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Several early transition metal dipnictides have been found to host topological semimetal states and exhibit large magnetoresistance. In this study, we use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and magneto-transport to study the electronic properties of a new transition metal dipnictide ZrP$_2$. We find that ZrP$_2$ exhibits an extremely large and unsaturated magnetoresistance of up to 40,000 % at 2 K, which originates from an almost perfect electron-hole compensation. Our band structure calculations further show that ZrP$_2$ hosts a topological nodal loop in proximity to the Fermi level. Based on the ARPES measurements, we confirm the results of our calculations and determine the surface band structure. Our study establishes ZrP$_2$ as a new platform to investigate near-perfect electron-hole compensation and its interplay with topological band structures.
High-temperature superconducting cuprates exhibit an intriguing phenomenology for the low-energy elementary excitations. In particular, an unconventional temperature dependence of the coherent spectral weight (CSW) has been observed in the supercondu cting phase by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), both at the antinode where the d-wave paring gap is maximum, as well as along the gapless nodal direction. Here, we combine equilibrium and time-resolved ARPES to track the temperature dependent meltdown of the nodal CSW in Bi-based cuprates with unprecedented sensitivity. We find the nodal suppression of CSW upon increasing temperature to be ubiquitous across single- and double-layer Bi cuprates, and uncorrelated to superconducting and pseudogap onset temperatures. We quantitatively model both the lineshape of the nodal spectral features and the anomalous suppression of CSW within the Fermi-Liquid framework, establishing the key role played by the normal state electrodynamics in the description of nodal quasiparticles in superconducting cuprates.
Electron interactions are pivotal for defining the electronic structure of quantum materials. In particular, the strong electron Coulomb repulsion is considered the keystone for describing the emergence of exotic and/or ordered phases of quantum matt er as disparate as high-temperature superconductivity and charge- or magnetic-order. However, a comprehensive understanding of fundamental electronic properties of quantum materials is often complicated by the appearance of an enigmatic partial suppression of low-energy electronic states, known as the pseudogap. Here we take advantage of ultrafast angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to unveil the temperature evolution of the low-energy density of states in the electron-doped cuprate Nd$_{text{2-x}}$Ce$_{text{x}}$CuO$_{text{4}}$, an emblematic system where the pseudogap intertwines with magnetic degrees of freedom. By photoexciting the electronic system across the pseudogap onset temperature T*, we report the direct relation between the momentum-resolved pseudogap spectral features and the spin-correlation length with an unprecedented sensitivity. This transient approach, corroborated by mean field model calculations, allows us to establish the pseudogap in electron-doped cuprates as a precursor to the incipient antiferromagnetic order even when long-range antiferromagnetic correlations are not established, as in the case of optimal doping.
A possible connection between extremely large magneto-resistance and the presence of Weyl points has garnered much attention in the study of topological semimetals. Exploration of these concepts in transition metal phosphide WP2 has been complicated by conflicting experimental reports. Here we combine angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations to disentangle surface and bulk contributions to the ARPES intensity, the superposition of which has plagued the determination of the electronic structure in WP2. Our results show that while the hole- and electron-like Fermi surface sheets originating from surface states have different areas, the bulk-band structure of WP2 is electron-hole-compensated in agreement with DFT. Furthermore, the detailed band structure is compatible with the presence of at least 4 temperature-independent Weyl points, confirming the topological nature of WP2 and its stability against lattice distortions.
The possibility of driving phase transitions in low-density condensates through the loss of phase coherence alone has far-reaching implications for the study of quantum phases of matter. This has inspired the development of tools to control and explo re the collective properties of condensate phases via phase fluctuations. Electrically-gated oxide interfaces, ultracold Fermi atoms, and cuprate superconductors, which are characterized by an intrinsically small phase-stiffness, are paradigmatic examples where these tools are having a dramatic impact. Here we use light pulses shorter than the internal thermalization time to drive and probe the phase fragility of the Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+delta}$ cuprate superconductor, completely melting the superconducting condensate without affecting the pairing strength. The resulting ultrafast dynamics of phase fluctuations and charge excitations are captured and disentangled by time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. This work demonstrates the dominant role of phase coherence in the superconductor-to-normal state phase transition and offers a benchmark for non-equilibrium spectroscopic investigations of the cuprate phase diagram.
Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy it is revealed that in the vicinity of optimal doping the electronic structure of La2-xSrxCuO4 cuprate undergoes an electronic reconstruction associated with a wave vector q_a=(pi, 0). The reconstructed Fermi surface and folded band are distinct to the shadow bands observed in BSCCO cuprates and in underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 with x <= 0.12, which shift the primary band along the zone diagonal direction. Furthermore the folded bands appear only with q_a=(pi, 0) vector, but not with q_b= (0, pi). We demonstrate that the absence of q_b reconstruction is not due to the matrix-element effects in the photoemission process, which indicates the four-fold symmetry is broken in the system.
Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy is used to reveal that a large spin polarization is observable in the bulk centrosymmetric transition metal dichalcogenide MoS2. It is found that the measured spin polarization can be reversed by ch anging the handedness of incident circularly-polarized light. Calculations based on a three-step model of photoemission show that the valley and layer-locked spin-polarized electronic states can be selectively addressed by circularly-polarized light, therefore providing a novel route to probe these hidden spin-polarized states in inversion-symmetric systems as predicted by Zhang et al. [Nature Physics 10, 387 (2014)].
The effects of electron-electron correlations on the low-energy electronic structure and their relationship with unconventional superconductivity are central aspects in the research on the iron-based pnictide superconductors. Here we use soft X-ray a ngle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES) to study how electronic correlations evolve in different chemically substituted iron pnictides. We find that correlations are intrinsically related to the effective filling of the correlated orbitals, rather than to the filling obtained by valence counting. Combined density functional theory (DFT) and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) calculations capture these effects, reproducing the experimentally observed trend in the correlation strength. The occupation-driven trend in the electronic correlation reported in our work supports the recently proposed connection between cuprate and pnictides phase diagrams.
Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we show that the recently-discovered surface state on SrTiO$_{3}$ consists of non-degenerate $t_{2g}$ states with different dimensional characters. While the $d_{xy}$ bands have quasi-2D dispersions wi th weak $k_{z}$ dependence, the lifted $d_{xz}$/$d_{yz}$ bands show 3D dispersions that differ significantly from bulk expectations and signal that electrons associated with those orbitals permeate the near-surface region. Like their more 2D counterparts, the size and character of the $d_{xz}$/$d_{yz}$ Fermi surface components are essentially the same for different sample preparations. Irradiating SrTiO$_{3}$ in ultrahigh vacuum is one method observed so far to induce the universal surface metallic state. We reveal that during this process, changes in the oxygen valence band spectral weight that coincide with the emergence of surface conductivity are disproportionate to any change in the total intensity of the O $1s$ core level spectrum. This signifies that the formation of the metallic surface goes beyond a straightforward chemical doping scenario and occurs in conjunction with profound changes in the initial states and/or spatial distribution of near-$E_{F}$ electrons in the surface region.
Using angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES), it is revealed that the low-energy electronic excitation spectra of highly underdoped superconducting and non-superconducting La(2-x)SrxCuO4 cuprates are gapped along the entire underlying Fermi surface at low temperatures. We show how the gap function evolves to a d(x2-y2) form as increasing temperature or doping, consistent with the vast majority of ARPES studies of cuprates. Our results provide essential information for uncovering the symmetry of the order parameter(s) in strongly underdoped cuprates, which is a prerequisite for understanding the pairing mechanism and how superconductivity emerges from a Mott insulator.

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