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We present here a provenance management system adapted to astronomical projects needs. We collected use cases from various astronomy projects and defined a data model in the ecosystem developed by the IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance) . From those use cases, we observed that some projects already have data collections generated and archived, from which the provenance has to be extracted (provenance on top), and some projects are building complex pipelines that automatically capture provenance information during the data processing (capture inside). Different tools and prototypes have been developed and tested to capture, store, access and visualize the provenance information, which participate to the shaping of a full provenance management system able to handle detailed provenance information.
We developed several pieces of software to enable the tracking of provenance information for the large-scale complex astronomical observatory CTA, the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Such major facilities produce data that will be publicly released to a l arge community of scientists. There are thus strong requirements to ensure data quality, reliability and trustworthiness. Among those requirements, traceability and reproducibility of the data products have to be included in the development of large projects. Those requirements can be answered by structuring and storing the provenance information for each data product. We followed the Provenance data model, currently discussed at the IVOA, and implemented solutions to collect provenance information during the CTA data processing and the execution of jobs on a work cluster.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory will probe the non-thermal universe above 20 GeV up to several hundreds of TeV with a significant improvement in sensitivity and angular resolution compared to current experiments. Its outstanding capab ilities will allow to increase the number of extragalactic cosmic accelerators detected at very high energy (VHE) and therefore to better constrain the population of VHE accelerators and the gamma-ray absorption processes in the intergalactic medium. For the first time in the history of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs), CTA will be an open observatory and high-level data will be made available to the astronomical community. Gammapy is an open-source Python package developed by the Cherenkov telescope community that provides tools to simulate the gamma-ray sky and analyse IACT data. The versatile architecture of, and steady user contributions to Gammapy enable a large variety of high-level data analyses. Examples of Gaammapy applications are presented, particularly in the context of extragalactic science with CTA.
Blazars are usually classified following their synchrotron peak frequency ($ u F( u)$ scale) as high, intermediate, low frequency peaked BL Lacs (HBLs, IBLs, LBLs), and flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), or, according to their radio morphology at l arge scale, FR~I or FR~II. However, the diversity of blazars is such that these classes seem insufficient to chart the specific properties of each source. We propose to classify a wide sample of blazars following the kinematic features of their radio jets seen in very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). For this purpose we use public data from the MOJAVE collaboration in which we select a sample of blazars with known redshift and sufficient monitoring to constrain apparent velocities. We selected 161 blazars from a sample of 200 sources. We identify three distinct classes of VLBI jets depending on radio knot kinematics: class I with quasi-stationary knots, class II with knots in relativistic motion from the radio core, and class I/II, intermediate, showing quasi-stationary knots at the jet base and relativistic motions downstream. A notable result is the good overlap of this kinematic classification with the usual spectral classification; class I corresponds to HBLs, class II to FSRQs, and class I/II to IBLs/LBLs. We deepen this study by characterizing the physical parameters of jets from VLBI radio data. Hence we focus on the singular case of the class I/II by the study of the blazar BL Lac itself. Finally we show how the interpretation that radio knots are recollimation shocks is fully appropriate to describe the characteristics of these three classes.
Context. The study of BL Lac objects (BLL) detected in gamma-rays gives insights on the acceleration mechanisms in play in such systems and is also a valuable tool to constrain the density of the extragalactic background light. As their spectra are d ominated by the non-thermal emission of the jet and the spectral features are weak and narrow in the optical domain, measuring their redshift is challenging. However such a measure is fundamental as it allows a firm determination of the distance and luminosity of the source, and therefore a consistent model of its emission. Aims. Measurement of the redshift of BLL detected in gamma-rays and determination of global properties of their host galaxies. Methods. We observed a sample of eight BLL (KUV 00311-1938, PKS 0447-439, PKS 0301-243, BZB J0238-3116, BZB J0543-5532, BZB J0505+0415, BZB J0816-1311 and RBS 334) with the X-shooter spectrograph installed at the ESO Very Large Telescope in order to take advantage of its unprecedented wavelength coverage and of its resolution about 5 times higher than generally used in such studies. We extracted UVB to NIR spectra that we then corrected for telluric absorption and calibrated in flux. We systematically searched for spectral features. When possible, we determined the contribution of the host galaxy to the overall emission. Results. Of the eight BLL, we measured the redshift of five of them and determined lower limits for two through the detection of intervening systems. All seven of these objects have redshifts greater than 0.2. In two cases, we refuted redshift values reported in other publications. Through careful modelling, we determined the magnitude of the host galaxies. In two cases, the detection of emission lines allowed to provide hints on the overall properties of the gas in the host galaxies.
We present results of observations in the UV to near-IR range for eight blazars, three of which have been recently discovered at Very High Energies (VHE) and five appearing as interesting candidates for VHE {gamma}-ray detection. We focus in this pap er on the search for their redshifts, which are unknown or considered as uncertain.
In our previous paper, we have reported the detection of a Balmer edge absorption feature in the polarized flux of one quasar (Ton 202). We have now found similar Balmer edge features in the polarized flux of four more quasars (4C09.72, 3C95, B2 1208 +32, 3C323.1), and possibly a few more, out of 14 newly observed with the VLT and Keck telescopes. In addition, we also re-observed Ton 202, but we did not detect such a dramatic feature, apparently due to polarization variability (the two observations are one-year apart). The polarization measurements of some quasars are affected by an interstellar polarization in our Galaxy, but the measurements have been corrected for this effect reasonably well. Since the broad emission lines are essentially unpolarized and the polarization is confined only to the continuum in the five quasars including Ton 202 in both epochs, the polarized flux is considered to originate interior to the broad emission line region. The Balmer edge feature seen in the polarized flux is most simply interpreted as an intrinsic spectral feature of the quasar UV/optical continuum, or the ``Big Blue Bump emission. In this case, the edge feature seen in absorption indeed indicates the thermal and optically-thick nature of the continuum emitted. However, we also discuss other possible interpretations.
Polarimetric study in the UV and optical has been one of the keys to reveal the structure and nature of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Combined with the HSTs high spatial resolution, it has directly confirmed the predicted scattering geometry of ~100 pc scale and accurately located the hidden nuclear position in some nearby active galaxies. Recently, we are using optical spectropolarimetry to reveal the nature of the accretion flow in the central engine of quasars. This is to use polarized light to de-contaminate the spectrum and investigate the Balmer edge spectral feature, which is otherwise buried under the strong emission from the outer region surrounding the central engine.
The ultraviolet/optical continuum of quasars is thought to be from an accretion flow around a supermassive black hole, and it dominates the radiative output of quasars. However, the nature of this emission, often called the Big Blue Bump, has not bee n well understood. Robust evidence for its thermal nature would be a continuum opacity edge feature intrinsic to this component, but this has not been clearly confirmed despite the predictions by many models. We are now developing and exploiting a new method to detect the Balmer edge of hydrogen opacity. The method overcomes for certain objects the major obstacle of the heavy contamination from emissions outside the nucleus by taking the polarized flux spectrum. If our interpretation of the polarized flux is correct, our data show that the Big Blue Bump emission has a Balmer edge in absorption, indicating that the emission is indeed thermal, and the emitter is optically thick.

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