermion model with nearest-neighbour hopping t_H and interaction V_H using two different setups to generate currents (turning on/off a potential bias). Our numerical results agree with exact results for non-interacting fermions (V_H=0). For interacting fermions we find that in the linear regime eV << 4t_H the current I is independent from the setup and our numerical data agree with the predictions of the Luttinger liquid theory combined with the Bethe Ansatz solution. For larger potentials V the steady-state current depends on the current-generating setup and as V increases we find a negative differential conductance with one setup while the currents saturate at finite values in the other one. Both effects are due to finite renormalized bandwidths.
We calculate the charge and spin Drude weight of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with on-site repulsion $U$ and nearest-neighbor repulsion $V$ at quarter filling using the density-matrix renormalization group method combined with a variati onal principle. Our numerical results for the Hubbard model (V=0) agree with exact results obtained from the Bethe ansatz solution. We obtain the contour map for both Drude weights in the $UV$-parameter space for repulsive interactions. We find that the charge Drude weight is discontinuous across the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition between the Luttinger liquid and the charge-density-wave insulator, while the spin Drude weight varies smoothly and remains finite in both phases. Our results can be generally understood using bosonization and renormalization group results. The finite-size scaling of the charge Drude weight is well fitted by a polynomial function of the inverse system size in the metallic region. In the insulating region we find an exponential decay of the finite-size corrections with the system size and a universal relation between the charge gap $Delta_c$ and the correlation length $xi$ which controls this exponential decay.
We study current-current correlations in the three-band Hubbard model for two-leg CuO ladders using the density-matrix renormalization group method. We find that these correlations decrease exponentially with distance for low doping but as a power la w for higher doping. Their pattern is compatible with the circulating current (CC) phase which Varma has proposed to explain the pseudo-gaped metallic phase in underdoped high-temperature superconductors. However, for model parameters leading to a realistic ground state in the undoped ladder, the current fluctuations decay faster than the d-wave-like pairing correlations in the doped state. Thus we conclude that no phase with CC order or dominant CC fluctuations occur in the three-band model of two-leg CuO ladders.

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