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Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering is a type of quantum correlation which allows one to remotely prepare, or steer, the state of a distant quantum system. While EPR steering can be thought of as a purely spatial correlation there does exist a tem poral analogue, in the form of single-system temporal steering. However, a precise quantification of such temporal steering has been lacking. Here we show that it can be measured, via semidefinite programming, with a temporal steerable weight, in direct analogy to the recently proposed EPR steerable weight. We find a useful property of the temporal steerable weight in that it is a non-increasing function under completely-positive trace-preserving maps and can be used to define a sufficient and practical measure of strong non-Markovianity.
Quantum steering is the ability to remotely prepare different quantum states by using entangled pairs as a resource. Very recently, the concept of steering has been quantified with the use of inequalities, leading to substantial applications in quant um information and communication science. Here, we highlight that there exists a natural temporal analogue of the steering inequality when considering measurements on a single object at different times. We give non-trivial operational meaning to violations of this temporal inequality by showing that it is connected to the security bound in the BB84 protocol and thus may have applications in quantum communication.
We investigate, using the Hierarchy method, the entanglement and the excitation transfer efficiency of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex under two different local modifications: the suppression of transitions between particular sites and localized cha nges to the protein environment. We find that inhibiting the connection between the site-5 and site-6, or disconnecting site-5 from the complex completely, leads to an dramatic enhancement of the entanglement between site-6 and site-7. Similarly, the transfer efficiency actually increases if site-5 is disconnected from the complex entirely. We further show that if site-5 and site-7 are conjointly removed, the efficiency falls. This suggests that while not contributing to the transport efficiency in a normal complex, site-5 introduces a redundant transport route in case of damage to site-7. Our results suggest an overall robustness of excitation energy transfer in the FMO complex under mutations, local defects, and other abnormal situations.
Quantum teleportation and quantum memory are two crucial elements for large-scale quantum networks. With the help of prior distributed entanglement as a quantum channel, quantum teleportation provides an intriguing means to faithfully transfer quantu m states among distant locations without actual transmission of the physical carriers. Quantum memory enables controlled storage and retrieval of fast-flying photonic quantum bits with stationary matter systems, which is essential to achieve the scalability required for large-scale quantum networks. Combining these two capabilities, here we realize quantum teleportation between two remote atomic-ensemble quantum memory nodes, each composed of 100 million rubidium atoms and connected by a 150-meter optical fiber. The spinwave state of one atomic ensemble is mapped to a propagating photon, and subjected to Bell-state measurements with another single photon that is entangled with the spinwave state of the other ensemble. Two-photon detection events herald the success of teleportation with an average fidelity of 88(7)%. Besides its fundamental interest as the first teleportation between two remote macroscopic objects, our technique may be useful for quantum information transfer between different nodes in quantum networks and distributed quantum computing.
The heralded generation of entangled states is a long-standing goal in quantum information processing, because it is indispensable for a number of quantum protocols. Polarization entangled photon pairs are usually generated through spontaneous parame tric down-conversion, but the emission is probabilistic. Their applications are generally accompanied by post-selection and destructive photon detection. Here, we report a source of entanglement generated in an event-ready manner by conditioned detection of auxiliary photons. This scheme benefits from the stable and robust properties of spontaneous parametric down-conversion and requires only modest experimental efforts. It is flexible and allows the preparation efficiency to be significantly improved by using beamsplitters with different transmission ratios. We have achieved a fidelity better than 87% and a state preparation efficiency of 45% for the source. This could offer promise in essential photonics-based quantum information tasks, and particularly in enabling optical quantum computing by reducing dramatically the computational overhead.
We report an experimental realization of one-way quantum computing on a two-photon four-qubit cluster state. This is accomplished by developing a two-photon cluster state source entangled both in polarization and spatial modes. With this special sour ce, we implemented a highly efficient Grovers search algorithm and high-fidelity two qubits quantum gates. Our experiment demonstrates that such cluster states could serve as an ideal source and a building block for rapid and precise optical quantum computation.

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