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61 - Ci. Li , Zhi. Song 2015
A conventional quantum phase transition (QPT) occurs not only at zero temperature, but also exhibits finite-temperature quantum criticality. Motivated by the discovery of the pseudo-Hermiticity of non-Hermitian systems, we explore the finite-temperat ure quantum criticality in a non-Hermitian PT -symmetric Ising model. We present the complete set of exact eigenstates of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, based on which the mixed-state fidelity in the context of biorthogonal bases is calculated. Analytical and numerical results show that the fidelity approach to finite-temperature QPT can be extended to the non-Hermitian Ising model. This paves the way for experimental detection of quantum criticality in a complex-parameter plane.
338 - Ci. Li , Zhi. Song 2015
We study quantum phase transitions in non-Hermitian XY and transverse-field Ising spin chains, in which the non-Hermiticity arises from the imaginary magnetic field. Analytical and numerical results show that at exceptional points, coalescing eigenst ates in these models close to W, distant Bell and GHZ states, which can be steady states in dynamical preparation scheme proposed by T. D. Lee et. al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 250401 (2014)). Selecting proper initial states, numerical simulations demonstrate the time evolution process to the target states with high fidelity.
142 - Ci. Li , Zhi. Song 2015
We study the scattering problem of photon and polariton in a one-dimensional coupled-cavity system. Analytical approximate analysis and numerical simulation show that a photon can stimulate the photon emission from a polariton through polariton-photo n collisions. This observation opens the possibility of photon-stimulated transition from insulating to radiative phase in a coupled-cavity QED system. Inversely, we also find that a polariton can be generated by a two-photon Raman scattering process. This paves the way towards single photon storage by the aid of atom-cavity interaction.

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