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The Earths climate system is a classical example of a multiscale, multiphysics dynamical system with an extremely large number of active degrees of freedom, exhibiting variability on scales ranging from micrometers and seconds in cloud microphysics, to thousands of kilometers and centuries in ocean dynamics. Yet, despite this dynamical complexity, climate dynamics is known to exhibit coherent modes of variability. A primary example is the El Ni~no Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the dominant mode of interannual (3-5 yr) variability in the climate system. The objective and robust characterization of this and other important phenomena presents a long-standing challenge in Earth system science, the resolution of which would lead to improved scientific understanding and prediction of climate dynamics, as well as assessment of their impacts on human and natural systems. Here, we show that the spectral theory of dynamical systems, combined with techniques from data science, provides an effective means for extracting coherent modes of climate variability from high-dimensional model and observational data, requiring no frequency prefiltering, but recovering multiple timescales and their interactions. Lifecycle composites of ENSO are shown to improve upon results from conventional indices in terms of dynamical consistency and physical interpretability. In addition, the role of combination modes between ENSO and the annual cycle in ENSO diversity is elucidated.
A nonparametric method to predict non-Markovian time series of partially observed dynamics is developed. The prediction problem we consider is a supervised learning task of finding a regression function that takes a delay embedded observable to the o bservable at a future time. When delay embedding theory is applicable, the proposed regression function is a consistent estimator of the flow map induced by the delay embedding. Furthermore, the corresponding Mori-Zwanzig equation governing the evolution of the observable simplifies to only a Markovian term, represented by the regression function. We realize this supervised learning task with a class of kernel-based linear estimators, the kernel analog forecast (KAF), which are consistent in the limit of large data. In a scenario with a high-dimensional covariate space, we employ a Markovian kernel smoothing method which is computationally cheaper than the Nystrom projection method for realizing KAF. In addition to the guaranteed theoretical convergence, we numerically demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on higher-dimensional problems where the relevant kernel features are difficult to capture with the Nystrom method. Given noisy training data, we propose a nonparametric smoother as a de-noising method. Numerically, we show that the proposed smoother is more accurate than EnKF and 4Dvar in de-noising signals corrupted by independent (but not necessarily identically distributed) noise, even if the smoother is constructed using a data set corrupted by white noise. We show skillful prediction using the KAF constructed from the denoised data.
This short review describes mathematical techniques for statistical analysis and prediction in dynamical systems. Two problems are discussed, namely (i) the supervised learning problem of forecasting the time evolution of an observable under potentia lly incomplete observations at forecast initialization; and (ii) the unsupervised learning problem of identification of observables of the system with a coherent dynamical evolution. We discuss how ideas from from operator-theoretic ergodic theory combined with statistical learning theory provide an effective route to address these problems, leading to methods well-adapted to handle nonlinear dynamics, with convergence guarantees as the amount of training data increases.
We propose a nonparametric approach for probabilistic prediction of the AL index trained with AL and solar wind ($v B_z$) data. Our framework relies on the diffusion forecasting technique, which views AL and $ v B_z $ data as observables of an autono mous, ergodic, stochastic dynamical system operating on a manifold. Diffusion forecasting builds a data-driven representation of the Markov semigroup governing the evolution of probability measures of the dynamical system. In particular, the Markov semigroup operator is represented in an orthonormal basis acquired from data using the diffusion maps algorithm and Takens delay embeddings. This representation of the evolution semigroup is used in conjunction with a Bayesian filtering algorithm for forecast initialization to predict the probability that the AL index is less than a user-selected threshold over arbitrary lead times and without requiring exogenous inputs. We find that the model produces skillful forecasts out to at least two-hour leads despite gaps in the training data.
Analog forecasting is a nonparametric technique introduced by Lorenz in 1969 which predicts the evolution of states of a dynamical system (or observables defined on the states) by following the evolution of the sample in a historical record of observ ations which most closely resembles the current initial data. Here, we introduce a suite of forecasting methods which improve traditional analog forecasting by combining ideas from kernel methods developed in harmonic analysis and machine learning and state-space reconstruction for dynamical systems. A key ingredient of our approach is to replace single-analog forecasting with weighted ensembles of analogs constructed using local similarity kernels. The kernels used here employ a number of dynamics-dependent features designed to improve forecast skill, including Takens delay-coordinate maps (to recover information in the initial data lost through partial observations) and a directional dependence on the dynamical vector field generating the data. Mathematically, our approach is closely related to kernel methods for out-of-sample extension of functions, and we discuss alternative strategies based on the Nystrom method and the multiscale Laplacian pyramids technique. We illustrate these techniques in applications to forecasting in a low-order deterministic model for atmospheric dynamics with chaotic metastability, and interannual-scale forecasting in the North Pacific sector of a comprehensive climate model. We find that forecasts based on kernel-weighted ensembles have significantly higher skill than the conventional approach following a single analog.

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