We consider the effects of Umklapp processes in doped two-leg fermionic ladders. These may emerge either at special band fillings or as a result of the presence of external periodic potentials. We show that such Umklapp processes can lead to profound changes of physical properties and in particular stabilize pair-density wave phases.
We study the magnetic orbital effect of a doped two-leg ladder in the presence of a magnetic field component perpendicular to the ladder plane. Combining both low-energy approach (bosonization) and numerical simulations (density-matrix renormalizatio
n group) on the strong coupling limit (t-J model), a rich phase diagram is established as a function of hole doping and magnetic flux. Above a critical flux, the spin gap is destroyed and a Luttinger liquid phase is stabilized. Above a second critical flux, a reentrance of the spin gap at high magnetic flux is found. Interestingly, the phase transitions are associated with a change of sign of the orbital susceptibility. Focusing on the small magnetic field regime, the spin-gapped superconducting phase is robust but immediately acquires algebraic transverse (i.e. along rungs) current correlations which are commensurate with the 4k_F density correlations. In addition, we have computed the zero-field orbital susceptibility for a large range of doping and interactions ratio J/t : we found strong anomalies at low J/t only in the vicinity of the commensurate fillings corresponding to delta = 1/4 and 1/2. Furthermore, the behavior of the orbital susceptibility reveals that the nature of these insulating phases is different: while for delta = 1/4 a 4k_F charge density wave is confirmed, the delta = 1/2 phase is shown to be a bond order wave.
Motivated by recent experimental progress on iron-based ladder compounds, we study the doped two-orbital Hubbard model for the two-leg ladder BaFe$_2$S$_3$. The model is constructed by using {it ab initio} hopping parameters and the ground state prop
erties are investigated using the density matrix renormalization group method. We show that the $(pi,0)$ magnetic ordering at half-filling, with ferromagnetic rungs and antiferromagnetic legs, becomes incommensurate upon hole doping. Moreover, depending on the strength of the Hubbard $U$ coupling, other magnetic patterns, such as $(0,pi)$, are also stabilized. We found that the binding energy for two holes becomes negative for intermediate Hubbard interaction strength, indicating hole pairing. Due to the crystal-field split among orbitals, the holes primarily reside in one orbital, with the other one remaining half-filled. This resembles orbital selective Mott states. The formation of tight hole pairs continues with increasing hole density, as long as the magnetic order remains antiferromagnetic in one direction. The study of pair-pair correlations indicates the dominance of the intra-orbital spin-singlet channel, as opposed to other pairing channels. Although in a range of hole doping pairing correlations decay slowly, our results can also be interpreted as corresponding to a charge-density-wave made of pairs, a precursor of eventual superconductivity after interladder couplings are included. Such scenario of intertwined orders has been extensively discussed before in the cuprates, and our results suggest a similar physics could exist in ladder iron-based superconductors. Finally, we also show that a robust Hunds coupling is needed for pairing to occur.
The spin dynamics of a doped 2-leg spin ladder is investigated by numerical techniques. We show that a hole pair-magnon boundstate evolves at finite hole doping into a sharp magnetic excitation below the two-particle continuum. This is supported by a
field theory argument based on a SO(6)-symmetric ladder. Similarities and differences with the resonant mode of the high-T$_c$ cuprates are discussed.
We study the dynamical spin response of doped two-leg Hubbard-like ladders in the framework of a low-energy effective field theory description given by the SO(6) Gross Neveu model. Using the integrability of the SO(6) Gross-Neveu model, we derive the
low energy dynamical magnetic susceptibility. The susceptibility is characterized by an incommensurate coherent mode near $(pi,pi)$ and by broad two excitation scattering continua at other $k$-points. In our computation we are able to estimate the relative weights of these contributions. All calculations are performed using form-factor expansions which yield exact low energy results in the context of the SO(6) Gross-Neveu model. To employ this expansion, a number of hitherto undetermined form factors were computed. To do so, we developed a general approach for the computation of matrix elements of semi-local SO(6) Gross-Neveu operators. While our computation takes place in the context of SO(6) Gross-Neveu, we also consider the effects of perturbations away from an SO(6) symmetric model, showing that small perturbations at best quantitatively change the physics.
Hubbard ladders are an important stepping stone to the physics of the two-dimensional Hubbard model. While many of their properties are accessible to numerical and analytical techniques, the question of whether weakly hole-doped Hubbard ladders are d
ominated by superconducting or charge-density-wave correlations has so far eluded a definitive answer. In particular, previous numerical simulations of Hubbard ladders have seen a much faster decay of superconducting correlations than expected based on analytical arguments. We revisit this question using a state-of-the-art implementation of the density matrix renormalization group algorithm that allows us to simulate larger system sizes with higher accuracy than before. Performing careful extrapolations of the results, we obtain improved estimates for the Luttinger liquid parameter and the correlation functions at long distances. Our results confirm that, as suggested by analytical considerations, superconducting correlations become dominant in the limit of very small doping.