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It is known that a trained Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) on the binary Monte Carlo Ising spin configurations, generates a series of iterative reconstructed spin configurations which spontaneously flow and stabilize to the critical point of physi cal system. Here we construct a variety of Neural Network (NN) flows using the RBM and (variational) autoencoders, to study the q-state Potts and clock models on the square lattice for q = 2, 3, 4. The NN are trained on Monte Carlo spin configurations at various temperatures. We find that the trained NN flow does develop a stable point that coincides with critical point of the q-state spin models. The behavior of the NN flow is nontrivial and generative, since the training is unsupervised and without any prior knowledge about the critical point and the Hamiltonian of the underlying spin model. Moreover, we find that the convergence of the flow is independent of the types of NNs and spin models, hinting a universal behavior. Our results strengthen the potential applicability of the notion of the NN flow in studying various states of matter and offer additional evidence on the connection with the Renormalization Group flow.
We use holography in order to study the entropy of thermal CFTs on (1+1)-dimensional curved backgrounds that contain horizons. Starting from the metric of the BTZ black hole, we perform explicit coordinate transformations that set the boundary metric in de Sitter or black-hole form. For a de Sitter boundary, the dual picture describes a CFT at a temperature different from that of the cosmological horizon. We determine minimal surfaces that allow us to compute the entanglement entropy of a boundary region, as well as the temperature affecting the energy associated with a probe quark on the boundary. For an entangling surface that coincides with the horizon, we study the relation between entanglement and gravitational entropy through an appropriate definition of the effective Newtons constant. We find that the leading contribution to the entropy is proportional to the horizon area, with a coefficient that accounts for the degrees of freedom of a CFT thermalized above the horizon temperature. We demonstrate the universality of our findings by considering the most general metric in a (2+1)-dimensional AdS bulk containing a non-rotating black hole and a static boundary with horizons.
We propose a simplified protocol of quantum energy teleportation (QET) for holographic conformal field theory (CFT) in 3-dimensional anti-de Sitter space with or without black hole. As a tentative proposal, we simplify the standard QET by replacing A lices local measurement with the local projection, which excites the system from ground state into a particular state dual to a Banados geometry. We then mimic Bobs local operation of the usual QET for extracting energy by deforming the UV surface with a local bump. Adopting the surface/state duality this deformation corresponds to local unitary. We evaluate the extraction of energy from the holographic stress tensor, and find that Bob always gains energy extraction in our protocol. This could be related to the positive energy theorem of the dual gravity. Moreover, the ratio of extraction energy to injection one is a universal function of the UV surface deformation profile.
We review certain properties of confinement with added focus on the ones we study with holography. Then we discuss observables whose unique behavior can indicate the presence of confinement. Using mainly the Wilson loop in the gauge/gravity formalism , we study two main features of the QCD string: the string tension dependence on the temperature while in the confining phase, and the logarithmic broadening of the flux tube between the heavy static charges that turns out to be a generic property of all confining theories. Finally, we review the k-string bound state and we show that for a wide class of generic theories the k-string observables can be expressed in terms of the single meson bound state observables.

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