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Time-resolved photon detection can be used to generate entanglement between distinguishable photons. This technique can be extended to entangle quantum memories that emit photons with different frequencies and identical temporal profiles without the loss of entanglement rate or fidelity. We experimentally realize this process using remotely trapped $^{171}$Yb$^+$ ions where heralded entanglement is generated by interfering distinguishable photons. This technique may be necessary for future modular quantum systems and networks that are composed of heterogeneous qubits.
The performance of a quantum information processor depends on the precise control of phases introduced into the system during quantum gate operations. As the number of operations increases with the complexity of a computation, the phases of gates at different locations and different times must be controlled, which can be challenging for optically-driven operations. We circumvent this issue by demonstrating an entangling gate between two trapped atomic ions that is insensitive to the optical phases of the driving fields, while using a common master reference clock for all coherent qubit operations. Such techniques may be crucial for scaling to large quantum information processors in many physical platforms.
Quantum entanglement is the central resource behind applications in quantum information science, from quantum computers and simulators of complex quantum systems to metrology and secure communication. All of these applications require the quantum con trol of large networks of quantum bits (qubits) to realize gains and speedups over conventional devices. However, propagating quantum entanglement generally becomes difficult or impossible as the system grows in size, owing to the inevitable decoherence from the complexity of connections between the qubits and increased couplings to the environment. Here, we demonstrate the first step in a modular approach to scaling entanglement by utilizing a hierarchy of quantum buses on a collection of three atomic ion qubits stored in two remote ion trap modules. Entanglement within a module is achieved with deterministic near-field interactions through phonons, and remote entanglement between modules is achieved through a probabilistic interaction through photons. This minimal system allows us to address generic issues in synchronization and scalability of entanglement with multiple buses, while pointing the way toward a modular large-scale quantum computer architecture that promises less spectral crowding and less decoherence. We generate this modular entanglement faster than the observed qubit decoherence rate, thus the system can be scaled to much larger dimensions by adding more modules.

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