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We study a doped transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer in an optical microcavity. Using the microscopic theory, we simulate spectra of quasiparticles emerging due to the interaction of material excitations and a high-finesse optical mode, providi ng a comprehensive analysis of optical spectra as a function of Fermi energy and predicting several modes in the strong light-matter coupling regime. In addition to the exciton-polaritons and trion-polaritons, we report additional polaritonic modes that become bright due to the interaction of excitons with free carriers. At large doping, we reveal strongly coupled modes reminiscent of higher-order trion modes that hybridize with a cavity mode. We also demonstrate that rising the carrier concentration enables to change the nature of the systems ground state from the dark to the bright one. Our results offer a unified description of polaritonic modes in a wide range of free electron densities.
We comment on the paper A. Esposito, R. Krichevsky, and A. Nicolis, Gravitational Mass Carried by Sound Waves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 084501 (2019). Our comment aims to avoid the confusion arisen in the scientific community and beyond on how the result of Esposito et al. should be interpreted.
We consider theoretically one-dimensional polariton ring accounting for both longitudinal-transverse (TE-TM) and Zeeman splitting of spinor polariton states and spin dependent polariton-polariton interactions. We present the novel class of solutions in the form of the localized defects rotating with constant angular velocity and analyze their properties for realistic values of the parameters of the system. We show that the effects of the geometric phase arising from the interplay between external magnetic field and TE-TM splitting introduce chirality in the system and make solitons propagating in clockwise and anticlockwise directions non equivalent. This can be interpreted as solitonic analog of Aharonov-Bohm effect.
The two-dimensional Heisenberg exchange model with out-of-plane anisotropy and a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is employed to investigate the lifetime and stability of antiferromagnetic (AFM) skyrmions as a function of temperature and external ma gnetic field. An isolated AFM skyrmion is metastable at zero temperature in a certain parameter range set by two boundaries separating the skyrmion state from the uniform AFM phase and a stripe domain phase. The distribution of the energy barriers for the AFM skyrmion decay into the uniform AFM state complements the zero-temperature stability diagram and demonstrates that the skyrmion stability region is significantly narrowed at finite temperatures.We show that the AFM skyrmion stability can be enhanced by an application of magnetic field, whose strength is comparable to the spin-flop field. This stabilization of AFM skyrmions in external magnetic fields is in sharp contrast to the behavior of their ferromagnetic counterparts. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the AFM skyrmions are stable on timescales of milliseconds below 50 K for realistic material parameters, making it feasible to observe them in modern experiments.
We observe a broadband chaotic signal of Terahertz frequency emitted from a superconducting junction. The generated radiation has a wide spectrum reaching 0.7 THz and power sufficient to drive on-chip circuit elements. To our knowledge, this is the f irst experimental observation of a high-frequency chaotic signal emitted by a superconducting system which lies inside the Terahertz gap. Our experimental finding is fully confirmed by the numerical modeling based on the microscopic theory and reveals the unrealized potential of superconducting systems in chaos-based Terahertz communication, fast generation of true random numbers and non-invasive Terahertz spectroscopy applicable to physical, chemical and biological systems.
We study discrete nonlinear edge excitations of polaritonic kagome lattice. We show that when nontrivial topological phase of polaritons is realized, the kagome lattice permits propagation of bright solitons formed from topological edge states.
An external off-resonant pumping is proposed as a tool to control the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in ferromagnetic layers with strong spin-orbit coupling. Combining theoretical analysis with numerical simulations for an $s$-$d$-like model we demonstrate that linearly polarized off-resonant light may help stabilizing novel noncollinear magnetic phases by inducing a strong anisotropy of the DMI. We also investigate how with the application of electromagnetic pumping one can control the stability, shape and size of individual skyrmions to make them suitable for potential applications.
We elaborate a theoretical description of large Josephson junctions which is based on the Werthamers microscopic tunneling theory. The model naturally incorporates coupling of electromagnetic radiation to the tunnel currents and, therefore, is partic ularly suitable for description of the self-coupling effect in Josephson junction. In our numerical calculations we treat the arising integro-differential equation, which describes temporal evolution of the superconducting phase difference coupled to the electromagnetic field, by the Odintsov-Semenov-Zorin algorithm. This allows us to avoid evaluation of the time integrals at each time step while taking into account all the memory effects. To validate the obtained microscopic model of large Josephson junction we focus our attention on the Josephson flux flow oscillator. The proposed microscopic model of flux flow oscillator does not involve the phenomenological damping parameter, rather, the damping is taken into account naturally in the tunnel current amplitudes calculated at a given temperature. The theoretically calculated current-voltage characteristics is compared to our experimental results obtained for a set of fabricated flux flow oscillators of different lengths. Our theoretical calculation agrees well with the obtained experimental results, and, to our knowledge, is the first where theoretical description of Josephson flux flow oscillator is brought beyond the perturbed sine-Gordon equation.
We study a system of microcavity pillars arranged into a kagome lattice. We show that polarization-dependent tunnel coupling of microcavity pillars leads to the emergence of the effective spin-orbit interaction consisting of the Dresselhaus and Rashb a terms, similar to the case of polaritonic graphene studied earlier. Appearance of the effective spin-orbit interaction combined with the time-reversal symmetry-breaking resulting from the application of the magnetic field leads to the nontrivial topological properties of the Bloch bundles of polaritonic wavefunction. These are manifested in opening of the gap in the band structure and topological edge states localized on the boundary. Such states are analogs of the edge states arising in topological insulators. Our study of polarization properties of the edge states clearly demonstrate that opening of the gap is associated with the band inversion in the region of the Dirac points of the Brillouin zone where the two bands corresponding to polaritons of opposite polarizations meet. For one particular type of boundary we observe a highly nonlinear energy dispersion of the edge state which makes polaritonic kagome lattice a promising system for observation of edge state solitons.
We generalize the spin Meissner effect for exciton-polariton condensate confined in annular geometries to the case of non-trivial topology of the condensate wavefunction. In contrast to the conventional spin Meissner state, topological spin Meissner states can in principle be observed at arbitrary high magnetic field not limited by the critical magnetic field value for the condensate in a simply-connected geometry. One special example of the topological Meissner states are half-vortices. We show that in the absence of magnetic field half-vortices in a ring exist in a form of superposition of elementary half-vortex states which resolves recent experimental results where such puzzling superposition was observed. Furthermore, we show that if a pure half-vortex state is to be observed, a non-zero magnetic field of a specific magnitude needs to be applied. Studying exciton-polariton in a ring in presence of TE-TM splitting, we observe spin Meissner states which break rotational symmetry of the system by developing inhomogeneous density distributions. We classify various states arising in presence of non-zero TE-TM splitting based on what states they can be continued from by increasing the TE-TM splitting parameter from zero. With further increasing TE-TM splitting, states with broken symmetry may transform into stable half-dark solitons and therefore may serve as a useful tool to generate various non-trivial states of a spinor condensate.

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