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We introduce a new image editing and synthesis framework, Stochastic Differential Editing (SDEdit), based on a recent generative model using stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Given an input image with user edits (e.g., hand-drawn color stroke s), we first add noise to the input according to an SDE, and subsequently denoise it by simulating the reverse SDE to gradually increase its likelihood under the prior. Our method does not require task-specific loss function designs, which are critical components for recent image editing methods based on GAN inversion. Compared to conditional GANs, we do not need to collect new datasets of original and edited images for new applications. Therefore, our method can quickly adapt to various editing tasks at test time without re-training models. Our approach achieves strong performance on a wide range of applications, including image synthesis and editing guided by stroke paintings and image compositing.
Conditional generative models of high-dimensional images have many applications, but supervision signals from conditions to images can be expensive to acquire. This paper describes Diffusion-Decoding models with Contrastive representations (D2C), a p aradigm for training unconditional variational autoencoders (VAEs) for few-shot conditional image generation. D2C uses a learned diffusion-based prior over the latent representations to improve generation and contrastive self-supervised learning to improve representation quality. D2C can adapt to novel generation tasks conditioned on labels or manipulation constraints, by learning from as few as 100 labeled examples. On conditional generation from new labels, D2C achieves superior performance over state-of-the-art VAEs and diffusion models. On conditional image manipulation, D2C generations are two orders of magnitude faster to produce over StyleGAN2 ones and are preferred by 50% - 60% of the human evaluators in a double-blind study.
While autoregressive models excel at image compression, their sample quality is often lacking. Although not realistic, generated images often have high likelihood according to the model, resembling the case of adversarial examples. Inspired by a succ essful adversarial defense method, we incorporate randomized smoothing into autoregressive generative modeling. We first model a smoothed version of the data distribution, and then reverse the smoothing process to recover the original data distribution. This procedure drastically improves the sample quality of existing autoregressive models on several synthetic and real-world image datasets while obtaining competitive likelihoods on synthetic datasets.
Contrastive learning methods have significantly narrowed the gap between supervised and unsupervised learning on computer vision tasks. In this paper, we explore their application to remote sensing, where unlabeled data is often abundant but labeled data is scarce. We first show that due to their different characteristics, a non-trivial gap persists between contrastive and supervised learning on standard benchmarks. To close the gap, we propose novel training methods that exploit the spatiotemporal structure of remote sensing data. We leverage spatially aligned images over time to construct temporal positive pairs in contrastive learning and geo-location to design pre-text tasks. Our experiments show that our proposed method closes the gap between contrastive and supervised learning on image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation for remote sensing and other geo-tagged image datasets.
Autoregressive models use chain rule to define a joint probability distribution as a product of conditionals. These conditionals need to be normalized, imposing constraints on the functional families that can be used. To increase flexibility, we prop ose autoregressive conditional score models (AR-CSM) where we parameterize the joint distribution in terms of the derivatives of univariate log-conditionals (scores), which need not be normalized. To train AR-CSM, we introduce a new divergence between distributions named Composite Score Matching (CSM). For AR-CSM models, this divergence between data and model distributions can be computed and optimized efficiently, requiring no expensive sampling or adversarial training. Compared to previous score matching algorithms, our method is more scalable to high dimensional data and more stable to optimize. We show with extensive experimental results that it can be applied to density estimation on synthetic data, image generation, image denoising, and training latent variable models with implicit encoders.
Denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) have achieved high quality image generation without adversarial training, yet they require simulating a Markov chain for many steps to produce a sample. To accelerate sampling, we present denoising dif fusion implicit models (DDIMs), a more efficient class of iterative implicit probabilistic models with the same training procedure as DDPMs. In DDPMs, the generative process is defined as the reverse of a Markovian diffusion process. We construct a class of non-Markovian diffusion processes that lead to the same training objective, but whose reverse process can be much faster to sample from. We empirically demonstrate that DDIMs can produce high quality samples $10 times$ to $50 times$ faster in terms of wall-clock time compared to DDPMs, allow us to trade off computation for sample quality, and can perform semantically meaningful image interpolation directly in the latent space.

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