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The exact expressions for integrated maximal $U(1)_Y$ violating (MUV) $n$-point correlators in $SU(N)$ ${mathcal N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang--Mills theory are determined. The analysis generalises previous results on the integrated correlator of four su perconformal primaries and is based on supersymmetric localisation. The integrated correlators are functions of $N$ and $tau=theta/(2pi)+4pi i/g_{_{YM}}^2$, and are expressed as two-dimensional lattice sums that are modular forms with holomorphic and anti-holomorphic weights $(w,-w)$ where $w=n-4$. The correlators satisfy Laplace-difference equations that relate the $SU(N+1)$, $SU(N)$ and $SU(N-1)$ expressions and generalise the equations previously found in the $w=0$ case. The correlators can be expressed as infinite sums of Eisenstein modular forms of weight $(w,-w)$. For any fixed value of $N$ the perturbation expansion of this correlator is found to start at order $( g_{_{YM}}^2 N)^w$. The contributions of Yang--Mills instantons of charge $k>0$ are of the form $q^k, f(g_{_{YM}})$, where $q=e^{2pi i tau}$ and $f(g_{_{YM}})= O(g_{_{YM}}^{-2w})$ when $g_{_{YM}}^2 ll 1$ anti-instanton contributions have charge $k<0$ and are of the form $bar q^{|k|} , hat f(g_{_{YM}})$, where $hat f(g_{_{YM}}) = O(g_{_{YM}}^{2w})$ when $g_{_{YM}}^2 ll 1$. Properties of the large-$N$ expansion are in agreement with expectations based on the low energy expansion of flat-space type IIB superstring amplitudes. We also comment on the relation of $n$-point MUV correlators to $(n-4)$-loop contributions to the four-point correlator. In particular, we argue that it is important to ensure the $SL(2, mathbb{Z})$-covariance even in the construction of perturbative loop integrands.
We continue the analysis of modular invariant functions, subject to inhomogeneous Laplace eigenvalue equations, that were determined in terms of Poincare series in a companion paper. The source term of the Laplace equation is a product of (derivative s of) two non-holomorphic Eisenstein series whence the modular invariants are assigned depth two. These modular invariant functions can sometimes be expressed in terms of single-valued iterated integrals of holomorphic Eisenstein series as they appear in generating series of modular graph forms. We show that the set of iterated integrals of Eisenstein series has to be extended to include also iterated integrals of holomorphic cusp forms to find expressions for all modular invariant functions of depth two. The coefficients of these cusp forms are identified as ratios of their L-values inside and outside the critical strip.
We derive new Poincare-series representations for infinite families of non-holomorphic modular invariant functions that include modular graph forms as they appear in the low-energy expansion of closed-string scattering amplitudes at genus one. The Po incare series are constructed from iterated integrals over single holomorphic Eisenstein series and their complex conjugates, decorated by suitable combinations of zeta values. We evaluate the Poincare sums over these iterated Eisenstein integrals of depth one and deduce new representations for all modular graph forms built from iterated Eisenstein integrals at depth two. In a companion paper, some of the Poincare sums over depth-one integrals going beyond modular graph forms will be described in terms of iterated integrals over holomorphic cusp forms and their L-values.
We present a novel expression for an integrated correlation function of four superconformal primaries in $SU(N)$ $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM. This integrated correlator, which is based on supersymmetric localisation, has been the subject of several recent dev elopments. The correlator is re-expressed as a sum over a two dimensional lattice that is valid for all $N$ and all values of the complex Yang-Mills coupling $tau$. In this form it is manifestly invariant under $SL(2,mathbb{Z})$ Montonen-Olive duality. Furthermore, it satisfies a remarkable Laplace-difference equation that relates the $SU(N)$ to the $SU(N+1)$ and $SU(N-1)$ correlators. For any fixed value of $N$ the correlator is an infinite series of non-holomorphic Eisenstein series, $E(s;tau,bartau)$ with $sin mathbb{Z}$, and rational coefficients. The perturbative expansion of the integrated correlator is asymptotic and the $n$-loop coefficient is a rational multiple of $zeta(2n+1)$. The $n=1$ and $n=2$ terms agree precisely with results determined directly by integrating the expressions in one- and two-loop perturbative SYM. Likewise, the charge-$k$ instanton contributions have an asymptotic, but Borel summable, series of perturbative corrections. The large-$N$ expansion of the correlator with fixed $tau$ is a series in powers of $N^{1/2-ell}$ ($ellin mathbb{Z}$) with coefficients that are rational sums of $E_s$ with $sin mathbb{Z}+1/2$. This gives an all orders derivation of the form of the recently conjectured expansion. We further consider t Hooft large-$N$ Yang-Mills theory. The coefficient of each order can be expanded as a convergent series in $lambda$. For large $lambda$ this becomes an asymptotic series with coefficients that are again rational multiples of odd zeta values. The large-$lambda$ series is not Borel summable, and its resurgent non-perturbative completion is $O(exp(-2sqrt{lambda}))$.
An integrated correlator of four superconformal stress-tensor primaries of $mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory (SYM), originally obtained by localisation, is re-expressed as a two-dimensional lattice sum that is manifestly invaria nt under $SL(2,mathbb{Z})$ S-duality. This expression is shown to satisfy a novel Laplace equation in the complex coupling constant $tau$ that relates the $SU(N)$ integrated correlator to those of the $SU(N+1)$ and $SU(N-1)$ theories. The lattice sum is shown to precisely reproduce known perturbative and non-perturbative properties of $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM for any finite $N$, as well as extending previously conjectured properties of the large-$N$ expansion.
We consider special Lambert series as generating functions of divisor sums and determine their complete transseries expansion near rational roots of unity. Our methods also yield new insights into the Laurent expansions and modularity properties of i terated Eisenstein integrals that have recently attracted attention in the context of certain period integrals and string theory scattering amplitudes.

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