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3D multi-object tracking in LiDAR point clouds is a key ingredient for self-driving vehicles. Existing methods are predominantly based on the tracking-by-detection pipeline and inevitably require a heuristic matching step for the detection associatio n. In this paper, we present SimTrack to simplify the hand-crafted tracking paradigm by proposing an end-to-end trainable model for joint detection and tracking from raw point clouds. Our key design is to predict the first-appear location of each object in a given snippet to get the tracking identity and then update the location based on motion estimation. In the inference, the heuristic matching step can be completely waived by a simple read-off operation. SimTrack integrates the tracked object association, newborn object detection, and dead track killing in a single unified model. We conduct extensive evaluations on two large-scale datasets: nuScenes and Waymo Open Dataset. Experimental results reveal that our simple approach compares favorably with the state-of-the-art methods while ruling out the heuristic matching rules.
Autonomous driving can benefit from motion behavior comprehension when interacting with diverse traffic participants in highly dynamic environments. Recently, there has been a growing interest in estimating class-agnostic motion directly from point c louds. Current motion estimation methods usually require vast amount of annotated training data from self-driving scenes. However, manually labeling point clouds is notoriously difficult, error-prone and time-consuming. In this paper, we seek to answer the research question of whether the abundant unlabeled data collections can be utilized for accurate and efficient motion learning. To this end, we propose a learning framework that leverages free supervisory signals from point clouds and paired camera images to estimate motion purely via self-supervision. Our model involves a point cloud based structural consistency augmented with probabilistic motion masking as well as a cross-sensor motion regularization to realize the desired self-supervision. Experiments reveal that our approach performs competitively to supervised methods, and achieves the state-of-the-art result when combining our self-supervised model with supervised fine-tuning.
Learning to estimate 3D geometry in a single frame and optical flow from consecutive frames by watching unlabeled videos via deep convolutional network has made significant progress recently. Current state-of-the-art (SoTA) methods treat the two task s independently. One typical assumption of the existing depth estimation methods is that the scenes contain no independent moving objects. while object moving could be easily modeled using optical flow. In this paper, we propose to address the two tasks as a whole, i.e. to jointly understand per-pixel 3D geometry and motion. This eliminates the need of static scene assumption and enforces the inherent geometrical consistency during the learning process, yielding significantly improved results for both tasks. We call our method as Every Pixel Counts++ or EPC++. Specifically, during training, given two consecutive frames from a video, we adopt three parallel networks to predict the camera motion (MotionNet), dense depth map (DepthNet), and per-pixel optical flow between two frames (OptFlowNet) respectively. The three types of information are fed into a holistic 3D motion parser (HMP), and per-pixel 3D motion of both rigid background and moving objects are disentangled and recovered. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on datasets with different scenes, including driving scenario (KITTI 2012 and KITTI 2015 datasets), mixed outdoor/indoor scenes (Make3D) and synthetic animation (MPI Sintel dataset). Performance on the five tasks of depth estimation, optical flow estimation, odometry, moving object segmentation and scene flow estimation shows that our approach outperforms other SoTA methods. Code will be available at: https://github.com/chenxuluo/EPC.

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